

What's your opinion on Narayana Murthy's statement that Indian youngsters should be aspiring to work 70 hours a week?





Subramaniam Duraisamy

Narayana Murthy’s statement stems from an old understanding of productivity where more hours = more productivity.

This model made sense in the 1990s when Indian IT companies played the headcount game and used the labor arbitrage to their advantage and provide low cost labour to western companies.




Let's say Royal Bank of Scotland wants to migrate it's CRM system from mainframe to cloud. They need a team of support engineers who can maintain the servers and flag irregularities to the develo team. Obviously RBS cannot hire local engineers for this mundane work because the cost is high. Hence they outsourced this activity to Infosys.

The more hours an Indian engineer puts in this, the more they can charge £ / day. If the entire duration is 2 months, the bill is generated. The longer you work the longer you get paid. The more people you employ to work long hours, the more you get paid.



However today's Indian IT companies especially the newer ones in the emerging tech space use the same model and this is where the problem comes from.

Service companies must move up the value chain. Playing the headcount game is not going to be profitable for your team as the tasks can be automated. Unless you don't provide extra value add, you would lose your job or be redundant with limited opportunities.



This is a perennial problem with old school enterpreneurs like Narayana Murthy. I respect the man- he is the one who pioneered the IT revolution in India and Bangalore is the hub of startups today because of his early contributions.

However NRN fails to see that Indians should move up the value chain. The 1990s model of more hours =more value added is outdated.



Today instead of competing in cost , Indians should compete on value.

Let's say I build a new application which can automate the data processing steps in a large database of the bank, which saves the IT team £10 million pounds a year. Indian engineers should charge 30% of that value as the fees. This is competing on value, which is what new age startups, emerging tech companies do.






Karai Premnath

The best rebuttal that I have read on Quora to Mr. N. Murthy’s thesis has been written by Naveen Subramanian and I will refer to you to that post, that is chock full of data, statistics and analysis- that to my mind effectively demolishes Mr. Narayana Murthy’s anti-diluvian thesis- a thesis that would have been noddingly approved by many Tycoons in 19th Century Europe and US.


But as they say:

“For every problem, there is often a elegant and a simple solution posited that is often SIMPLY WRONG”.

I won’t present reams of data and statistics to show how backward or wrong his statement is.

Instead, I shall relate to you a real life episode from 1914 USA.

Henry Ford and his Model T.







Henry Ford was an unapologetic ruthless Capitalist, who founded the eponymous FORD Motor Company.

No one in his right mind would ever accuse Mr. Ford of being an acolyte of Herr Friedrich Engels, the Capitalist, who bankrolled Karl Marx throughout his life time.

This is what Mr. Ford did.

Mr. Ford made an astonishing announcement on Jan 1914.





Ford announced that he was doubling the wages of all his male workers from $2.34 to $5 an hour.

This was an astonishing wage more than a 110 years ago.

Not stop there, Ford scaled back the 48-hour work week to a 40-hour work week.




Was Mr. Ford on Drugs?

No, when asked why he doubled their wages and cut their working hours at the same time.

He replied simply,

I want my Workers to stay working in my factories and not walk away.


I want my Workers to be able to buy the Automobile that they build.

This ushered in the rapid growth of the American Middle Class and the begng of the Consumer boom.








Mr. Narayana Murthy’s views are troublesome, as it betrays a very unoriginal template of “old world” thinking going back to 19th Century Europe.

To my mind, Maybe his statement also hints that he views his company as a Chinese style Sweatshop.

Let me elaborate:

A low-tech, low value added sweat shop, where his high tech coolies churn out cheap lines of unimaginative code, much like a Chinese Sweatshop and their coolies would churn out making more and more widgets like buttons or t-shirts. Yeah sure, working long hours, means more low value-added widgets and more profit.

But for a company that views itself as a Tech Company and for someone like him to harbor this “mindset” is worrisome.






And his prescription for longer unpaid hours as a solution for the Country’s prosperity means that in his mind, he is probably telegraphing that his company and frightfully the country can never grow beyond the low-value added, arbitrager of low cost of labor as the only competitive advantage.

That is not how countries grow to be economic giants, as Mr. Naveen Subramanian amply demonstrates with Data.



IF low Labor costs and long hours of this low cost labor is the only “competitive advantage”,then there will eventually always be another country with even lower labor costs that can siphon off your market share.

It is indeed one of the problems of both Society and Media, that many Successful Entrepreneurs like Mr. Murthy, Elon Musk and Peter Thiel are given undue amount of press and worshipfully listened to for their “thoughts” -owing chiefly due to their phenomenal success and their newly found “celebrity status”.






Karteek Sheri

So, basically, it's a loud cry for free labour. They pay peanuts and ask people to bind their exstence to work.

Do you know what people regret the most in the end? Working more and more without actually taking some time to live life outside of work.

If he is actually trying to inspire or motivate youngsters, he should suggest everyone spend more time upskilling each week.

Don't make the mistake of thinking that working more is learning more. It's rarely the case.





In the IT industry, there are weeks where you will work more than 70 hours, but that should be an exception, not the usual.

Employees should not be treated like a candle; at some point, they will burn out.

They should be treated like a tree, meaning, give everything needed for them to grow, and at the end of the day, you will have more shade to stand in (skilled employees do more work in a given time).







Vasanth Sampath Kumar

It just makes me wonder whether they are aware of what happens in their own organizations.

If someone did it at IT and expected to grow these are the questions he/she would get at appraisal

You don't have time management skills. It is not company's fault that you were not able to complete it in 8 hours.

Working long hours is to get work done. What did you do outside of work to generate revenue or save soft/hard dollars for the organization.





Does the person get paid for extra 30 hours.

There is tracking to ensure employee clocks 9 hrs in office. Does this extra hours atleast provide time off. Not just a day or two. Is it fully compensated in the hours clocked.

70 hours per week comes to 14 hours per day assuming they don't work weekends.




If you consider commute its 2 more hours. They need to get ready eat or do something, take care of family etc which takes minimum of 2 more hours.

The remaining hours is just 6. That's the sleep they get.

Certain jobs pay to put in long hours like lawyer, realtor, investment banker etc.

For your average IT guy it's just extraction and exploitation.








Nagarajan Srinivas

This is typical old world management thinking of equating productivity with longer hours of work.

Modern management thinking relies on how smart one works than how long or how hard. What should matter is not how many hours of work you put in, but how much of work you put in your hours.

The tragedy of today's India is that despite having the largest youth population, we still have only seventy plus years old industry leaders steeped in old world thinking like Mr. Narayana Murthy.




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