

Was ancient Chinese civilization more advanced than ancient Indian civilization?




Badhrinath Kannan

“Advanced” is a loaded word.

India was more advanced in science and mathematics, but China had more advanced technology and engineering.

India had more sophisticated religious and philosophical ideas, but China has a more sophisticated administration.




China was overall richer than India, but the wealth was spread much better in India (so the average Indian trader or worker or peasant would have been richer than the average Chinese equivalent, but the Chinese aristocrat or royal would have been super-rich).

Several Indian kingdoms had advanced military capabilities (for their time), but in terms of sheer scale, organization and battle strategy China was militarily more powerful because it was unified and had evolutionary continuity.



Essentially the two civilizations were of very different nature. India tended to be more volatile, valued novelty and was a melting pot of ideas, philosophies and movements, often changing without much warning. This meant that the country would regularly break apart into multiple kingdoms and then get re-unified as a cyclic process of renewal. China tended to be more stable, valued harmony and was a very clearly stratified society with assigned roles for different classes of people and any internal movement threatening chaos was stamped out at the earliest by the government forces whenever possible. This meant that the process of renewal in China was more one of dynastic change and they would alternate between periods of stagnation and periods of innovation.

Given such differences, it is near impossible to compare the two and pronounce any one more advanced.










Vdhay Kumar N

Originally Answered: Was ancient Chinese civilization more advanced than ancient Indian civilization ?

It's hard to answer such questions india and china both are ancient cultures and have Large history of inventions & innovations.



India did a lot on yoga, mathematics, philosophy , astronomy, medicine etc. Chinese did lots of inventions like paper, gun powder, compass etc. they have also did lots of research on indian scriptures and translations to their language and are successful in develo it to a new level. Many chinese museums have India's oldest scriptures collected by people like xuang xang etc and are restored perfectly.

Buddha was from india and Buddhism penetrated from Tib to china and Chinese have spread it entire east, kalari a form of martial art in Southern India was developed into khumfu, karate etc by Chinese.


佛陀来自印度,佛教从西 藏地区渗透到中国其他地区,再由中国人传播到整个东方,印度南部的一种武术形式卡拉里被中国人发展成功夫、空手道等。




Raisal Ven

Politically? China was the most advanced in the world politically, with their meritocratic system, Confucius, etc.

In terms of soft culture? Only Greece matched India, with all the religions, philosophy, debates, culture, etc.






General Knowladge Adda

It's hard to make an immediate examination between old Chinese and Indian civilizations, as the two of them had remarkable social, social, and political frameworks that grew freely. The two civic establishments made critical commitments to mankind's set of experiences, and both had times of extraordinary development and headway.


As far as mechanical advancement, old China made significant commitments in regions like horticulture, medication, and design. The Chinese created explosives, the compass, and paper, which altogether affected the world. The Chinese likewise had a high-level means of composing and writing, as well as an exceptionally evolved philosophical custom.


Old India, then again, made significant commitments in regions like science, stargazing, and metallurgy. Indian mathematicians made critical revelations in regions like variable-based math and geometry, while Indian cosmologists created complex frameworks for noticing the developments of the stars and planets. Indian metallurgists were additionally known for their capacity to deliver great iron and steel.


The two human advancements had modern social and political frameworks, with profoundly created societies and expressions. As far as monetary frameworks, old China was known for its high-level exchange and business, while old India had an exceptionally evolved arrangement of horticulture and exchange, including the renowned Silk Street exchange organization.


In general, both old Chinese and Indian civilizations made significant commitments to mankind's set of experiences and were exceptionally cutting-edge for their time. While it's hard to make an immediate examination between the two, obviously both had critical accomplishments and commitments that have impacted the world in different ways.


Antiquated China:


The Incomparable Mass of China: Worked over a time of over 2,000 years, the Incomparable Mass of China is one of the greatest design accomplishments in mankind's set of experiences. The wall was developed to shield China from attacking militaries and is the longest wall on the planet.


Customary Chinese Medication: Chinese medication has been rehearsed for millennia and depends on the standards of equilibrium and concordance in the body. It incorporates practices like needle therapy, homegrown medication, and back rub, and is still generally utilized in China and all over the planet today.


Confucianism: Confucianism is a philosophical and moral framework that was created by the Chinese thinker Confucius in the sixth century BCE. It underlines the significance of virtues, social agreement, and the significance of instruction, and self-development.


Antiquated India:


The Decimal Framework: The Indian mathematician Brahmagupta imagined the decimal framework in the seventh century CE, which incorporates the idea of nothing. This framework changed arithmetic and made complex estimations a lot more straightforward.


Ayurvedic Medication: Ayurveda is an arrangement of medication that was created in India a long time back. It stresses the significance of equilibrium and amicability in the body and incorporates practices like natural medication, back rubs, and contemplation.


Buddhism: Buddhism is a religion that began in old India and spread all through the world. It stresses the significance of empathy, peacefulness, and the quest for inward harmony and edification. Buddhism impacted Indian culture and lastingly affected the world.





B.B Sharma

Comparing the advancement of ancient Chinese and ancient Indian civilizations is a complex task. Both civilizations made significant contributions to human history and had distinct achievements and areas of expertise. It is important to avoid oversimplification and acknowledge the complexties and diversity within each civilization.


Ancient Chinese Civilization: Ancient Chinese civilization, which spanned thousands of years, made remarkable advancements in various fields. Chinese engineering, as mentioned earlier, witnessed innovations such as papermaking, printing, gunpowder, compasses, and advanced shipbuilding techniques. Chinese thinkers also made significant contributions to philosophy, with Confucianism, Daoism, and Legalism emerging as influential schools of thought.


Chinese civilization developed complex administrative systems, including a highly centralized bureaucratic government. The Chinese also had notable achievements in art, literature, calligraphy, and poetry. Their agricultural practices, such as irrigation systems, rice cultivation, and sericulture (silk production), contributed to economic prosperity and cultural development.


Ancient Indian Civilization: Ancient Indian civilization, with a long history and diverse regional cultures, also achieved significant advancements. Indian civilization made notable contributions to mathematics, including the development of the decimal numeral system, concept of zero, and foundational work in algebra and geometry. Indian scholars produced profound philosophical systems, such as Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism, which explored concepts of spirituality, ethics, and metaphysics.


Indian civilization witnessed remarkable progress in literature, with notable epics like the Mahabharata and Ramayana, and the development of multiple regional languages. Art and architecture flourished, exemplified by structures like the ancient universities of Nalanda and Taxla, as well as the intricate temple architecture of sites like Khajuraho and Ellora.


India also excelled in medicine, with ancient texts like the Ayurveda providing valuable insights into health and wellness. Additionally, trade and cultural exchange flourished through the Indian Ocean maritime routes, connecting India with other parts of Asia, Africa, and the Mediterranean.


Comparing Advancements: Determining which civilization was more advanced is subjective and dependent on the specific criteria being considered. Both ancient Chinese and ancient Indian civilizations had significant achievements and made unique contributions to different aspects of human development, including philosophy, science, technology, governance, art, and literature.


It is crucial to recognize and appreciate the diversity and complexty of each civilization, as well as the cross-cultural exchanges and influences that shaped their development. Rather than focusing on notions of superiority or ranking, it is more valuable to understand the richness and depth of both ancient Chinese and ancient Indian civilizations and the enduring legacies they have left behind.





Vij K

Difficult question to answer in few lines. First of all define parameters on which these two civilizations can be compared?

If we look at China n India in last 1000–2000 odd years then definitely China scores on many areas mainly dynasties/rulers tried to unify, modernize themselves and learnt art of globalization and marketing themselves in various areas.

Which is not the case with India, thousand odd kingdoms, invaders fighting expanding contracting disappearing is all our history is. Not much modern discoveries are attributed as well.





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