

Who was the greatest Chinese emperor and why?




Dandelion Zhang


In the span of thousand years of Chinese dynasties, who are the top 3 greatest Chinese emperors of all time?


There’s no absolute answers to this question as assessment of historical figures are subjective and biased depending who makes the judgment since different people have different criteria and definition for “great emperors”. Some people prioritise the incorruptibility of leadership, while others may think practical achievements are more crucial than moral perfection; some will regard victory over China’s enemies and rivals the most important aspect, while others could see that as acts which exhaust the nation’s power and focus more on internal administration and stability. But in general, there do exst a certain tacit agreement on some traits an emperor has to possess to be called great. Here’s a list of these basic traits:


Able to defeat or at least resist the northern nomadic tribes from breaking through.

China was unified during his reign.

No major rebellions (i.e. rebels were able to found a country that remained independent for a significant period of time) during his reign.

Most governmental officials are not corrupt and generally very capable.





In China’s modern history, the most famous comment made on historical emperors was given... in one of his poems, and he said:


Qin Shi Huang and Han Wu Di, only if they had a bit more literary talent.

Tang Tai Zong and Song Tai Zu, only if they had a bit more political merit.

And Genghis Khan, the Proud Son of Heaven, knew only shooting eagles, bow outstretched.




Although M expressed his pity and disapproved the imperfection of the emperors, the emperors he mentioned have become an important reference for great rulers in Chinese history. As for me personally, here’s my own list of three greatest Chinese emperors:


Li Shimin, Tai Zong Emperor of the Tang Dynasty



I don’t think any Chinese person would even doubt Li Shimin being the first in greatest emperors ranking. In fact, I have never come across anyone, both physically and online, who criticises Li Shimin in any form (well except for the part that he died possibly due to overdose of the so-called “Elixr of Life” pills). In my heart he’s the most perfect emperor there has ever exsted on Earth, more perfect than Peter the Great, Trajan, Octavius, you name it. Li Shimin himself was the general who achieved the most victories during Tang’s founding and unification war. In fact he had won so many battles that his father, the first emperor of Tang Dynasty, had to specially created a military rank and title for him that is above all the other military ranks.


Militarily, not only did he make the major contribution to Tang’s founding and unification, but he also annihilated the greatest threat to Tang - the Turkic people. When he first ascended the throne, the Turkic tribes once broke through all the way until they reached the capital of Tang, yet only after three years, Tang under his leadership annihilated the Turkic Empire just with one single war. Ever since then, he was revered by nomadic tribes around China as 天可汗, literally “the celestial Khan”. Due to his success militarily, Tang has become the only unified dynasty founded by Han people that did not rebuild the Great Wall to for defence purposes. However, Li Shimin did not adopt an aggressive diplomatic policy, but openly communicated with foreign countries and integrated other races and ethnicities into his empire receptively. This built the foundation of Tang as the most open-minded dynasty in China’s history.


Administratively, Li Shimin had created 贞观之治 (the Prosperous Era of Zhenguan), one of the most highly-esteemed eras of prosperity in Chinese history. During his reign, there was almost no corruption at all, which was a rare situation in ancient China. Li Shimin was also very famous for being able to spot and appoint the talented, even those who were once his enemies. He was also extremely tolerant to officials who challenged his authority and decisions.


Zhu Di, Cheng Zu Emperor of the Ming Dynasty



Zhu Di is recognised as one of the two greatest emperors in the Ming Dynasty (the other one being his father Zhu Yuanzhang (朱元璋) who founded Ming). Firstly, although it’s actually not something reputable, Zhu Di was the only prince in China’s history who started a rebellion outside of the capital and succeeded. The most well-known event during his reign was probably Zheng He’s Voyages where the Chinese fleet sailed all across the South China Sea and the Indian Ocean and reached as far as Somali and the Red Sea. Those voyages were the largest ones before the Age of Discovery when Spain and Portugal began exploring the world, and the flagship of the Ming fleet, the Treasure Ship (宝船), was much larger than any ship in the fleet of the Spanish Empire. China in this era was the most explorative and adventurous in history.



Militarily, Zhu Di himself had led the Ming army in a series of five northern conquests against the Mongols, which decisively destroyed the remaining force of the Yuan Dynasty and secured the peace of Ming’s northern borders. Administratively, Zhu Di has appointed many capable officials and reformed the government structure of Ming, where he inventively introduced the 内阁 (Nei Ge or literally translated as the “internal committee”) system where a group of experienced and competent bureaucrats are selected to discuss policies and assist the emperor make decisions. Personally, I see this as the prototype of the Parliament system in China.


Additionally, Zhu Di made exceptional contribution to China culturally and scientifically. During his reign, he ordered the imperial scholars to compile all scholarly books, articles and documents into one huge encyclopaedia named 永乐大典 (The Yongle Encyclopaedia). This encyclopaedia was proven the most comprehensive compilation of books ranging from literature, religion, philosophy, art, medicine, engineering, astrology, geography, and sciences. In other words, it covered all areas that one might think of. This encyclopaedia was completed 300 years before the British Encyclopaedia, and was barely comparable with any other similar compilations throughout Chinese history.


Ying Zheng, Qin Shi Huang 


Actually I have hesitated much before writing the 3rd point as this is a very embarrassing position to comment on. In my opinion, there are many excellent emperors in China’s history but none could seem to exceed the others by a significant margin. I decided that I would give the honour to the emperor with the utmost historical significance in China’s history, Qin Shi Huang.


I know there are quite many criticisms of Qin Shi Huang being unkind and oppressive, yet the significance and contribution of Qin Shi Huang lies in the fact that he was the one from whom everything about Chinese dynasties started. He had created many firsts in China’s history. It would not be an understatement that more than half of China’s ancient history we see today would be non-exstent if not because of him. In the end, despite all flaws he had in his ruling, it does not undermine his greatness.



He was the first who made unification of all Chinese lands a reality.

He was the first who used “emperor” as his title.

He was the first to end the decentralized feudalism in China.

He was the first to establish a centralised government for China in which all men were under one ruler’s reign.

He was the first to unify the written script of the Chinese language.

He was the first to standardise the currency of China.

He was the first to standardise the measuring units of China.

He was the first to attempt to unify the culture of China (although his act was rather controversial, I would still approve his intention.)

He was the first to complete the construction of the Great Wall in its entirety to defend the nation from northern nomads.

He was the first to extend China’s administration to today’s southern borders of China.

He was the first to set up the basic government system for Chinese dynasties for both central government and local administrations.












There were just too much that Qin Shi Huang did for China as the pioneer. If not for him, the Chinese language would not have been unified though a universally recognised script, the concept of centralised monarchy would not have been established in China at such an early age, and the southern tribes of ancient China would not have been integrated into the Chinese civilisation so seamlessly. Without him, the 3000 years history of Chinese states since the Spring and Autumn Period would probably end up like Medieval Europe where major states were fragmented into pieces of small nations each with a different culture and language and had no chance for reunification ever again.


Honourable Mention List (in chronological order)


汉武帝刘彻 Liu Che, Wu Emperor of the Han Dynasty

汉光武帝刘秀 Liu iu, Guang Wu Emperor of the Han Dynasty

隋文帝杨坚 Yang Jian, Wen Emperor of the Sui Dynasty

唐高宗李治 Li Zhi, Gao Zong of the Tang Dynasty

宋太祖赵匡胤 Zhao Kuangyin, Tai Zu of the Song Dynasty (Yet he did not successfully reunify China which was a BIG minus)

明太祖朱元璋 Zhu Yuanzhang, Tai Zu of the Ming Dynasty

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