When was the name "India" given to the country of India?
Kumar Abhinandan
When was India called India?
Bharat, India, Hindustan but the official name, states that "India, that is Bharat, shall be a union of states." Thus, not only in usage but officially India and Bharat are both accorded primary status. The name India is derived from the river Indus.
The original name of the river came from the fact that in the north-west of the subcontinent, there are seven main tributaries of the one river. The local inhabitants therefore called it Sapta-Sindhu, meaning the seven rivers. As the seven tributaries are part of the one river, the entire river system came to be known in time as Sindhu. In general, Sindhu also means any river or water body in Sanskrit.
Persian explorers visited the area even in ancient times, and the Iranian 'h' is cognate with Sanskrit 's'. Thus Sindhu became Hindu. Similarly, Sanskrit Asura (a spirit, later an evil spirit) is cognate with Ahura, the Supreme God of the early Iranian people.
The name of the river entered Greek from Persian, with the loss of the initial 'h', to become Indos, from which the Greeks derived their name for the region, India. The Latin form of Indos is Indus, the name by which the river system is still known in the West. Its name was given to the entire subcontinent by the Romans, who adapted it to the current India.
The word India is the form used by Europeans over the ages.
Sindhu is also the Sanskrit term for Ocean and for any large water body. It would specifically mean the modern river Indus, if ancient Indic originated there. It could just mean "water dwellers" as well.
Interestingly, the Vedas did not assign any particular name for India, although some scholars assert that references to Indu in the Rig Veda relate to India's present name. Many traditional literary/cultural works from around the globe lack definite terminology for their home culture as a political unit; China, Greece, and many other civilizations lacked fixed names for themselves in traditional literature of their early periods.
In the Matsya Purana 126, the length of India (Bharatavarsa) is 9,000 puranic yojanas, which is a good estimation.
Listed by, among others, Colonel James Todd in his Annals of Rajputana, he describes the ancient India under control of tribes claiming descent from the Moon, or "Indu", and their influence in Trans-Indian regions where they referred to the land as Industhan. This explanation might serve better to explain the term Hindu. Having said that, ancient Greeks do mention the Indic tribes or related tribes (could be of Iranian origin or joint Indo-Iranian origin) inhabiting what is now Ukraine as Sindoi or Sindkoi.
詹姆斯·托德上校在他的《拉杰普塔纳编年史》中描述了古印度处在自称月族后裔的部落或“Indu人”及他们在跨印度地区的影响的控制下,他们将这片土地称为“Industhan”。这个解释也许更适合用来解释Hindu这个词。话虽如此,古希腊人确实提到了印度部落或相关部落(可能是伊朗血统或印度-伊朗血统) 居住在如今属于乌克兰的Sindoi或Sindkoi地区。
Evolution of the name “India” in the history:
The name is derived from the name of the river Indus/Sindhu .
The name has evolved so many times over the years , from Hindustan, Hind , Hidush , Hodu , Bharath , Bharatham etc .
However the name "India" was first used around 440 B.C by Megasthenese , but later on the name underwent several changes until 1298 , Marco Polo used the name India .
长期以来,这个名字经过了多次演变,从Hindustan,Hind, Hidush, Hodu到Bharath, Bharatham等。
Archit Srivastava
How our country name is decided INDIA?
Actually the correct question should be 'How our country name was decided India?’
We had different names like Jambudeep, Bharat, Saptsaindhav etc but Aryans which came in 1500BC preferred to call it as Aryavrat (in later vedic period ).
印度有很多不一样的名字,如Jambudeep, Bharat, Saptsaindhav等,但公元前1500年的雅利安人更喜欢称它为Aryavrat(吠陀时期晚期)。
Fast Forward to 5 th century BC. India as we all know is derived from River Indus. The first mention of Indus is in the work of Herodotus Greek Historian (also the father of history) in 5th century BC, he mentioned it while stating the Greeco-Persian war (Persia is modern Iran).
4rth Century BC- The conquest of Alexander, and his retreat from Indus, also the various stories of wealth and prosperity on the other side of Indus, made India a comparatively hot topic and consequently name 'India' came into being. By that time old Persian language named the people beyond Indus as 'Hindus' (pronunciation issue)
2nd Century BC- Till that time no proper written record of our people were there until Megasthenes gave an account of India in his book Indica. By that time we were popular in western and central world by name India (In Latin too) though the pronunciation changed with region.
1st Century AD:- After 1st century there were several mention in greek literature.
4rth Century AD:- The first reference of name India in Old English was used in King Alfred's translation of Orosius.
This was the first mention among The English. After this, we were known by different names by Muslims , French , Spanish, Portuguese but recently our land was called HINDUSTAN by Mughals which was changed to INDIA by the Britishers as they always knew us since King Alfred.
And after 1857 we came directly under the rule of queen through 'Government Of India Act' and finally our official name was India which remained unchanged after Independence.
Nakul Kaushal
When was our country named India?
The name India is derived from Indus, which originates from the Old Persian word Hindu. The latter term stems from the Sanskrit word Sindhu, which was the historical local appellation for the Indus River. The ancient Greeks referred to the Indians as Indoi which is translated as "The people of the Indus".
Well The name India was known in Old English, and was used in King Alfred's translation of Orosius. In Middle English, the name was, under French influence, replaced by Ynde or Inde, which entered Early Modern English as Indie. The name India then came back to English usage from the 17th century onwards, and may be due to the influence of Latin, or Spanish or Portuguese.
Ranjiv Kurup
Why and from when is our country called India?
The English term “India” is from Greek ἰνδία via Latin India. Iindía in Byzantine ethnography denotes the region beyond the Indus (ἰνδός) River, since Herodotus alluded to "Indian land" and made famous in ancient Greece by the work of Megasthenes, an ambassador sent by Hellenistic king Seleucus I to the court of Chandragupta Maurya. The work was called “Indica”.
英语词“India”起源于希腊语ἰνδία,起源于拉丁语中的India。因为希罗多德提到“Indian land”,所以拜占庭民族志中用Iindía表示印度河(ἰνδός)河对岸的地区,并因麦加斯梯尼的著作在古希腊声名远扬,麦加斯梯尼是希腊时期的国王塞琉古斯一世派往孔雀王朝旃陀罗笈多宫廷的大使。这部著作被称为“Indica”。
Sandeep Satishchandra
The Indian Subcontinent has been known by a variety of names like Jambuweepa, Bharata Varsha, Bharata Kanda, Aryavrata and many more. The name Bharat has been around since antiquity. The name “India” has been in usage since the first records of Latin translations of the Greek name “Indos” for the land beyond the river Sindhu.
印度次大陆有过不少名字,如Jambuweepa, Bharata Varsha, Bharata Kanda, Aryavrata等等。Bharat婆罗多这个名字在远古时期就出现了。“India”这个名字最初是从希腊名字“Indos”的拉丁语翻译开始使用的,意思是Sindhu河对岸的土地。
Sakshi Goyal
Since when is India called India?
By the time the Persians conquered both, the then Indian subcontinent and Greece in 5th century BCE, 'Sindhu' became 'Hindus' to mark the 'land of Hindus'. From the Greek Herodotus (4th century BC) 'Hindus' evolved to 'Indos' and made its first ever appearance in Old English in 9th century. Finally, in 17th century as 'Indos' made way to Modern English the name 'India' came into exstence.
Although the name was inspired from the Indus, the river now runs mostly through Pakistan, Jammu & Kashmir in India and western Tib.
虽然这个名字的灵感来自印度河,但这条河现在主要流经的是巴基斯坦、印度的查谟和克什米尔地区以及西 藏西部。
Pratap Codadu
The name, India, is said to be derived from the word ‘Sindhu’. This latter is the name of a large river on the north-West of India. The earliest civilizational relics, Mohanzodaro and Harappa were also discovered on the banks of Sindhu. Through an anglicism, the river's name mutated into Indus, and the civilizational relics have begun to be called, Indus Valley Civilization. Further mutation of the word Indus gave India. The word replaced Bharat and religiously connoted Hindustan, given the preponderance of Britain at that time and of their language (till date).
How our country name is decided INDIA?
According to oxford dictionary india stand for independent nation which declared in august but somewhere you can hear when india is not independent country that time british government open a company its East India Company so i think there is crop of indigo neel so our country n ame india
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