

 JCO, 4 soldiers killed in Poonch gunfight with terrorists

一名初级军官,4名士兵在与恐 怖分子的枪战中丧生


JAMMU: A junior commissioned officer (JCO) was among five Army personnel killed in a gunfight with a group of terrorists holed up in a hideout at Surankote in the frontier Jammu district of Poonch on Monday, making this the highest number of casualties suffered by the armed forces in a single encounter in J&K this year.

查谟:周一,一名初级军官(JCO)和4名士兵在与恐 怖分子的枪战中丧生,这些恐 怖分子藏身于边境查谟邦邦的苏兰科特,这是今年查谟克什米尔地区武装部队遭遇的最高伤亡人数。

By evening, the operation to smoke out the terrorists had spread beyond the initially targeted hideout in the forested Chamrer area of Surankote to adjoining Bhangai village of Rajouri district. "The operational area is the same. The terrorists moved to the other frontier location to possibly escape being hemmed in by the advancing security forces. Till we last received information (around 9.30pm), the operation was underway," an official said.

到晚上,搜捕恐 怖分子的行动已经从最初的目标-苏兰科特的Chamrer森林地区扩大到邻近的拉贾乌里区班盖村。“行动区域是一样的。恐 怖分子转移到另一个边境地区,可能是为了躲避不断推进的安全部队的包围。直到我们最后一次收到消息(大约晚上9:30),行动还在进行中,”一位官员说。

The Army couldn't immediately confirm if any of the terrorists had been killed.

军方无法立即证实是否有恐 怖分子被击毙。

The slain JCO, Naib Subedar Jaswinder Singh, and two of the four soldiers killed in action — Naik Mandeep Singh and sepoy Gajjan Singh — were from Punjab. The other two, sepoys Saraj Singh and Vaisakh H, were from UP and Kerala respectively. Since January, eight Army personnel have died fighting terrorists in Jammu division alone. Three others were killed in ceasefire violations by Pakistan along the Line of Control.

被杀的初级军官Naib Subedar Jaswinder,以及在行动中被杀的四名士兵中的两名都来自旁遮普。另外两名印度士兵分别来自北方邦和喀拉拉邦。自1月以来,仅在查谟分区就有8名陆军人员在与恐 怖分子的战斗中丧生。另有三人因巴基斯坦在控制线违反停火协议而死亡。

The Army had launched the cordon-and-search operation in villages close to Dera Ki Gali in Surankote early on Monday, based on intelligence inputs about four to five terrorists hiding there, Jammu-based defence spokesperson Lt Col Devender Anand said. Naib Subedar Jaswinder and four soldiers were critically injured within the first few hours of the operation as the cornered terrorists fired relentlessly to keep the forces at bay. All five died shortly after being moved to a nearby health facility.

查谟的国防部发言人表示,根据情报显示大约有四到五名恐 怖分子藏在苏兰科特省德拉基加利附近的村庄,周一早些时候,军队在那里启动了警戒和搜索行动。Naib Subedar Jaswinder和四名士兵在行动的头几个小时内受了重伤,被围困的恐 怖分子开火,牵制住了他们。这五人在被转移到附近的医疗机构后不久死亡。


Pratik T

Entire family of local terrorists should be shot dead.

恐 怖分子全家都应该被击毙。


Sun Rise

This is a situation where the Apache helicopters should be used.



Kashmir Singh

Kill all 450 people arrested fir terrorists links. Half of the probplem will be solved.

杀死所有与恐 怖分子有关联的450名被捕人员,一半的问题将得到解决。


Raghunandan Padhi

Are BSF slee in the LOC ???? so that paki terrorists can easily infiltrate


不然这些巴基斯坦恐 怖分子怎么能轻易渗透


DJ AJ Reddy

The commander in charge of this operation must be fired immediately. How disgraceful that we lost 5 of ours. Why are we not taking precautions. Why are we not employing drones, robots and other technology? Change the method of operation right away or call the Israelis for help if you can't do it.





God bless all of these young. RIP .Problem will not go away until you send 1 million Hindus and 1 lakh retired army personals to settle there and do not give sensitive jobs to one community..




its fishy .there are no coincindences in politics



Justin Seth

It is very tragic for even one soldier to get killied. Why would the front line soldiers not be given bullet proof vest ? There are several fabrics developed with new technology which is light weight and penetration resistant.




Why is PM and Homeminister silent.

They only talk where votes matter.

It is high time and shameful to loose 5 jawans (4 Sikhs) to terrorists


5名印度士兵(4名锡克教徒)命丧恐 怖分子之手,这是可耻的



There is a head of the snake. CUT IT. No point cuttings its tail. It will regrow as long as the head remains.



Not God

 Not a single Gujrati died for freedom of IndIa or any other border wars in Indian history... I SALUTE THESE BRAVE JAWANS WHO WERE PROTECTING US... jAI JWAN --



Bharat Sharma

OMG... result of having fake and weak PM in Delhi



Not God

For those Bhakats who were bashing farmers and calling Sikhs terrorists shame on you .. These Officers gave their lives for India .. While you were s;ee[omg [eacefi;;u they were protecting you.. Next time when you call Sikhs terrists think twice.. Jai Hind.. RIP

那些抨击农民,称锡克教徒为恐 怖分子的印度教徒,你们真可耻…这些军官为印度献出了生命,他们在保护你们。下次当你们说锡克教徒为恐 怖分子时,请三思。安息吧,印度必胜!


Prince Elbow

One side China other side Pakistan!? Inside web have Congress the biggest domestic Terrorist



Nature Truth

Soon Nepal will join as 3rd side like last year, then Bangladesh, SL, Myanmar...and NE 7 States will join too.



Anil Agrawal

We are loosing too many our soldiers in these encounters. An all out war should be conducted in Kashmir to eliminate all the terrorist's and Pakistan supporters. Note that none of opposition party leader have anything to say against terrorist and loss of our brave soldiers while performing their duty.

在这些交锋中,我们被打死太多的士兵。我们应该在克什米尔进行一场全面战争,消灭所有恐 怖分子和巴基斯坦支持者。请注意,没有一个反对党领导人抨击恐 怖分子,为我们勇敢的士兵在履行职责时的牺牲说过任何话。


Gopinath Krishna

Because we use Chinese cheap unwanted goods.



Nature Truth

Because Indians are not welcome in IOK from begng.



Leo K

Great job by masterstroke feku baba by removing article 370. It's giving great results



User Pujari

The peace will be found only after we decimate Pakistan!


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