

What should the average American do to prevent China from surpassing the US?




Flx Dz

The US and other leading industrialized countries such as Russia, France, India, Germany, Italy, the UK, the Netherlands, Sweden and other industrialized European Countries need to stop importing manufactured products from China such as mobile phones, cars, toys, garments, electronic goods, computers, and others no matter how way cheaper they are, which they themselves can manufacture to protect their own industries.


The US must also learn from France that if leading manufacturing companies that are about to go bankrupt, the government has to nationalized it on a temporary basis to prevent outsiders from acquiring it. The French carmaker Renault was nationalized by the government of France when it was about to go bankrupt and had them privatized when it was on a good track again. Soitec is a French semiconductor maker was nationalized to prevent TLDR of China from controlling it since it already has a 10.93% share in it.


I wonder why the US government just didn’t even lift a single finger to prevent Lenovo from taking over IBM and so is the Swedish government to prevent Volvo from getting taken-over by Geely of China





Hong Hui Ling


In next election make sure you guys electing the right person into whitehouse. Right person is that who does like sciences and education, likes to improve healtcare for all and dont denying climate change.

After you elect this person as pres. Then you will get what you want.







Adrian Lacno

Be smarter..that is gonna be a challenge. A simple logic you probably had learned in kindergarten — what happen to the hare at the end when he got too proud when racing with the tortoise..”prevent” is a form of “cheating”, it aint gonna work. With this type of mindset as written in your question, that is the problem an average americans cant do much..’just because someone able to build a better sand castle than you, you would step over it?’ Why not study it? Then build a better one than his!








Steven Mak

Work harder and smarter than the Chinese. Marry to a Chinese and have offspring that will be smarter than yourself.





Smith Isabella

First, you need to start looking for anything that made in China,even the parts, at your home and throw them away, can’t you? Americans are now doing everything to slow China’ s economy, but everyone knows you can’t fully stop China. China has a huge domestic market itself and enough to feed them by its own. America has very high national debts and it’s nearly impossible for America to pay them back. China only has very high internal debts and it’s still under control. The only thing you can do right now is to learn Mandarin and start getting yourself ready to work and serve for Chinese people.





Peter Elliott

Probably, instead of working on bringing down the other country, work on making your own country great. This would include NOT introducing tariffs, not arresting the other countries citizens, not spreading lies and innuendo to make it difficult for them. It would include being nice to other countries and not building walls, so that they can help your country to grow, working out that you’re a post industrial society and doing what you are good at, stop shooting each other, stop spending money on trying to spread your philosophy and morality (which is yours alone) at gunpoint. Look at good examples and follow them - ie: lending money to poor countries with a lot of resources is more efficient and more cost effective than military invasion.

There’s a lot more but you get the drift…






Mark Marley

Work hard, stop dreaming on useless crap and take action to better family, friends and country. Stop thinking of fighting other people or war.





Masao Miwa

Too late for such a question. What we need to do is to coexst. We do somethings well and so does China and others. War, economic, or otherwise is not the answer. We need to keep doing what we do well and improve on them. If technology is our thing, improve our education, allow immigrants who are STEM grads to be a part of our nation. Become a nation of ‘brain gains’ again. Today, we are a nation of ‘brain drains’ because of our foreign policy on foreign students. Why is America so good at technology? Would you believe 71% of Silicon Valley tech workers are foreign-born? Would you believe that some of our greatest scientists and innovators are foreign-born? So, why do we let our POTUS destroy our strength?

Your vote counts, so vote wisely. We failed in 2016.








“France’s Make Our Planet Great Again initiative. No doubt many Trump supporters chuckled at France’s invitation to American scientists to come to France to conduct their research.

 France had recruited its first 18 scientists. Of those 18, 13 were coming from the United States. In May of this year, France announced it had lured six more US scientists to join the others. Trump’s tempestuous behavior during and following the G7 Summit in Quebec only serves as further evidence things in the United States aren’t likely to improve soon, adding fuel to the fire for those already contemplating departing the country.



France isn’t the only country begng to benefit from American scientific talent feeling unwelcome in the United States. Of 150 research chair positions funded by the Canadian government to mark the 150th anniversary of confederation, 14 are leaving institutions in the United States. According to the Globe and Mail’s story on the new research chair recruits, “The haul of prominent scientists attracted to the new chairs suggests that a predicted brain gain for Canada owing to reactionary politics in the United States and elsewhere.”


There are signs that international students too are joining the stampede. President Trump has hardly been signaling foreigners are welcome in the United States. As a result, many students that had US universities on their short list appear to be crossing those schools out. High tuition no doubt depresses international student enrolment to some extent


Forbes Magazine, citing a study by the National Foundation for American Policy, reported in March that international student enrolment in US universities dropped by 4% At the graduate level that drop was 6%. Compare that to the dramatic jump experienced in Canada during the same period. The autumn 2017 start of the school year saw 10.7% more international students attending Canadian universities than in the previous year. In British Columbia, the increase was 15.6%.


None of this should come as a surprise. The administration rarely misses an opportunity to signal its hostility toward immigrants and foreign visitors to the United States.

Our president is choosing to make the US a third-world country by his actions against immigrants, students, and technology in general.






Robert Devaux

“What should the average American do to prevent China from surpassing the US?”

I’m going to answer this as if your question read “could” and not “should”. I’m only discussing what could possibly have an individual-level effect.

Don’t buy things that are made in China, or are from companies that are owned by Chinese companies. For instance, a Chinese company called Geely recently bought Volvo. So even though Volvo isn’t a “Chinese company”, buying a Volvo car supports a Chinese business which pays taxes to the chinese which supports China and their GDP.






Don’t invest in Chinese companies, or companies that do a lot of business with China. For example, Yum! Brands - owner of KFC, Taco Bell, and Pizza Hut does tons of business in China. You could choose to boycott these brands to send a message.

Don’t buy ETFs, bonds or funds that invest in China or Chinese businesses. Especially state-owned businesses.

不要投资中国企业,或者和中国进行诸多业务往来的企业。例如,Yum! 品牌—肯德基、塔可贝尔和必胜客的母公司,就在中国拥有大量的业务。你可以选择抵制这些品牌来传递一个信息。


Don’t travel to China and pay for a Chinese visa. Tourism to China will boost their GDP.

Don’t use China-based web services, games, or apps. Some examples would include TikTok and WeChat.

Can you really make a difference on an individual level?

Not really. But if you feel strongly about it, these would be some steps you could take.








John Smith

Eat less McDonald

Drink less Coke

Do your maths and science homework




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