

From a tourist’s perspective, what is the difference between Vietnam & China? Is Vietnam just a smaller, less developed copy of China?





Glenn Chua

As a Singaporean Chinese who has been living in Vietnam for the last 8 months, I have to say, at first glance, it’s eerily similar, in terms of culture and food.

However, if you dig deeper and make an effort to explore, find out and learn about the food and culture, there are a lot of small little tweaks, changes and differences that make Vietnam truly unique on its own.



I’m still learning after 8 months, and there’s always something that surprises me each time.

Come here on your own to experience the difference. Cheers.





Simon Meri

From a tourist perspective ?

definitely not, not counting the fact of different cultural modes, Vietnamese culture (not including the ethnic minorities) is culturally pluralistic and thus it is inappropriate to group it into Sinosphere (Hanzi cultural sphere)or other cultural sphere , I wrote about this a few times and so not to expand it in here.


当然不是啦,先抛开文化模式不同的事实,越南文化(不包括少 数民族丰富多元,所以不适合将其归入汉字文化圈或其他文化圈,我就这个问题曾写过几篇问答了,这里就不再展开了。

By judging it from the only tourist perspective:


In China

You can find transportation a lot more easier than it is in vietnam , this is a fact .

Language barrier is a great deal over there.

You aren’t allowed to stay in the mass majority of areas in any provinces , I.e. hotel and hostels aren’t allow to host foreigners, you can hardly find one in any places outside of the Tier A cities that would do.





Food poisoning(蘇丹紅,地溝油 and so on) is/was a big deal of concern for the locals and thus they will remind you the foreigners too, to stay away from many types of local restaurants and even just convenient shops, this is especially if you are living in there instead of just being a tourist , but the tourist guide would also remind you about this , as their habits.

You are always treated like a king in the tier A cities, where the police volunteer to help you through your problem , doesn’t matter how tiny bit of it.



In Vietnam

You better rent a motorbike instead of hiring a driver to guide you around, especially within in city/area, and that’s where it lacks the convenience you can get in the tier A to tier B cities in China.

Language barrier is surprisingly not a big deal, even in the rural area up north , there must be either students or a decent dress up middle age to old age due who can speak the basis of English to approxmate your need.




You can go anywhere within the country to book a hotel and to rent a place to stay, police are monitoring you or not.

Food are great or not, delicious or not, it is safe, nevertheless it is needless to worry about positioning.



You won’t be treated with speciality because of the passport that you are holding is a tier A passport, this is indeed a cultural aspect that divides the line, unlike China, in the society of vietnam, people in vietnam hate to be bossed around and they are sensitive of how are they being treated to pay you the reaction accordingly.




Banh Dau


From a tourist perspective, what is the difference between Vietnam & China? Is Vietnam just a smaller, less developed copy of China with some French influence?

Vietnam is not a copy of China. When will the Chinese nationalists stop asking these questions on Quora? They repeatedly post various versions of this question for zillion times, and they are not tired yet. Don’t you guys have better things to do?





Kexn Zhang


Do the Chinese who visit Vietnam, or who live in Vietnam, feel that Vietnam is similar to China?

Yes, and No.

As foreigners who visit or live in a different country, it’a such a reasonable thing that we notice those similarities between our background and new environment firstly, since we always recognize a new thing from known to unknown. But I do know some Vietnamese really mind about those similarities we think, but don't need to be so sensitive.




So, as a Vietnamese language learner (especially my hometown is not as close to Vietnam as Yunnan & Guangx province) , before I started to learn this major, I knew very limited information about this country, and very general knowledge such as the location, its social system, rice from Cham, a famous poet Wang Bo(王勃) died on his journey back from An Nan to mainland China,etc…


Now I live in Hanoi, sometimes I am a visitor, so I’m willing to share feelings of mine.



As a visitor:

When we travel around this country, we can find Chinese characters almost everywhere ( especially in Northen Vietnam )

For example, Ngoc Son Temple. 









It’s quite easy for Chinese speakers to understand the meanings of those words, why they were written, and those cultural connotation behind.

Another example, New Year scrolls.






But these Chinese characters are basically remained in historic buildings, traditional paintings or handwritings. In daily life, Korean or English show up more often ( such as on billboards, on packages of products ). 


As a language learner

When I started to learn Vietnamese, I regard it as a typical language of Southeast Asia cause the pronunciation sounds like the same ( at that time I’m just a beginner ).



And then, so many Sino-Vietnamese words show up, especially in those formal essays. And when it comes to those traditional conceptions like what is Đạo(道), what is Hiếu(孝) , or What is bạn vong niên(忘年交), you don't need to explain more to Chinese cause we can understand directly, not just the meaning but the reasons and those traditional knowledge behind.

可是学着学着,我碰到了很多汉越词,尤其是在设计传统概念的论文中,比如什么是Đạo(道),什么是Hiếu(孝),或什么是ban vong niên(忘年交),你无需向中国人过多解释,我们就能直接理解,不仅仅是这个词的意思,还有背景原因和传统知识。

Besides, those idioms ( thành ngữ tục ngữ ) like bày binh bố trần(排兵布阵),án binh bất động(按兵不动),thành gia lập nghiệp(成家立业), or  common sayings like trăm nghe không bằng một thấy(百闻不如一见)… not that difficult for us.

除此之外,有些习语(thanh ngữtục ngữ像bày binh bố trần(排兵布阵,án binh bất động(按兵不动,thành gia lập nghiệp(成家立业或者常见的谚语trăm nghe không bằng một thấy(百闻不如一见……对我们都是小菜一碟。

But I have to say, like any other languages in the world, when you discover it more, more difficult you feel. Vietnamese literature is so hard for me !!!!!! Besides Sino-Vietnamese words, I have to try my best to learn and understand those local words( từ thuần Việt ).


2. Festivals

Spring Festival: Tết Xuân, 春节 - lucky money, family reunite together, red color everywhere… …

Dragon Boat Festival: Tết Đoan Ngọ, 端午节 - tradition about insect prevention… …

Mid - Autumn Featival: Tết Trung Thu, 中秋节 - about moon… someone fly into the moon … …

Tomb Swee Day: Tết Thanh Minh, 清明节 - visit our ancestors’ graves to sweep away the dirt.

Double Ninth Festival: Tết Trùng Cửu, 重阳节 - drink alcoho, climbing high… …

2. 节日

春节:Tết Xuân—压岁钱,全家团聚,红红火火... ...

端午节:Tết Đoan Ngọ—有驱邪驱虫的传统... ...

中秋节:Tết Trung Thu,中秋节—月亮的节日,曾有人飞到了月亮上

清明节:Tết Thanh Minh,清明节—祭扫祖先的坟墓。

重阳节:Tết Trùng Cửu,饮酒登高

Maybe we celebrate the same festival with some different details, but even in China, different areas have different customs during the same festival, so I’m just generally talking about these.


4. Costume




4. 服饰


For me, it's quite interesting that both of us chose costumes with more modern-designed style, different from Korea and Japan. ( I totally agree with Hanfu revolution, though )





Imperial city of Vietnam in Huế City



The Imperial Palace of China in Beiing



Anyway, since our two countries are neighbors, naturally we have a lot of things in common, and under the same system of Confucian culture which still has great influence till now.

On the other hand, I can find more differences between our two countries ;)

( however, these differences are not as clear as the differences between east and west )

I haven't mentioned those similarities in religious or characters of people yet, but that’s all.






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