

Can China counter French economic might?





Abner Kim

Do you mean that China, the second largest economy in the world, can compete with France's economy?





Gilbert K

China would be happy if the French had more economic might.

That’s because the French would have more buying power. Which means that the French would buy more goods.

Which means that the French would buy more goods from ____________ .







Kyo Syа(秋霞)

China has no interest in economic confrontation with any country, and if such a confrontation occurs, the initiator will not be China.

Our belief is that "we will not take the initiative to fire the first shot, nor will we allow the enemy to fire the second shot." This is true in war, and it is also true in economics.



We are not bullies, but have been forced to face provocations all along.

We haven't had any direct conflict with France for more than a hundred years, and I believe it's unlikely to happen in the near future. In fact, if I remember correctly, we are currently cooperating in the cultural field.






Peter Kaye

What economic might, might that be ? And why on earth would they want to counter that? For what reason? China is happy for every and any country to do well, the richer they are the more they can buy from China, there is nothing to counter,





Li Pengii

French economic might?

You’re kidding me right? France relies on looting former French African colonies.

France just got expelled from Niger threatening their energy supplies too (heavy reliance on nuclear).

France’s ministers are YOUNG. Their current prime minister is 34.

He’s literally a career politician having done nothing else.










China is a major global economic power, but comparing it directly to France involves different strengths. China's scale, manufacturing prowess, and export market are substantial, but France's strength lies in its innovation, luxury goods, and certain high-value industries. Both have different economic focuses, so direct comparison in terms of countering each other's economic might might not fully capture their diverse strengths.





Jacques Văn Khải

What is the relationship like between China and France?


Between France and China, there exsts a special relations though.

France views China as a very important and significant trade partner, and China views France exact the same. Since France has many benefits in Chinese market, France also invites China into its market as well.

However, back to the past, it was not really happy. France invaded Indochina which led to Sino-French War and France defeated Qing China on a very controversial war. As for the French victory, France also assisted Britain, Russia, Japan and the U.S. to invade and divide China into their own influence.




At WWII, France surrendered Germany thus led France to become irrelevant.

Today, France and China need each other for the sake of its own economies. France is much higher and more developed than China, but China is the world’s 2nd largest economy so France can’t ignore China.

In short: La Chine est le gros morceau! China is a big chunk that France cannot ignore!



简而言之:La Chine est le grogromorceau ! 中国是法国无法忽略的的大块头!




Yvan Testu

Why the French economy is not growing?


France is a strange mixture of capitalism from Napoleon III era ( huge conglomerate built during Napoleon’s era has only been dismantled recently like Générale des Eaux ), an example of this old capitalism survival was the nicknamed “Capitalisme de la Barbichette” that prevailed after Mitterrand started his program of privatisation, and a social environment built the hard way by the great confrontation ( like strike of Fourmies ) between the capitalists and the socialists that led to have the Front Populaire.

法国是拿破仑三世时代zb主义的怪异混合体(拿破仑时代建立的大型企业集团最近才被拆分,比如通用水务公司),这种旧资 本主义体制下幸存下来的一个例子是绰号“大胡子资 本主义”,在密特朗开始推行他的私有化计划后盛行起来的。资 本家和社 会主义者之间的对抗(如富尔米罢工)导致了人民阵线的形成。

The ruling élite succeded to establish a massive set of rules that could make a balance between the divergent capitalism and socialism necessities.

French welcome changes as soon as things remain the same.

On one side, french population is prone to make general strikes and to fall into revolution, making the reform process a delicate task, on the other side entrepreneurs are prone to vote with the feet and to relocate their business somewhere else.

精英统治成功地打造了一套繁冗的规则,可以在资 本主义和社 会主义之间的分歧中取得平衡。







Why the French economy is not growing?


First of all, the French economy is not growing at a phenomenal rate, that's true, but it absorbed the financial crisis much better than many other EU members. Growth is still very weak - however similar trends are currently a common thing across Europe. Now if you wish to compare the current growth of the French economy to other economies, keep in mind that the numbers still look quite solid. Public deficits are high, although resorbing. Public debt is high as well, but comparable to the one in the UK. Public investment is much better in France than it is in financially orthodox nations like Germany. This last point is important because infrastructure is a key component. Countries that do not invest much in public infrastructure might be putting their businesses at risk.








David Phillips

Why is China doing so well Economically lately?


Part of it is cultural. Chinese are frugal, they work incredibly hard and they value education to a greater degree than those of us in the West. The leadership has also made a careful study over many years of what countries; specifically America did to become successful.

I was at a restaurant in Northern China with some friends in the mid 90’s. It turned out that the folks sitting at the next table included the Vice Minister of Finance. One of my friends must have told him that I had a History Geography background when he was curious. He asked me a question; “How did Canada get to be so rich?” he couldn’t have cared less why I was there.

部分原因在于文化。中国人很节俭,工作很努力,他们比西方人更重视教育。中国领 导层也仔细研究了某些国家多年的发展,尤其是美国的成功之道。


These days, everything major the chinese supports is either geared to beating the Americans or undermining their economy or military in some way. Americans and the rest of us in the West get sucked in by the promise of the vast Chinese market time after time; and longterm it always seems to end badly.






Why the French economy is not growing?


When 70% of college grads want to work for the government upon graduation, economic expansion will be a challenge.

Labor laws are a real obstacle. Firms are reluctant to grow (hire) and invest because it can be extremely difficult to lay off or fire workers.






Ken Oshiro

What is the problem in the economy of France?


There are two major problems in French economy : employment and public debt.



France has a high structural unemployment. Since 1996 it has never been lower than 7%, ans usually hangs around 9%.




Unemployment rate since 1996, note that the chart begins at 7% !

Combine that with a below average employment rate of around 64% (OECD average is 67%), and you understand why there is definitely an issue.

图中显示了1996年以来的失业率,请注意统计的起点是7% !



Employment Rate, 2015, France is in magenta, black is OECD average, blue is Germany (75.3%).

What do all that mean ? Well out of all the population fewer french people are active compared to the rest of OECD (have a job or look for one), and among them fewer french people do have a job.



It means that the production effort is made by the most productive people, and the rest is excluded from the labor market. This has many impacts, but most importantly it makes a part of the population dependant on public benefits since they don’t have income.

Why ? High minimum wages, low weekly work hours, below average industrial production, education not giving skills required in the labor market, lack of capital in production investment… that list can go on.



2. Public debt

In part because of the previous point but also because of an expanded bureaucracy, the french State spend more money than average.

2. 公共债务



General Government Spending, 2015, France in blue (56.7%), Germany in red (43.9%)

And this had led to an higher public debt :




General government debt as % of GDP, 2015.

This is fine for now as interest rates are low, but this could prove devastating should they increase in the future.




Of course there are many other issues : housing, education, energy etc… but I feel these are the two most important.

With this analysis, it explains easily why the Frenchs decided to elect Macron. He focused on labor markets issues as a minister and its centrist agenda is favorable to a reduction of deficit.



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