

 Prostitution not an offence, its public solicitation is: Bombay high court


MUMBAI: Observing that prostitution, by itself, is neither a criminal offence under law, nor punishable, but its public solicitation is, the Bombay high court set aside lower courts’ orders that detained three women in a corrective home for almost a year. The court ordered that they be released immediately.


Last year, following a raid at a Malad guest house, the three women—the youngest aged 20—were picked up as ‘victims’ and their alleged pimp was arrested and booked under provisions of the Immoral Traffic (Prevention) Act.



“What is punishable under the Act is sexual exploitation or abuse of person for commercial purpose and to earn the bread, except where a person is carrying on prostitution in a public place or is found soliciting or seducing another person,” said Justice Prithviraj Chavan in his order on Thursday.


The women were adults, the Bombay HC said, and entitled to their fundamental right to move freely and choose their own vocation. The HC was critical of the lower courts—a Mazgaon magistrate and the Dindoshi sessions court—for not considering the consent of the ‘victims’ before ordering their detention in the corrective home. The HC said that even the magistrate appears to have been “swayed by the fact that the petitioners belong to a particular caste”.


The women, through advocate Ashok Saraogi, had challenged the lower court orders of October and November 2019. The HC quashed them as being “bad in law”.


The Bombay high court also noted several “glaring discrepancies” in the raid report and failure of the magistrate in inquiring whether the alleged pimp was running a brothel or procuring women.



译文来源:三泰虎 https://www.santaihu.com/p/50928.html   译者:Jessica.Wu


it's time to legalize the oldest profession of the world. as long as there is no human trafficking angle involved prostitution should be ok. this would certainly bring down the rape cases as well.




Very good decision. Democracy means freedom to choose to liberty to think and voice. What and who can interfere in my personal affairs when I am not danger to society or interfering anybody's life unwarranted.



Yes tomorrow you will ask to make Drugs Legal in the country as Democracy means Freedom to chose to smoke anything that you want!!!



Rama Krishna B

Good. Hope all the courts now follow the same judgement.




Prostitution, Drugs, Gambling can never be controlled anywhere on earth


gm badal

Don't blame earth you must blame your India which is renowned in the world as rapist country.



Rene Fernandez

The reality in India is that most of the clients that have quickies with prostitutes are married men . Thie need of the hour is to legalize prostitution across the country as it is a way of earning money and this profession is the oldest in the world . By legalizing it India can get rid of the pimps etc who exploit women



Sharad Nibandhe

Very Good Decision. Any Woman can choose to do prostitution, it's just like any other profession.



martyn singh

Very good decision. This will help many to do their profession in a better way. As long as theres no pim or human trafficking involved its fine. Hope it reduces rapes as well.



Aaditya Kulkarni

People sell what they have for a living. Prostitutes sell their body. Intelligent people sell/rent their brain to capitalists to earn money. Laborer's sell their physical work. All are similar as long as it is voluntary and there is no exploitation.



What is in Name

Our Indian society is highly hypocritic. In public we wear a musk of honesty but behind we do all types of immoral, unethical activities. If prostitution is legalized in proper way it'll bring good. It'll bring down the chance of HIV. Presently everything is done but illegally and harmfully.



Leon Fernandes

prostitution has to be legalized. welcome decision.



Dv Amla

Best is to legalize prostitution an age old profession with clearlity and rules for betterment of Society.


Mohan Turaga

It is already legal, that is what the court said. Please know the subject before writing.



Tiger Shabs

Prostitution is NEVER an offence if legally practiced, second rape cases will NEVER come down due to prostitutions , Rape case will ONLY come down with one solution that is Capital Punishment



Raj Vihol

Only because of these prostitutes, the other women can move freely in societ. They are not creminal, they are social scavanger and life saver of brocken hearts. Perfect justice is done.



Balachandramenon Vengasserry

Let all cities in India have medium to large Govt recognised brothels so that at least rape incidents in India will come to an end.



Surya Kant Agrawal

Please legalize prostitution.



Kalyan Chakravarthy

Prostitution has always been legal in India. But pim is illegal.




Let's stop being primitive and legalize the world's oldest profession



Tsr The Urbanist

Legitimating it would reduce the incidences of Rapes to certain extent. It is like Drinking & Smoking, whose effects would be restricted to the individuals



Honest Soul

Regulate this profession and make it legal


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