

I’m terrified of a nuclear war now that Russia has paused the treaty. What do you think the chances are now?




Iniyari Illenyia

Zero. At most, Putin is sitting on one—count them, ONE—still-functioning nuclear warhead; which he can’t use, because it won't accomplish anything except to get Russia glassed by the innumerable, very functioning warheads possessed by the rest of the world.





Tech Knowledge

It is difficult to say exactly what the chances are of a nuclear war, but the chances are certainly higher now that the treaty has been paused. The best way to reduce the risk of a nuclear war is to engage in meaningful dialogue between the countries involved in order to reduce tensions and to find a way forward that is acceptable to both sides.





Marc Weber

Russia would be nuked, too. Other Quora posts clearly said there are two big cities in Russia. easy target. And that bombing infrastructure would be enough to cause chaos. How much Russia is left once you start bombing ? So why should Russia do it. If Russua had to plan fighting the world it would have prepared to target infrastructure all over Europe like electricity. Didn’t happen. I feared that at the begng. As terrified as you are the Russians are as well.






Why be scared? If no afterlife, nothing to worry about.

the sun doesn’t stay up forever. It does its work, there is a beautiful sunset, and then it’s over. that’s it. You are a sunset. Everything is. Whether the sun comes up again or not is a matter for tomorrow.






Done with the Bullshit?

Since you are not a country, nor a head of a collective of over 50 people(I am assuming), there is no need to be terrified. Research relevant information, and you will be able to produce a desired outcome.

I think the chances are moderate at present.






Mario 73

The chances are getting higher and higher. If you live in the United States, you should do something to protest against the mad men (like Biden, Kamala, Blinken and so on) that are leading your country, and NATO. Because we are VERY lucky, for now, that on the other side there is a considerate person, who don’t go off the rails despite the provocations and lies of NATO (just imagine the opposite, Russian weapons at the borders of Mexco). Yes, I mean Vladimir Putin. Not convinced? Wait for who will come after him…





J Mcc

Your reaction while understandable is precisely the reaction that the Kremlin is ho for from NATO and US. However, they are not intimidated by this rethoric anymore. Too much is at stake. We cannot allow Russia to win in Ukraine. The only acceptable outcome is Ukraine takes back all that was stolen including Crimea. It is important for the rest of the world to see that aggression will not be rewarded in any small way. China is watching and will take its lead from the outcome of this war. If Russia can take Ukraine then China can take Taiwan. That would be a disaster for the whole world.





Done with the Bullshit?

Why? Seriously, this is nothing more than Putin getting his panties in a twist because Biden got to Kyiv before he did. Russia pulling out of SMART is the dumbest move it could ever feasibly make. Treaties like SMART benefit the weaker power. Which, in this case, is Russia. Russia cannot compete with a United States which is building up a large number of nukes, as we have far better production capability. Not only that, this is bad for China, Russia’s only real ally, as the United States would no longer be under SMART’s restrictions, meaning the United States could widen the nuclear capacity gap between the two nations.





Raviechandra Bulusu

All nations having nuclear arsenal know their responsibilities to the world.

All countries have realised that their nuclear bombs are only there for stop wars as a deterrence, certainly NOT for using them.

No need to fear now, from big countries like China,Russia, and US.,etc.

The nuclear armed countries like North Korea, Pakistan are the ones, which the world need to be afraid of.








Michal Šturc

Lower than before, because that’s how game theory works. And game theory is roughly as important part of nuclear deterrence as nuclear engineering.

In every fight, the side that strikes first has an advantage - therefore, signalling your intention to attack and giving your opponent time to prepare or strike first is counterproductive. Thus, vehemently threatening to attack is always a bluff.



Imagine you want to kill a guy in a bar. You know he’s got a knife and doesn’t mess around in a fight. You have a knife, too, but you know that your chances in a fair fight are about 50/50 for the first blood. Therefore, your best option is to shank him from behind. This means that if you really mean to kill him, you’ll be quiet about it until you strike - and the same calculation holds true for him, too. Therefore, if you see him boasting and waving his knife, you know he isn’t going to attack you, because that would be the most stupid way of doing it.





Mats Andersson

Arguably, lower than before.

If you look at what Putin actually said, it was that he was “suspending” the treaty. But that doesn’t mean a whole lot. The treaty was about limiting the number of nuclear weapons, not about e.g. a promise not to use them or whatever. And several provisions in the treaty had already been paused, to no big fanfare.



And he didn’t say he’d build new nuclear weapons. He actually said he would still abide by the terms, until such a time that the US stops abiding by them, which frankly is not unreasonable. He definitely said nothing at all about using any nuclear weapons.





Richard Taylor

From what I have gathered from the news and media, Russia has not been following the treaty terms very well for some time anyway! So if he has paused Russia from the treaty there is not much difference from then and now! We have to remember that Russia has been flaunting nuclear arms since the war began! Red lines have been crossed and nothing has happened. So I would assume that this is just another ploy from Putin to stop NATO from arming Ukraine any further! However this is just my opinion, who knows with Russia!





Adrian Rodgers

Oh, that surprised me a tad you know. Threats of a nuclear strike by Russia usually appear a little later in the week than Tuesdays.

I wonder why this week's threat came early and if they’ll revert to the usual schedule next week? I suppose it all might depend on whether they have anything else to report. Who knows?






Nikolaos Dimitropoulos

Chances are pretty much what they were before.

What it basically means is that the core fundamental understanding that drove all diplomatic relations between US and Russia (ever since USSR) is effectively over.

It also means the relations between the two have reached a level of hostility we haven’t seen for at least 40 years if not more.







Ilya Kuzmin

Russia has paused the treaty only because U.S. has violated it by not letting Russian inspectors in due to illegal sanctions and other political nonsense U.S. government has been pursuing. Russian pausing of the treaty is just statement of fact that Russia is now officially prohibits any sort of US inspectors on Russian soil before US will start to behave.

I don’t think it’s a ring that nuclear war is going to start anytime soon - because for that Russian souvereignty first should be violated (or Russia shall be attacked by WMD first). As long as NATO won’t help Ukraine actually to conquer these 4 regions that voted to join Russia in free de ocratic referendums - there won’t be any escalation into nuclear area.

On the other hand it’s an open sign for the international community to begin diplomatic processes to force the U.S. to let international inspectors (obligatory including Russian ones) to its nuclear facilities.






Mike Minucci

The chances are the same as before. Very low. Russia wasn’t adhering to the terms of the treaty in the first place. Pausing it doesn’t change anything. Putin may seem unhinged but he knows if he fires one tactical nuclear missile into Ukraine his dream of a re-unified Soviet Union will be dead forever.



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