

Why are Indians bragging about their economic clout even though India and Pakistan's per capita gross national income is the same?





Stephen Phillips

Because India is many times bigger.

And feels inferior to China but at least can feel superior to Pakistan.

Maybe India and Pakistan should be merged under the guidance of some benevolent third country?







Kanthaswamy Balasubramaniam

Two Parts

Let's deal with this Income part

Per Capita Income doesn't decide economic strength. It decides economic distribution and prosperity.





India has too many people so it's Prosperity overall is low income.

Pakistan has too little economic strength so it's prosperity is low income

That's the difference

It means India has growth potential that is perhaps 6–7 times that of even a normal Pakistan and maybe 15 times that of today's broken Pakistan.





Why are Indians always bragging about their Economic Clout?

To maybe feel good.

We somehow always feel inferior and that we aren't develo to our potential.

We are especially sensitive about the Army, Technology and Economy

So we compensate by bragging and boasting about the most mundane facts on all of these

Yet not even once do we boast about the real things India should be proud of

Like I haven't heard one Quoran praising India for how strongly we ensured that the G20 Foreign Ministers meet ended without a Western walkout or the beggar Kuleba (Ukraine FM) making a speech or any joint resolution on Ukraine or Russian Aggression.

That's CLOUT.









Instead we talk of how Indians can go to the bathroom better than anyone else or how Indians are CEOs all over the world or how Sunak is PM and how in the most bizzare manner is it a win for India

Plus the Fifth Largest Economy nonsense has been the most quoted stuff on Quora.

It's actually embarrassing




For instance do you know TINY SINGAPORE, TEENY TINY SINGAPORE earns more money from refined crude exports than India

Do you know that Qatar, Teeny tiny Qatar can actually cut a cheque and pay $ 50 Billion in 1 hour which we can't because we don't have $ 50 Billion in liquid reserves and will need instrument issues and at least 27 signatures to get a parallel credit from Zurich or New York which may take 4–6 days.

It's just an inferiority complex and nothing else

It will disappear when we actually start achieving stuff in the areas of Technology, Army and Economy








Subramaniam Duraisamy

Because “per- capita" is a meaningless metric without taking into account the “capita" factor which is population.

A family where 4 earning members each having an income of Rs. 50k per month would have the same or less per capita income of a family where there is only one earning member earning Rs. 80k per month.

But 4 members earning 50k each contribute much more to the overall family income than just one member earning 80k. Thus “per-capita" is a meaningless metric if you don't compare the size of the family they are providing for.

India's economy is much larger in absolute size due to the size of the working population . As more people earn progressively more overall economic size also increases. That is the difference between India and Pakistan.





Our country is much bigger, much more diverse and much stable than Pakistan. So it makes little sense to compare with Pakistan.

Our comparison should be with larger population nations and with comparable size. Apart from China and USA there is no nation to compare ourselves against. Here too- China is an nation with as much inequality as India in social indicators. USA has been a stable de ocracy for 200 years. So there is no proper benchmark to compare.

Let's not forget while we have a big population to feed, we are also a younger nation and more earning members than European nations. Do not underestimate the power of numbers








It is not accurate to say that Indians are bragging about their economic clout solely based on their per capita gross national income being the same as Pakistan's. There are many factors that contribute to a country's economic strength, such as GDP growth, size of the economy, foreign investments, and infrastructure development, among others.

India has been experiencing a steady economic growth over the past few decades, with a rapidly expanding middle class and a booming tech industry. The country has also made significant progress in reducing poverty levels, improving education and healthcare, and increasing access to financial services. These are some of the factors that may contribute to a sense of economic pride among Indians.



Additionally, comparing India and Pakistan solely based on per capita gross national income can be misleading, as both countries have significant economic disparities within their respective populations. For example, India has a higher number of billionaires and a larger middle class compared to Pakistan, while Pakistan has a higher poverty rate and a larger informal economy. Therefore, it is important to consider a range of factors beyond just per capita income when evaluating a country's economic strength.





Subhabrata Mukhuti

India’s economic clout comes from its size, and not per capita income.

As the 5th largest economy in nominal term and 3rd largest by PPP, it enjoys premium seat in world economic pecking order despite being a low middle income country.

Indians bragging about their economic clout of India are a vocal over-represented minority who would rather compare with lowly Pakistan to make themselves feel good than compare with any other develo countries with good economic performance in the last 20–30 years like Vietnam, Bangladesh, Laos - let alone China.

Finally, India’s GNI per capita is not the same as Pakistan’s GNI per capita but is 46% more as per 2021 data and the gap is widening.










Why do people boast about the Indian economy when India is the 145th country in terms of per capita income?


Three main reasons:


They are rich. They are doing well with the economy as it is, they own businesses or have jobs in the technology sector and everything seems fine to them.

They are upwardly mobile. They may not have the best lives but they have better lives than their parents did. This allows them to be happy and content with the current situation and to feel that things are improving.

They are unable to compare the Indian situation to anything else. They may be uneducated, unable to travel, unable to read, economically illiterate, without internet access, etc. People in this situation become easy prey for politicians (generally drawn from the first two groups) who can tell them that the economy is prospering without them being able to objectively analyse this claim.




I think these three would cover most people who boast about the Indian economy.





Chandrakant Singh


Are India and Pakistan economically equal if considered per capita trade and income?


GDP per capita in nominal terms is not the best way of comparing the two nations. This is because 1 INR is not equal to 1 PNR. The closest estimate can be obtained by comparing per capita in PPP(Purchasing power parity) term.

In simplest term, 100 INR can buy more stuffs for you than 100 PNR in respective country. Hence comparison in absolute term is not correct.

Pakistan GDP per capita(PPP): 4,902 USD

India GDP per capita(PPP): 6,598 USD

China GDP per capita(PPP): 15,095 USD

If you see this comparison India’s per capita is 25% more than Pakistan. Considering the fact that India is growing at above 7% and it will continue to grow around that percentage for a decade to come. It will continue to increase the difference in the coming decade.

Hope this helps.

人均名义GDP并不是两国之间的最佳比较方式。因为1印度卢比不等于1 巴基斯坦卢比,我们可以通过比较人均购买力平价来获得最贴切的判断。


巴基斯坦人均GDP (PPP):4902美元

印度人均GDP (PPP):6598美元

中国人均GDP (PPP):15095美元






Vinay Arya


Even though India is the fifth largest economy in the world, what do you think about the low per capita income?

The biased statistics can help change the emotions of the public for elections, but not their status. A large population will indeed make a large economy because India is the most populated economy on the earth. Some people who think that India is everything will try to cite out such facts which prove their mental status. Their eyes remain blind to such objective facts. As every action has an equal and opposite reaction, what will such people get in return? This can be guessed only by highly intelligent people, not by me.



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