

 Lee Kuan Yew's WARNINGS & Predictions for the World - China mainland, India, Japan, Taiwan, etc.


A small collection of predictions, quotes & insights from Lee Kuan Yew (from his interviews, speeches and books) - with some commentary & quick analysis. From the rise of Asia (China, India, Vietnam) to the decline of Nokia, listen to his thoughts on the world, some of which have come true (Myanmar, Afghanistan, Nokia), some are questionable, and some are unknown (Japan military, Taiwan, India).

Australia will become the white trash of Asia?

Predicting the rise of Asian tech innovation & entrepreneurship

Predicting the rise of China (ft. Deng iao)

Predicting no American intervention - Taiwan & China

Predicting Japan's military resurgence

Predicting the rise of Vietnam (ft. Nguyễn Thị Phương Thảo)

The rise of India? (ft. Rishi Sunak)

Predicting the futility of the US in Afghanistan

Democracy destined to fail in Myanmar? (ft. Aung San Suu Kyi)

Predicting the decline of Nokia

Lee predicts that he could become a villain after his death









预测民 主注定要在缅甸失败(昂山素季



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LKY is maybe the most coolminded leader of the world in the last century who, after distilling the best from both Confucism in the East and Liberalism from the West, firmly believes that good governance is more important than anything else to build and run a successful nation.  And history proves that he is right.



Ashley Silver

Lee Kuan Yew was awesome. His understanding of society and economics was just ahead of his time.



him Fen

I still think LKY one of the best leader in the world. No matter how the west view him as dr, autocratic etc...he has the best result to show, Singapore




I visited Singapore in the late 70's and remember Lee Kwan Yew was strict but everything worked really well.  Singapore was such an interesting place to visit back  then, i loved it, but when I next visited in mid 90s I was amazed at the modern transformation.  Beautiful clean city, beautiful people.



Choon Hock Ong

LKY best world leader, built Singapore from scratch to one of the richest country with strong reserves. He got good foresight could see what world changes at least 20 yrs ahead. He adopted a policy of stringent selection of potentials top office holders, integrity, intelligence, leadership qualities, confidence and good social skills etc. Corruption is not tolerated. China learnt from LKY in good governance and selection of top offi als.

李光耀是最优秀的世界领袖,他把新加坡从无到有建设成为拥有强大储备、最富有国家之一。他很有远见,能预见至少20年后世界会发生什么变化。他采取的政策是严格挑选有潜力的高级官员,正直、聪明、自信,具备领导素质和良好的社交技能等。对腐 败零容忍。中国借鉴了李光耀的人才选拔政策。


Aslam Ahamed

A man full of wisdom and common sense . The man who saw tomorrow and stick to his plans.



Myint Aye

There is nothing has been missed out from what Mr Lee says about the world. He is only a leader who is born to be.



Dr Feelgood

On South Africa, to paraphrase his conversation with Nelson Mandela he said, "In Singapore we put education first. You (The ANC) put liberation before education and you will reap the whirlwind!" With youth unemployment at 77% and crime out of control I must say he was spot on.

关于南非,套用他与纳尔逊·曼德拉的对话,他说:“在新加坡,我们把教育放在第一位。你们(非国大把解放置于教育之前,你们将自食其果!” 青年失业率高达77%、犯罪失控,不得不说他是正确的。


Steven Tan

There will always be detractors, especially ignorant bigots. It is the result that counts; and for vast the majority of Singaporeans (and people around the world), Lee Kuan Yew is a legend.




LKY not only transformed Singapore into a first world country, he also inspired China transformation. Cheers.



Dave Cai

Thanks for the great video. I read all LKY's autobiography and realized how insightful this man was. He combined the best parts of both worlds -- the rationality and logical thinking of Western philosophy and retained the respect for meritocracy and long-term planning of Chinese philosophy. As it has been proven extremely successful in all Eastern Asian countries.



meimiao lin

I visited Hong Kong, Singapore and Malaysia in 1972 and sensed that on a level playing field the Chinese would do well while the West was living on borrowed time and stolen treasure.



Daniel Ting

LKY one of the most respected and able leaders the world has ever witnessed. Little wonder the Island State progressed immensely during his watch. I'm an ardent admirer of this great man.



Guha Pooinpatarsan

When the LATE LKY passed away,the people of Chennai were more sad than the death of many a local "leaders" . LKY is a GREAT INSPIRATION for many a Indians.



Anderson Lim

Mr LKY and his team are great leaders who transformed SG from a 3rd world to first world.



gage edgmon

I don't know much about this man but I admire that he talks strongly about the positives of all situations and has high hopes for even controversial figures.



Gabby Fantasy

Many Westerners laughed at Singapore and its policies like chewing gum, campaigns etc. Lesson learnt- he  who laughs last laughs best.



Ma Durgananda Nithya

He remains a legend..forever..



Stella Tan

we are so Blessed to have LKY & his party (PAP) . Thank you:)



Lee WN

LKY had announced on independence night 09 Aug 1965 that “Singapore will survive!” Yes, we have thrived & survive for 57 years now. We will continue to survive.




Strangely Brown

He may well have been a Dr, but he brought real wealth and prosperity to Singapore.  These interviews what an astute judge of people and geopolitics he was.




Lee Kuan Yuan is the best world leader , none come close to.




Lee Kwan-Yew was right about Australian mentality. Australia's economic rise and its avoidance of an economic recession during the world financial crisis in 2008 was completely due to the rapid rise of China with its massive demand for natural resources with Australia enjoying a huge trade surplus with China.  Now Australia has decided to burn the bridges with China to join the USA to "contain" China with the overtly anti-China AUKUS alliance. I think Australia's economic golden years has now passed because no other market has the scale of China for Australia's exports.



Brandon Lim

Regarding Taiwan, it was a periheral issue back then but now it is within US's core interests to slow down China, so Taiwan is moving from the periheral to the core as well. I predict it will intervene short of sending in the Marines.




Overtime, people get bored and want to try something new.  It's the job of the leaders to make sure while trying something new, it doesn't get too out of control.



The Bugle

singapore is at its peak. i doubt i will see its relevance end in my lifetime, but i believe the next generation will. i say this as a singaporean under 40.

LKY was also as honest a statesman as they come. if the mainstream eventually creates a narrative that he was a bad man, it will be because of a political agenda.




lee kuan yew was so right about India i hope he knows that we have thrown out the Gandhi dynasty and we have leaders who have a vision for this country. what an incredible man  Singapore is a great success story



Nunya bz

The guy does not shy away from what he did, he's not exactly proud of it, but it had to be done, during his time, it was either that or nothing changes. Being attacked on all fronts and instead of doing anything but instead just discussing things ? if that's our future we're done for



Hosea Douglas Samson

Wise, one of a kind, intelligent




He understood the cultural hangups of Chinese and other Oriental peoples , and the American and European psyche.



Belly Button

Judge a man by his actions and what he brings to mankind.


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