

Why do we need over a hundred military bases around the world when Russia and China don't have anywhere near that many?




Larry Paise

For those that study US history, you would know that there have been strong periods of “America First” nationalist-isolationist movements in our past. At least two of those periods turned out to be extremely expensive to the US in terms of blood and treasure ultimately expended when others took advantage of those periods.


One occurred in the years prior to our entry into WW I and the other pretty much right up to the attack on Pearl Harbor.

Coming out of WW II, many were convinced that it was in our national interest to be a leader in world and not to simply withdraw back to within our borders, leaving the rest of the world to fend for itself.



It has served us well. Growing the largest economy in the world, larger than the next four combined. That was no accident. But it comes at a price.

When an upstart terror group threatens global ship in the Red Sea, who steps up?

The US and its Allies.

That is just one example.

You can't do that without global reach.









Anna Liu

because the united states needs to control others.

for the record, any coutries’ military base should not exst in other countries.

quit your protection bullshxt, the correct word is invasion.








The controlling network that the US has been putting on the international community is a multi-dimensionally systematic one.


1. Militarily (Dominant military power as a leverage of negotiation as well as an ultimate measure of solution to problems)

2. Resources (e.g. Petrodollar and the pricing power on many kinds of vital materials, The best rewarding and the most well-equipped institutions to attract the finest human resources)

1. 军事方面(军事优势,作为谈判杠杆和解决问题的最终手段)

2. 资源方面(如石油美元和许多重要原料的定价权;最丰厚的奖励和最一流的院校,可以吸引最优秀的人才)

3. Technology (e.g. Huawei Sanction, Chip ban)

4. Financially (e.g. US Dollar, the Fed, SWIFT)

5. Politically (e.g. Ursula von der Leyen, American de ocracy, Color revolution)

6. Culturally (e.g. Media, Hollywood)

3. 科技方面(如制裁华为、芯片禁令)

4. 金融方面(如美元、美联储、SWIFT)

5. 政治方面(如乌苏拉·冯德莱恩,美式皿煮,颜色革命)

6. 文化方面(如媒体、好莱坞)

It's a loop of interactions (so-called "the rule-based order"?), with 1 being the strongest and seemingly the most costly, and 6 being the softest and seemingly the easiest.




As a Chinese with sane, I would say good job America, and good luck, but please drop those false and unfaithful deeds towards your competitors which might seemingly hit the spot in no time though is going to bite you in the back in the future. We Chinese have been looking up to you in many aspects since a century ago, straight-up competitions are always welcomed and respected, double standards and false accusations were not the ones that have brought you where you are.





S Kam

Russia and China lack the projection to maintain long supply chains, so there basing options are limited to port cities. However, US doctrine doesn't mske that distinction due to their ability to go to most places and bring a huge logistical chain with them. That projection allows them to fight a war near or on the enemies home turf....





Eric C Ruybal

We are a world power and can project power world wide.

The other two country you mentioned are nothing more than regional powers.

We are seeing that Russia only looks strong on paper, the real world is an entirely different thing!?




Who knows what an actual engagement with China would result in and how effective they are or are not!?

The U.S. technology is in use and active. There is no wonder how it would perform, it surpasses expectations repeatedly!!






Seamus Luke

Who is/are “we”? Westerners/non Chinese and non Russians in general? NATO and allies? Would you like Russia and Chinese to have more military presence in the world? Btw: military presence comes on many forms - e.g. Russian Federation in sub Saharan Africa.


Another response to your question is that “we” (In Australia) as allies of USA are happy to have military connections and links including the odd base with US and other allies. Russia is NOT at all an attractive or welcome ally and China, while a trading partner that we are improving relations with, is quote happy to maintain its own military presence in different places.





Kevin D

Propaganda as originally written: Why do we need over a hundred military bases around the world when Russia and China don't have anywhere near that many?


First off, a lot of these “bases” are less than a hundred troops, most a mix of advisors and intel types working with the local government, a small communications contingent, an even smaller admin staff, and a very little security. And usually about equal numbers of contractors- not mercenaries, but the staff for the dining facility, laundry, tech reps from Boeing, Ratheyon, General Motors, and some contracted security. We pay rent and sit in the corner of some military base belonging to the host country.

News flash- most of NATO has camps like this in the continental United States for their troops. It’s not evil, it’s allies.



Secondly, you think Russia and China don’t have the facilities? Don’t be delusional. Most of theirs are spook shops containing “civilian” intelligence personnel and while some of the “advisors” are corporate reps others are mercs. China and Russia have big bases to, overt ones.


But the OP is probably some anti-Western “I want to be agitator when I grow up” scumbag who’s hiding behind freedom of expression where that’s a thing.





Jane Wang

What do you think of Blinken's recent remarks on geopolitics that says "If your not at the table, you are on the menu"?

In Chinese, its meaning is akin to "if you're not the knife and the chop board, you'll be the fish and meat on the board." It's uncommon for the chief diplomat of a superpower to publicly convey such a harsh and chilling perspective of the world, indicating the unapologetic hegemonic thinking of current American diplomacy.



This is not the first time Blinken has made such remarks. On January 24, 2022, during a forum, Blinken used this same phrase to elucidate the China-US relationship, emphasizing that in competition with China, they should make sure that the US is "at the table," but not on the menu.

He may also be intended to create a sensationalistic effect of intimidation. In the US Congress, there is a mobilization of public opinion on the strategy of containment against China, while internationally, the US is coercing other countries to take sides between it and China, or else they will end up on the menu.



Former US president Woodrow Wilson once said "the small states of the world have a right to enjoy the same respect for their sovereignty and for their territorial integrity that great and powerful nations expect and insist upon." However, centuries later, the chief diplomat of the US seems more convinced of power politics, and unashamedly uses the privilege of "sitting at the table with a Western knife and fork to prey on others" to pressure and entice other countries. It must be said that this is also the tragedy of American diplomacy.


Today's world is not a private restaurant monopolized and controlled by individual superpowers, but a broad stage where all countries should share prosperity, bear responsibilities, and compete fairly. The vast majority of countries in the international community share the common desire for peace over war, justice over hegemony, and cooperation over confrontation. No country is destined to become the fish on the menu.





Alex Rowan

Because Russia and China are not peers of the USA.

In particular, the USA is held in high esteem around the world and has over 50 formal alliances. Those military bases are simply the US kee to the terms of it’s alliance treaties. The fact that those bases are extremely useful to the US is balanced by the fact that the US is a big local spender in every case and brings considerable economic benefit to the host countries.



Whereas, almost nobody likes Russia and China. China has two allies, North Korea and the Solomon Islands. Russia has a handful left over from the Cold War (Belarus, Cuba etc) plus a couple of African drs who need help in rip off their countries’ resources.





Mitch Mitchel

Location, response time, logistics. Our involvement is by invitation unless there are circumstances dictated by policy that serves the best interests of the United States, and the best interests of our country is protecting the citizens.


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