

 Dalit butchered for marrying upper caste woman in Gujarat



AHMEDABAD: Members of a Kshatriya-Rajput family on Monday pummelled a Dalit man with lathis, slashed his throat, and hacked his head for daring to elope with their daughter. A team of 181 Abhayam and a woman cop who was accompanying the victim fled during the attack fearing for their own lives. The victim, Haresh Solanki - a 23-year-old - had been called by his wife's family for talks and he had sought the help of Abhayam, a women's helpline run by the state government.

艾哈迈达巴德: 周一,女儿和一名达利特男子私奔,卡莎特里亚-拉吉普特及其家族成员用铁棍殴打该男子,割开他的喉咙,砍了他的头。受害人名叫哈雷什·索兰基,今年23岁,他妻子的家人给他打电话,让他过去谈谈。该男子还曾向妇女服务热线Abhayam寻求帮助。

A case of honour killing was registered after the murder in Varmor village of Mandal taluka, roughly 100km from Ahmedabad city.

该谋杀案发生在距离艾哈迈达巴德市约100公里的Varmor村曼达尔•塔鲁卡(Mandal taluka),警方登记了这起荣誉谋杀案件。

‘Not allowed to contact her husband’


Solanki was employed as a driver with a private firm and was a native of Gandhidham in Kutch. His wife Urmila, 22, has gone missing, said a top police official. According to police, Solanki had eloped with Urmila and married her eight months ago. Urmila is pregnant, Solanki’s mother Sushila said.


After they married, Urmila lived with Solanki at his paternal house for about a month. Then her father, Dashrathsinh Jhala, brokered peace and persuaded her to come back to his house in Varmor village citing her mother’s illness. “Once home, Jhala confiscated her phone and kept her in confinement,” said P D Manwar, deputy superintendent of police, Ahmedabad district. “She was not allowed to contact her husband.”

婚后,乌尔米拉和索兰基在男方父亲家住了大约一个月。后来,乌尔米拉的父亲达什拉辛·贾拉以母亲生病为由,说服她回到娘家。艾哈迈达巴德区副警长P D曼瓦尔称,“回家后,贾拉没收了女儿的手机,把她关了起来。不许她联系丈夫。”

Manwar said Solanki tried desperately to get in touch with Urmila. But his efforts were in vain. His anxety exploded when he learnt that his wife was pregnant. Manwar said that Solanki feared that his in-laws would force Urmila to abort their child, or worse, would even kill her for marrying a Dalit man. So he appealed to Abhayam for help.


According to the FIR filed by an Abhayam counsellor, Bhavika Bhagora, Solanki called the helpline at 2.50pm on Monday seeking help to strike a compromise with his in-laws. An Abhayam team, including a woman constable, a driver, and Bhagora reached the Mandal bus stop at 5.43pm. Solanki was waiting along with his mother Sushila and a relative, Dhiru Jadhav. “Solanki told the Abhayam staff that his father-in-law had called for a meeting,” Bhagora stated in the FIR.


Solanki waited outside Jhalas’ home while the Abhayam team counselled them. After 20-odd minutes, Jhala told Bhagora that he would need a month to deal with the unrest triggered by the inter-caste marriage. At that stage, it appeared that the meeting had ended amicably. But just as the team reached the vehicle parked some distance from the Jhalas’ home, Jhala suddenly started screaming. “He abused Solanki and asked him how could he, a Dalit, dare to marry his daughter,” the FIR said. “He then ordered his people to kill Solanki.” Responding to Jhala’s muderous call, eight men armed with sticks, swords, and other weapons attacked Solanki. Scared for their life, Bhagora, the woman cop and the 181 driver fled. “I saw those men pulling out Solanki from the vehicle,” stated Bhagora in the FIR. “While the men rained lathis on Solanki, Indrajeetsinh — Urmila’s brother — slashed his throat while Jhala stabbed him in the head and stomach.” Bhagora called police and a team of cops reached the crime scene in 15 minutes.


Police have arrested only one family member, Harishchandrasinh Jhala, so far.



译文来源:三泰虎 http://www.santaihu.com/48007.html   译者:Jessica.Wu


Sundarv•Chennai•6 hours ago

Shame on the Gujarat Govt.



S R•6 hours ago

I just cry after read the whole story .



aaaa bbbb•6 hours ago

Ohhh...there is no religion like Hindu in this hell country



zack fighter•7 hours ago

Excellent BJP led Gujrat Government. There are so many Dalits, Muslims,Christians and even Hindus are killed by this so called Hindus. Shame on BJP led government Providing support and shelters in the name of religion and Caste.



Death Wish•7 hours ago

Hindus are cursed cult religion. I woukd advice all dalits to give up your religion and accept Buddhism Hinduism is religion of lunatics. Islam, Christianity, Sikhism ir Buddhism have no high or liw in their religion only stupid cheap thir d Hinduism has it.



JUDE QUADROS•7 hours ago

court should set an example of sending them to the gallows, only then such acts will stop...



Allwyn•8 hours ago

Cops ran from the sight shame on these. Rather they should have called extra police force and saved the life



G.A. Wani•10 hours ago

Well done.Only the girls family can feel the humiliation they had undergone during this period. First daughter elo and that too with a boy of other caste or religion. It is a matter of honour. Therefore both boys and girls should understand. Afterall people have to live in this society. Support girls family.



hyugame s•Noida•13 hours ago

every one acts brave against hindus.,be it police,casteist pigs,goverment,media..everyone



Jim Corrigan•Location•15 hours ago

Caste this that nonsense is not really the culprit.



Mitch Roy•usa•15 hours ago

The way these crime news are presented with a caste slant does no one any good. The violence is due to the elopement and marrying outside of the bradree than the caste.



Rb•1 day ago

death penalty for such atrocities should be given.



Ajit•1 day ago

They require the most severe punishment. They should be made an example once and for all. This caste nonsense should stop.



Parrot•1 day ago

This country had a cancer called Hinduism that teaches inequality and murder should be destroyed.



Mainak Bag•1 day ago

What a cowardly cop. Shame. Shame!


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