

 PM Narendra Modi backs economic, energy ties with Russia


NEW DELHI: PM Narendra Modi on Wednesday further backed economic cooperation with Russia as he told President Vladimir Putin that India is keen to strengthen its partnership with Russia on Arctic issues and that there's "immense potential" for cooperation in the field of energy. Modi was participating virtually in the plenary session of the Eastern Economic Forum, which promotes development in the remote Russian Far East, when he made the remarks before Putin.


The PM also reiterated India's support for all peaceful efforts to end the Ukraine conflict saying shortages of foodgrains, fertilisers and fuels are a major concern for develo countries.


Modi said the Ukraine conflict and the Covid pandemic have had a major impact on global supply chains while recalling that, since the begng of the Ukraine conflict, India has stressed the need to take the path of diplomacy and dialogue. "We support all peaceful efforts to end this conflict. In this regard, we also welcome the recent agreement concerning the safe export of cereals and fertilisers,’’ he said, referring to the recent Russia-Ukraine grain and fertilisers agreement.

莫迪表示,乌克兰冲突和新冠疫情对全球供应链产生了重大影响。他指出,自乌克兰冲突开始以来,印度一直强调需要走外交和对话的道路。他说:“我们支持一切以和平方式结束这场冲突的努力。在这方面,我们也欢迎最近达成的关于安全出口谷物和化肥的协议。” 指的是俄罗斯和乌克兰最近达成的谷物和化肥协议。

Modi will meet Putin and come face to face with Chinese President next week in Uzbekistan at the SCO summit, amid G7 efforts to impose a cap on the price of Russian oil, although it’s not clear yet if he will have a structured bilateral meeting with either of the two leaders. Both India, which has ramped up crude imports from Russia, and China have not condemned Russia for its military action in Ukraine and have so far not seemed keen on supporting the proposed price cap.


"India's ancient doctrine Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam has taught us to see the world as a family. In today's globalised world, events in one part of the world create an impact on the whole world,’’ said Modi in his address.

莫迪说:“印度古老的教义Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam教导我们把世界视为一个家庭。在当今全球化的世界,世界上某一个地方发生的事件会对整个世界产生影响。”

While underlining the significance of India’s cooperation with the Russian Far East, Modi said India's Act East Policy policy had become a key pillar of the special and privileged strategic partnership between India and Russia.




Master Yoda

India is on it's own in military matters. Number 1, push comes to shove this country has to be ready to defend itself against all adversaries. Don't look for anyone's shoulder to lean on. Be strong. There is no friend in the world only interests. However, the closest true friends are in Asia be in Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, etc.






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When Money is lost, something is lost, when health is lost, a lot is lost, when morality lost, everything is lost forever. We have this Fakira at helm of affairs, who neither had anything to lose, nor, he care.




Modi has become more independant now. When Trump was there he was going all over to please Trump.



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Similarly, let us expect the West to "support all diplomatic efforts" to resolve current and future China-India conflicts in a spirit of "the world is one family".




Any crunch time and Russia will support China and not India. Times have changed.,Mark my words.



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Birds of same feather flocks together. One more reason, he needs cheap Crude to keep price low in India, which already skyrocketed, if, he has to buy expensive Crude, and prices go even higher, inflation, which is 50% since Covid, will go 100%, and he loses election in 2024. So, here morality takes a beating and saving chair is utmost priority.




Neutrality should always be the fulcrum of India's foreign policy. Siding with west or the other side would not make economic sense. India should make use of opportunities wherever they exst as a develo country. The arrogant west can play their geopolitical games as much as they want.




Pro Putin IT cell working overtime eh Hahaha.




UNfortuante that MONKEY BATH MAN only focuses on energy and trade.



Eye Star

For What ? To get a kick back from Ambani and Adani for BJP'S party fund





2024 is fast approaching.



Sundip M

Russia has always been a great friend of India which one can never forget. May India-Russia ties and trade grow stronger and stronger with time. The immense help Russia has rendered to India in the past during conflicts and also at the UN and also in building infrastructure in India since independence is a sign of a great friend.




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This is an Ill-advised decision which could have very adverse consequences in the long run. It also undermines India's constant position not to violate the territory of another country by infringing upon its sovereignty. India under Modi has been taking inordinate missteps totally in disconsanance with ethical, moral and human values. Looking at every perspective, this stance could only prove counter productive and misfire. It has also enfeebles India's position against China as it antagonises the West and the latter has proxmate ties with Russia. Russia has never condemned illegal occupation of Indian territory by China.








Raj Kumar

Jiyo mere raja. Modi is guided only by a single factor, the welfare of his countrymen.



Master Yoda

India shouldn't be running around like beggars looking for visas in America.



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the country should think about it's own interest and that's exactly what is happening




Modi ji needs to understand that economy is not just about fuel prices. India needs to focus on US ties , smoothen visa delays issue for economic progress. Inflation is result of lockdowns , govts made.



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Buying Cheap Russian Oil smelling of Ukrainian blood and Misery and finance Putin's misadventure in Ukraine isn't worth it.




Bangladesh PM has come to india to make a deal with india for the supply of cheap Russian oil.



Chill Pill

Modiji is the avatar of Shri Ram! Putinji is the avatar of Shri Vibhishana. Modiji is the greatest leader EVER born.




3 4 • Reply • Flag

Yes , we must stop the hegemony of West over the world. We should not entertain lectures and sermons from USA and UK.



User Shee

GOI should focus only on the trade deficit with China.


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