

How do the Japanese see the Chinese calling them “little Japan”?





Simon Meri

The Japanese in general aren’t aware of this expression in Chinese. But the Chinese in general are aware of(with an exaggeration of the narrative) the derogatory terms for Chinese. Hence if the Japanese should react to it, many options are out there and every one of them is an effective one to trigger the Chinese. Japanese should skip the part of history of imperial Japan V.S China, especially the part of the Nanking incident. There’s no need to know that. The Chinese can entertain this chapter of history on their own and you can have fun with their reactions.




A Fluffy Dog

Eh. I don’t think they see the Chinese calling them 小日本 because that was like a WW2 thing and no one really says that anymore.




Takeru Iseya

Frankly speaking, I don’t think anybody cares. I have never met any Japanese who cares.

It is because in Japanese the character for little “小” does not have a derogatory meaning. In other words, no Japanese would know “小日本” is a derogatory term until some Chinese person tell them. And even after they tell them, it does not look like a derogatory term to the Japanese.

To the Japanese, it just neutrally means Japan is geologically smaller than China.






Hara Thomas

To be honest, I don’t get why Chinese people have been sticking to that word this long, probably for decades, or even centuries?

In Japanese language, in general the kanji 小 doesn’t carry such a derogatory nuance. It just implies “small” in an utterly objective way. (While 大, “big”, may sound a bit flattering indeed, but if you say 大日本 to us we may chuckle as it sounds almost comical, or somewhat ominous even for us because of some historical fact.)



And therefore if we see a Chinese person saying 小日本(シャオイーベン), we’d be like

”Yeah, our archipelago is indeed smaller than your continent is, just like the UK is smaller than Russia is, and is it that important? And in the first place isn’t China one of the largest countries in the world? It’s not we are small. It’s you that is big.”

And furthermore, in Japanese culture being small does not necessarily mean it’s weak and worthless. It’s space efficient and sometimes adorable which is our strong point.




Even though we’re using the same characters commonly between our languages, sometimes these miscommunications take places in a funny way. In the same way a Chinese guy bursts into laughter when seeing the name of Japanese city 我孫子 while we’re like “Eh… doesn’t that simply mean ‘The place we have lived in for three generations’ ?”






Toshiyuki Shimono

My feeling when I hear 小日本?? Not a clear answer here. I met such things many times when I visited Dalian, Taiwan, Singapore and so on.

When I saw each of them, I vividly remember them and begin to try making no trouble with him/her by knowing his/her profile as much as possible, then disguise myself a friendly person as much as possible because I know a Japanese can be an easy target from nationalists of the other Asian countries, and then begin to communicate.





Tony Tan

I think that an endearing address. It's like calling your own bro.




Emanuel Leung


Do your Chinese grandparents hate Japanese people or Japan?

My grandparents lived through the war, though were very fortunate in that they never had to live under Japanese domination personally (they ran away to western China)

My dad’s mom (dad’s dad passed away when I was 1 so i never knew him) was no fan of Japan. She recalled being so joyful when news came that the Americans had joined the war, and she remembered being really happy when the atomic bombs were dropped. So she clearly didn’t like Japan in the war years.




However, years later, she told me of a dream that she dreamt she was back in Sengoku era Japan (not WW2 Japan, literally like Samurai Japan) and saw the castle and how depressing it was and how the Samurai would fight and die against each other. Then when she travelled to Japan on tour in the 1970s or something I guess she went to Himeji castle and was like “this is it! This was where I went in my dream!” and it was kind of remarkable.

She never liked sushi and spit it out when we took her to eat it one time LOL



During the War years, without question, the Japanese were the enemy. However, my grandmother was lucky in that she never personally encountered the Japanese army, who never took Kunming (where my grandparents escaped to). After the war, she didn’t think much about them and in fact remembered her trip there in the 1970s fondly. And she had that weird dream, so I dunno. :P


My mom’s dad was a KMT soldier. As such, the Japanese were the enemy. Somehow though again he was lucky and never saw frontline combat, though he was in the military. He was a trainer who specialized in grenades, apparently. Anyway, I’m pretty sure he didn’t much like Japan after the war either but we had other things to talk about. He wasn’t a hateful guy I’m sure if he saw a Japanese tourist in Hong Kong after the war he would have been nice to them because he was a nice man overall.

我外公是一名国 民党军人。所以日本人就是敌人。他也是很幸运的,虽然身在部队,但从未上前线打过仗。他是个专门研究手榴弹的教练。但我知道,他对战后的日本也没有好感。他不是一个心怀仇恨的人,我敢肯定,如果战后他在香港看到日本游客,他也会对他们很和善,因为他就是个好人。

Actually it was my dad who disliked Japan more than any of my grandparents did. Dad is just very patriotic to China, which is fine, and it is what it is. He still likes Sushi though, oddly and he doesn’t hate Japan a priori, just its WW2 actions. We both like talking about the Sengoku Jidai and Samurai era, for instance, and our family being christian he talks about the Christian samurai during that era and things.


I can only speak of my own Chinese grandparents and parents, who never directly experienced the atrocities of the Japanese army. I’m sure if they did they would think differently.

我只能说,我的中国祖父母和父母没有亲身经历过日军的暴 行。我相信如果他们经历过,想法肯定就会有所不同。



Andy Matsumoto

Words like “little Japan” or “little Japanese devils” sound like old Chinese movies. It gives me an impression that Chinese population is surely aging.






How do the Japanese people view China?

I think (only think) most of the Japanese people see Chinese people negatively. One of the reasons of this is because the mass media here only report negative news about China. There are a whole bunch of TV shows here introducing trips to foreign countries but they don’t include China. This sounds strange but true. I think there must be some sort of rules to exclude them or report negative info within Japan’s media companies. I would want to see such TV shows as I would like to visit China one day but none exsted as far as I can recall. Instead, TV news report how rude Chinese tourists are and so and so. In a way, people here have very little info about China. You need to search by yourself if you want to know more information.



There was a very interesting occurrence the other day. I love Chinese music played with Chinese instruments. I told one of my friends about my favorite Chinese musician (actually he is a Taiwanese to be precise but still he is a Chinese). She was instantly hooked and told me it totally changed her view on Chinese people. See? People here have only limited information and those are mostly in the negative side. But once they see the good/positive side, they will love China. There are a huge number of good things in China - food, music, nature, philosophy, martial arts and the great history. And now they are starting to lead the high tech industries. And most of all, they have the 4000 years of the past that we can dig into.






If a non-Chinese in China says that Chinese and Japanese people are 100% the same in every way, would Chinese people be very upset considering the two countries' histories with each other?

I think people will be upset not because of the historical issues between the two countries, just because this person is so stupid. Saying Chinese and Japanese are 100% the same, just as ignorant as saying German and British are the same or saying Chinese and Native Americans are the same.



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