What is the origin of the name "China"?
George Hu
Where did the name "China" come from?
The following is only my personal opinion.
China was named after the Qin Dynasty, but in a very roundabout way and possibly questionable.
The Qin only ruled the unified China for a short period of time. 15 years to be exact (221 - 206 BCE). While it had left significant influences on China after its reign, not many people genuinely like the Qin. The successor dynasty of Qin was the Han Dynasty, and due to their history, few people would self-identify as “Qin people.”
The Han Dynasty referred to the Roman Empire in the West as “Da-Qin.” This name was not a phonetic translation, it was only because it was a “a great nation in the West,” and Qin was a metaphor for being in the West. If the people identified themselves as people of Qin, it would be most unusual for them to call the Romans “the people of the Great Qin.” 「其人民皆长大平正,有类中国,故谓之大秦。」
However, the name “Qin” somehow made it to another foreign state. I would believe the most agreeable usage of the word came from Hindu Sanskrit texts. The Mahabharata apparently referred to “Cina,” but given it was an epic poem that was possibly written before the Qin unification, it was possible that it was referred to Qin in the Warring States. Later, a corruption of the word became “Zhina,” and the negative history became associated with the word due to its use by Japan as a derogatory term.
There are various evidence for this in Buddhist texts in Sanskrit, such as the writings of Buddhist master Kumarajiva 鸠摩罗什 (344 -413). He was a translator of equal to, and have often been compare to, Xuanzang (Tang Sanzang), several hundred years after him. The famous idiom「空即是色」 came from his translation.
梵文的佛教文献中有许多证据,如佛教大师鸠摩罗什(344 -413)的著作。他是一个翻译家,人们常将其与晚几百年出生的玄奘(唐三藏)做比较。有个很有名的成语“空即是色”就是出自他的翻译。
(The Diamond Sutra 金剛經 was translated by Kumarajiva, and still the most popular version today.)
Kumarajiva's translation style was considered very figurative. He “appropriated" the more hard to understand philosophical concepts of Buddhism to a more artistic form. Buddhism with Chinese characteristics, you could say. However, he himself somewhat frowned upon this:
In his own words:
(Changing Sanskit to Qin, the details became lost. Although the big meaning was kept, it was limited by the language barrier. Similar to feeding chewed rice to other people, not only was the taste lost, it would bring disgust.)
As a foreigner who was presumably both familiar with Sanskrit and Chinese, he used the Chinese word 秦 to refer to China, possibly indicating the link. However, an alternate theory could be that he used the term Qin because he lived in China in the state of Qin (one of the Five Barbarian Sixteen States).
Frank Young
When was China first called China?
The general consensus is this:
Early 200 BCE, during the Qin dynasty.
The Sogdian (Persia origins) traders referred to the people under the Qin rule as "chin" and the location as "China".
And all the other foreign languages ascribed to "China" ever since. So it kinda of stuck. And suck.
Cause the derivative "Chinese" is problematic. Cause it is vague. It can be used to describe the civilization, ethnicity, or the citizens of the country.
Yusrin Faidz Yusoff
What is the etymology of the word China?
The word "China" originates from the Malay word "Cina". So does the word "Mandarin" which originates from the Malay word "Menteri". See, both words were not in general use there. In the 16th century, Portuguese explorers were among the first Europeans to reach China.
Their agents, guides and pilots were of Malay origin. At that time the Portuguese were simultaneously colonizing Malacca on the Malay peninsula. The Malays were useful guides to the Portuguese as they have been trading with mainland China since 300 BCE. See extract from Asiatic Journal 1827:
(Source Credit: Bert Tan of Malaysian Heritage & History Club)
The Portuguese just followed what their Malay guides told them. They call the country Cina / China, and called the Ming officials they met "mandarim", which comes from 'menteri' in Malay and, before that, 'mantrī' in Sanskrit, both of which mean “minister” or “counselor.”
葡萄牙人跟着马来向导称这个国家为Cina /中国,并称他们遇到的明朝官员为“mandarim”,这个词来自马来语中的“menteri”,早前源于梵语中的“mantrī”,这两个词的意思都是“大臣”或“谋士”。
Patrick Koh
WHY “China”?
I once couldn’t sleep as a kid, when I learnt that being China is linked to cold ‘ceramics’.
A stupid “Amazing - Do You Know!” book telling me ‘HOW the China nation got its name’.
I hated that instead of a majestic Dragon or a fearsome Tiger, a civilisation could take its inspiration from a piece of porcelain. LOL.
Perhaps a short Quora reply will help exorcise a childhood nightmare.
HERE!! BELOW has more to do with ‘China’ than the ceramic crockery fake story.
This Bronze mold for minting banliang coins, Warring States period (475-221 BC), State of Qin. 5th century BC!!
And I will tell you why this is the key reason why China is called ‘China’!
The BIG picture below is the answer, at least the answer I most believe in. But it is the STATE of QIN, and not the QIN Dynasty that gave her its name around the 5th century!
But first why? Because there are a few possibilities.
Where does the name ‘China’ comes from?
Qin dynasty - Lu Lu/What is the origin of the name "China?
Ceramic - from a city “ing de” Boyuan Guan/Origin of the name "China"
Ancient kingdom Zina in Guizhou, China 夜郎 (Yèláng).
Khitan Empire - who was the westermost and most powerful facing the West - Cathay - Wikipedia;
Many answers in Quora and most would agree with the first answer (Qin).
Now here is what I think is the most important.
Where do we find the Earliest Exonym ‘China’?
Has to be Sanskrit of course.
TIME is very important which is seldom mentioned by many answers. I have great respect for Sanskrit being so OLD influenced most languages in one of my favorite country - India. Now why is this important?
Because to the west of the Qin state (started 897 BC), we have the India subcontinent. Guess what? Around 5th century BC. Qin indeed getting powerful, was minting coins. (By 221 BC Qin unified the Middle Kingdom).
AND those Qin coins corresponded nicely with the mention in Hindu scriptures of Mahābhārata (5th century BC).
而且这些秦朝钱币与印度教经文中提到的mahā bha ārata(公元前5世纪)非常吻合。
So the key evidence:
Hindu script of 5th century BC citing Cina.
The rise of Qin state and the minting of coins around then, and the Westernmost location of Qin facing west and India would be to most conclusive to me.
From Sanskrit, we know that this influenced all Indian languages to use Cina in various forms. Likewise the Persians as Cin (چین), followed by all of Middle East, then the Greeks and the Romans (Latin, Sinae). And later the Italians, Portuguese. Now, South East Asians affected by Indianisation, including the Malays, likewise used ‘Cina’ too when the Portuguese first came for spices.
Christian Kober
Why is China called China?
The funniest answer I read is that China is named after the porcelaine…. actually it is the other way around.
China is derived from the Qin Dynasty. This was transformed into ‘Cin’ by the Persians and into ‘China’ by Marco Polo and his contemporaries.
Asafa Khan
What is the etymology of the word China?
The word "China" is derived from the Persian word Chin (چین), which in turn derives from the Sanskrit word Cīna.
The traditional theory, proposed in the 17th century by Martino Martini, is that Cīna is derived from "Qin" (秦), the westernmost of the Chinese kingdoms during the Zhou Dynasty.
The common Chinese names for the country are Zhōngguó (Chinese: 中国, from zhōng, "central" or "middle", and guó, "state" or "states," and in modern times, "nation") and Zhōnghuá (Chinese: 中华), although the country's official name has been changed numerous times by successive dynasties and modern governments.
The term Zhōngguó appeared in various ancient texts, such as the Classic of History of the 6th century BCE.
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