

Why China’s youth are throwing ‘resignation parties’, opting out of 'rat race'


NEW DELHI: In a noteworthy trend swee China, numerous young professionals are celebrating their resignations from stable, well-paying jobs by throwing elaborate parties reminiscent of traditional marriage ceremonies.


Despite the country's challenging economic climate and soaring youth unemployment rates, individuals in their 20s are leaving positions due to reasons such as low salaries and burnout, a CNN report said. Chinese social media has seen an influx of posts about these "resignation parties." According to Maimai, a Chinese professional networking platform akin to LinkedIn, 28% of surveyed employees across various sectors resigned in 2022, and this number doubled for those intending to quit but hadn't done so yet, the CNN report said.


As per the CNN report, the dissatisfaction stems from a deep sense of disillusionment among overworked young individuals who have faced intense academic competition and high parental expectations. Many grew up amid economic prosperity, but they now encounter stagnant salaries, an overwork culture, and a mismatch between their education levels and available job opportunities. This misalignment has resulted in many employees feeling overqualified for their roles, leading to dissatisfaction and disillusionment.


More than one in five young Chinese individuals find their career aspirations temporarily disrupted due to a sluggish job market, as the economy grapples to recover from the prolonged impact of Covid-19. In June, the urban unemployment rate among the 16-to-24 age group hit a historic high of 21.3%. In July, the government ceased releasing age-specific data, raising concerns that these politically sensitive figures might have surged even further.




HILARY PAIS • 5 hours ago

Economically, China is in such a comfortable position that persons entering the employment market can afford to be choosy.




• 7 hours ago

Most of them are coming to the US where the demand for help is out of control.




• 7 hours ago

Chinese may be exporting spies under the pretext




PRAVIN RAO • Bangalore • 8 hours ago

 China BUBBLE is bound to burst sooner than expected.




Sundararaman Srinivasan • Unknown • 8 hours ago

China can no longer be global factory... Exploitation of cheap workforce can't sustain in internet age... Global economy wobbles n real estate bubble has burst out...




Cactus • 9 hours ago

Story every where will be same sooner or later. We are hanging to a wrong platform for providing work and rewards. This field is riddled with uncertainty and has no physical deliverables. May be we all march back to Agriculture and related fields.




Balaji Krishna • Bangalore • 9 hours ago

These disillusioned youth needs to get into proper spiritual path. Yoga can show the path for them.




• 9 hours ago

Simply put china and Pakistan news to divert country from BJP failures.




Babu • Mumbai • 9 hours ago

In China they are able to throw resignation parties while in India majority Hindus dont have jobs they can resign from!!! All Modi did after 10 years in power is a Ram temple, giant statues and Modis Parliament palace for the majority community to gawk at.




• 10 hours ago

Sanatanis should patch up with Chinese otherwise they will be invaded again by Islamic or Christian powers.,China is only saviour of India.




• A S • 9 hours ago

Remember 1962.




Guru • Timbuktoo • 10 hours ago

Oil your own wheel. Indian per capita GDP is USD 2500, while Chinese is 12,500 which is 5X. Indian economy is USD 3.7 Trillion, while China is USD 18 Trillion, again 5X. Under these circumstances, focus how to improve ourselves rather than trying to point negatives in countries more developed than us.




• Guru • 9 hours ago

You are absolutely correct




Time • Guru • Bangalore • 7 hours ago

Don't be so negative! Pleasure also comes from our opponent going down. You are growing but not yet there is fine. You'll reach there if the steady growth continues.




Parmesh Kumar • Guru • Bangalore • 8 hours ago

We can do both. It’s not an either or discussion. We can point negatives in other countries so we don’t make the same mistake as we develop!




• 10 hours ago

Possibly two main reasons,1) employers are unable to create jobs with description that would make those interesting for young generation embracing current latest technology,2) Socialist culture interfering with the market-driven principles adopted by China for economic growth over last decade plus. Coupled with typical asian culture that inherently works against ‘work-life balance’.,In short, a ripe recipe to frustrate the young generation.

可能有两个主要原因,1) 雇主无法为招聘岗位设计具有新意的描述,吸引积极拥抱最新技术的年轻人,2) 文化干扰了中国在过去十年多的经济增长中采用的市场驱动原则。再加上亚洲文化本身就不推崇“工作与生活的平衡”。简而言之,这打击了年轻一代的工作热情。



• 10 hours ago

Why are they showing 16-24 years age group.




Useroni • 10 hours ago

In 100 or 200 years Indian youth will, perhaps, have stable, high-paying jobs in India that they can resign from in a similarly theatrical way.




• 11 hours ago

When per capita income rises, people tend to become lazy...and start enjoying life..




G Sharma • Location • 11 hours ago

Spiritual India needs to rise again. It's high time that we should take the responsibility of teaching the whole world about true human values. It's high time we should teach the world about Sanathan Dharma.




saffron teacher • G Sharma • saffron teacher • 9 hours ago

dont forget to teach about lynchings, riots after lessons learned in Godhra and Manipur




• G Sharma • 9 hours ago

First teach Indian politicians about dharma.




Ravikumar Krishnamurthy • Unknown • 11 hours ago

China supports industrialists rather labour force. It is one of the principal of comm nism. This is expected and still it will continue




• 11 hours ago

Sanatanis should accept Buddhism and merge with China.




• A S • 10 hours ago

Abduls should return to home.




• A S • 11 hours ago

Sanatana is the ultimate encompassing all religions. Infact Buddha is considered as an Avtar of Hindu God Maha Vishnu




• A S • 10 hours ago

Buddhism is the true religion of India.,Brahmims brought Satanic Dharma from outside ..when they came as refugees from central asia near modern day Russia




Rakesh Dutt Sharma • A S • 9 hours ago

Crying doesn't helps.




Babu - 20 hours ago





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