

Why do Chinese students still need to learn classical Chinese in senior school? What are the benefits learning them?





Ruoyu Liu

Because they are called Classical Chinese - just like the masterpieces of Shakespeare, the values of classics won’t change over time. The promotion of vernacular Chinese (白话文) against Classical Chinese in early 20th century was aiming to allow people with little education to read texts, articles and books, but those Chinese scholars were not against great works written in Classical Chinese per se.


Also, Classical Chinese education is more than practical use and benefits, it serves as ties between past and present. If someone really asks me what’s point of learning Classical Chinese, my answer would be - to be a more interesting person.


My ex-girlfriend was from Guangdong province, I met her when I was studying in Guangzhou. Geographically, my birthplace (Shannx province) is 2,200 km away from hers. Linguistically, we even spoke different languages - she spoke Cantonese with her parents and I spoke Shaanx Hua (a dialect of Mandarin) at home, but both of us could speak Standard Mandarin.


One year I took her to my hometown for travelling, she was so excited as i’an was famous for many cultural legacies. We visited the Huaqing Pool(华清池), a complex of hot springs at the foot of Mount Li, also a place famous for the scene of Emperor Xuanzong of Tang’ romance with his consort Yang Guifei. As we were wandering in Huaqing Pool, I started to recite Chang hen ge(长恨歌), one of the greatest poems we had learned at high school.


“春寒赐浴华清池”(She was privileged to bathe in Huaqing Pool on a cold day of spring), I said.

She smiled and continued, “温泉水滑洗凝脂”(Washing her creamy skin with slippery water of the warm spring).



And then both of us recited the whole poem one sentence after another, when we came to the final part(Tang Poems):

在天愿作比翼鸟, 在地愿为连理枝。

Let’s be two birds in the sky flying side by side.

Let’s be two branches on the earth inseparably tied.

I held her hand and said, “Hope this is also a commitment between you and me”.


在天愿作比翼鸟, 在地愿为连理枝。





(Emperor Xuanzong and Yang Guifei)


After that we also visited Qinglong Temple (青龙寺) at Leyou Yuan (乐游原), I asked her “Do you remember the poem ‘Climbing Leyou Yuan’ (登乐游原) written by Li Shangyin (李商隐)? We are now at Leyou Yuan!”. Her face lit up and said “Really?! We’ve learned that poem for years, it’s mind blowing, like I’m touching the history!” And both of us recited the whole poem again:




Evening approaches finding my spirit indisposed,

So I rode a buggy up the historic site.

Sunset is ever so beautiful,

Regrettably as dusk fades, impends night.





It’s been years since we had broken up, but those romantic memories still remains today.


You see, what makes a Chinese have emotional attachments to a place which is over 2000 km away from her hometown is just a poem written 1200 years ago - in fact, many places in China became famous are due to poems and articles written in ancient times.


Living in i’an, a city used to be the imperial capitals of many dynasties, one of the “privileges” we have is that we can witness the whole city becomes “ancient” on a snowy day.


Usually I would do some readings on a snowy night, every time I would pick up Zhang Dai (张岱)’s “湖心亭看雪” and read it again:




This is one of my favourite Classical Chinese articles learned in high school, it is admired for the elegant way it paints a beautiful winter scene in a few brush strokes. As I read it during a snowy night I could almost feel what Zhang Dai felt when composing this article.


Years ago I visited Pavilion of Prince Teng(滕王阁) also because another masterpiece written by Wang Bo(王勃).




(Pavilion of Prince Teng)


The Classical Chinese we learned also had shaped our values.


When a Christian told me that “God loves everyone”, then the quote of Dao De ing (道德经) written 2500 years ago came to my mind:



Heaven and earth do not act from (the impulse of) any wish to be benevolent; they deal with all things as the dogs of grass are dealt with.


If he continued to tell me that God used the flood to punish human beings, then I would recall another quote from another Chinese philosopher Xun Kuang

如果基督徒继续说上帝用洪水来惩罚人类,那么我会引用另一位中国哲学家荀子的话(310 BC - 235 BC):天行有常,不为尧存,不为桀亡。

Heaven operates on consistent principles. These principles did not exst for the sake of Yao, and did not die away for the sake of Jie.


The Chinese spirit of making us better and stronger can be summarized into Qian of I Ching, which was written 3000 years ago:



Heaven, in its motion, (gives the idea of) strength. The superior man, in accordance with this, nerves himself to ceaseless activity.


If someone asked me what’s the real reason behind China’s reluctance to accept middle east refugees, well Chinese philosopher Mengzi (孟子) had given the answer 2300 years ago:


人必自侮,然後人侮之;家必自毀,而後人毀之;國必自伐,而後人伐之。《太甲》曰:『天作孽,猶可違;自作孽,不可活。── 《孟子 · 離婁上》

A man must first despise himself, and then others will despise him. A family must first destroy itself, and then others will destroy it. A State must first smite itself, and then others will smite it. This is illustrated in the passage of the Tai Jia, "When Heaven sends down calamities, it is still possible to escape them. When we occasion the calamities ourselves, it is not possible any longer to live. ── ‘Li Lou I · Mengzi’

一个人肯定是先有自取侮辱的行为,别人才会侮辱他;一个家肯定是先有自甘毁灭的行为,别人才会毁坏它;一个国家肯定是先有自取讨伐的原因,别人才会讨伐它。《太甲》中有句话就说明了这一点:“天降祸患,尚能避之。”若我们自己人为制造灾难,我们就没有活路了。──《離婁I · 孟子》

If someone asks what are the life goals of educated Chinese, then I would quote what Zhang Zai, a neo-Confucian philosopher had outlined during Song Dynasty:



To ordain conscience for Heaven and Earth; to secure life and fortune for the people; to continue the lost teachings of the past sages; to establish peace for all generations to come.



As an ordinary Chinese, I’m doing the part of “to continue the lost teachings of past sages”. This is part of my book collection at home.


And one of my best friends just started his political career this year. His parents are ordinary workers in a chemical plant, he worked so hard at school and ranked the No.5 among 300 thousand students during the national exam. Currently he has completed a PhD degree in Peking University, one of the Top 2 university in China, and has been appointed to a village in Fujian where he’s supposed to work for two years before getting promoted. On the first of his work he posted some words on Wechat:



Hope I will never forget my original will and will never let the people down.




Hantani Sadahiko



Actually, Japanese also learn Chinese classics in high school. The class is called "漢文(kanbun).".






Modern Chinese is like a simplified version of classical Chinese, in which you have less characters to remember and less grammar (if any at all) to comprehend.

Learning classical Chinese is like upgrading one's Chinese skill to its full power, similar to learning C++ (and its libraries) after C.



The upgraded skill gives you the ability to:

(1) directly comprehend what the author says (not necessarily means) within the time range of 2000 years or even more

(2) be able to understand and express complicated meaning using ridiculously simple words, such as quotes or idioms, which classical Chinese has tons of


(1) 直接理解2000年甚至更早之前的作者的想法

(2) 能够用非常简单的词语理解和表达复杂的意思,如名言、成语,这在文言文中比比皆是

Aesthetic beauty


Classical Chinese poem can be written like this:






or like this:



Not only is it rhythmic geometrically, but also phonetically.

Some poets may take days even months to decide the choice of one character, that is how they made them so elegant.







Dan Kim

For the same reason they teach Shakespeare in English speaking countries. It’s highly educational to read and understand how the language that you use have evolved and expressed in the past. It’s culturally enlightening and an effective way to learn about history of your language. Aside from linguistic perspective, Shakespeare’s writings still represent how we still tell our stories. Chinese classics serve a very similar purpose, and most countries with their own language do teach their kids about linguistic and literary history of their people.



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