

I don't care about China because, as an American, I don't think a paper dragon is much of a threat. Why am I wrong?






Go visit China and you will get your answer. A high number Americans don't believe in their country medias about China.

Your brain isn't a garbage collector, know what is true and what is not, do a deep dive yourself.







Maybe the USA is even more of a paper dragon.

有没有一种可能,美国自己才是那只纸 老虎。


You do know that the USA military was in Afghanistan for 20 years and it still couldn't defeat the Taliban?

American troops did manage to kill a great many unarmed Afghan civilians though, mostly women and children.






Jerry Mc Kenna


Why are so many Americans ill-informed about China?

Relatively few Americans who don’t have Chinese family visit China. Few Americans understand or read Chinese.



Chinese culture hasn’t been taught in the US. I studied fine art in college and I learned next to nothing. Compare this with Italy. If you study art history you will learn at least something about European countries. Even if so much we buy is made in China, it is mostly designed in Europe or the US.

There is simply little access to Chinese information or culture in the US.






Sohaib Khan


We Americans consider China to be our biggest enemy. How many of you consider China to be an enemy of your country?


Why do you think China is your enemy?

What Gov feeds you, Americas just digest it without processing. China has focused on its economy from last few decades while on other hand USA have been invading countries and killing civilians and losing money.

China is a friendly country have neutral foriegn policies.







David J Wong


Why do the majority of Americans view China as our #1 enemy?

There’s several reasons:



In recent years, Americans have been told this over and over in various forms by their politicians and the mainstream media.

China has a public relations problem. Whether it’s because they don’t care or something else, their efforts at PR and perception management are terrible. Plus, any positive contributions that China might make simply don’t get covered in the US (or are minimized).


中国在公关方面表现不佳。无论是因为他们不在乎或是其他原因,他们在公关和认知管理方面的努力都不尽如人意。而且美国不会公开报道中国做过的一切积极贡献 (或者会被轻描淡写一笔带过)。

It’s easy to create an “us vs them” narrative for China. Language is different. Culture is different. The way people communicate is different. Government is different. Very few Americans have ever visited China. The country is a black box to most Americans — including many of the so-called China experts in the US.


China’s seemingly inexorable economic rise over the past 30 years vs America’s comparatively slower economic growth creates cognitive dissonance, going against accepted conventional wisdom that “freedom” (ie de ocracy) and capitalism inevitably results in greater prosperity than states. America is supposed to be the land of freedom and opportunity

过去30年中国经济势不可挡的崛起,和美国较慢的经济增长形成了认知上的不协调,这和传统的公众看法相悖,即“自由”和资 本主义必然会更成功。美国被视为机遇的国度


The US has legitimate concerns over IP theft and protection of intellectual property rights. I remember the story of an acquaintance in Canada who had an idea for a new children’s toy. He had done his research. There was nothing like it on the market. So he started negotiations with a factory in China to start manufacturing. Imagine his surprise when exact replicas of his prototype started appearing in the market — before he was able to get his own product in production.


Add this together, and it’s easy to create a narrative where China is the enemy.





David Levy


Why don’t Western people like China?

I’ve been here for over 30 years. When people ask me if I “like China” I usually say “It’s home— I like it on good days. Not so much on bad days. But it’s home, anyway.”

But yes, some westerners dislike China, and there can be a number of reasons for it:




They are unsuccessful either socially or professionally, and they blame their environment for not “letting” them succeed.

They experience conflicts due to misunderstanding the language and/or culture.

They are plagued with language problems, so little chores become stressful.



They can’t read Chinese characters, which are everywhere. This can be stressful.

They cannot navigate Chinese social circles very well. Because of language and cultural differences, they have difficulty making friends, or they chose friends whose motives may not be fully understood. This can lead to some bad experiences.



Living in China is a bit different than back home. Some guys just don’t like it.

China is less “westernized” than other East Asian countries they may have visited or lived in before.



So basically, there are stressors on foreign exsts which local Chinese may find difficult to understand. In addition, there are some more objective reasons, such as air pollution and food safety, which can be troublesome.

These feelings are sometimes amplified by what I call the “China sucks” feedback loop.



In order to relieve the stresses outlined above, some westerners like to sit around in expat bars complaining about China and the Chinese. Their WeChat groups feeds are full of media that validate the “China sucks” narrative; videos, photos, stories, and memes featuring Chinese people driving badly, being rude tourists, assaulting or cheating foreigners, littering, spitting, etc. Also there are stories of Chinese cops or other officials harassing expats.

为了缓解上述压力,一些西方人喜欢在外国人酒吧里一边喝酒一边吐槽中国和中国人。他们的微信群里充斥着证明“中国真糟透”说法的视频、照片、故事和表情包,内容嘛无非是中国人危险驾驶、不文明旅游、殴打或欺骗外国人、乱扔垃圾、随地吐痰等等。也有见过中国警察或其他官 员骚扰外国人的事。

Anyway, if you find a group of successful and mature westerners in China, they are unlikely to dislike the place. Westerners who really dislike the place are very often people who are having issues in some aspect of their lives, and whose anti-China views are constantly being validated and re-validated.


Now, if you are talking about westerners in their home countries who somehow dislike China, that’s a different story. This is likely due to the constant stream of disinformation about China and its activities. You have to understand that China’s economic and military ascension is a scary thing. For the past 100 (?) years the western counties have ruled the world economy— that looks like it’s come to an end. It’s hard to adjust.


Take just one example: the South China Sea “dispute”. If you look at it from a Chinese perspective, it’s perfectly natural that China should carve out it’s own portion of the SCS. Everyone else has been doing it for decades and no one complained. In addition, look at how many US military installations are arrayed along China’s coast, between Taiwan and Vladivostok. And with the US and Vietnam getting more friendly with one another, it makes sense that China should reserve it’s own space.


OK. That’s the a reasonable China perspective. But if you’re in the US, you may not even know, or may not notice, that the US has stationed itself across China’s doorstep and outside it’s backyard fence. You almost certainly don’t know that SE Asian countries have been claiming parts of the SCS for years. So it seems like a clear case of Chinese aggression.

So the media tells you that China is threatening your economic and military dominance, and is a growing threat to world peace. If you believe that, it makes sense to dislike China.






Eric Lee

Maybe you are right, nobody give a fxxk to paper dragon. But you have to ask your goverment and politician why they are so obsessed about a paper dragon. Have you ever seen a single day your media/government/politician didn't mention China at all?

Looking at the impact of trade war and tech. war now, I believe China would be delighted if American continue see them as paper dragon.

也许你是对的,没人在乎这只纸老 虎。但你必须先问问你的美国政府和政客,为什么他们会抓着不放。你见过哪天媒体、政客是真的闭口不提中国的吗?






If you can understand what 风水轮流转 means, then you will understand why you have been wrong.





Scott Bird

I think most who claim to hate China, or have a negative view of Chinese, are people who have no experience with China and have never visited.

I’ve been to China many times and always enjoyed my time there. I’ve made a lot of good friends that i still keep in touch with regularly. I hope to visit again someday.

Those who hate China are either ignorant, racist, or both.






Michael Hammond

I think people fear things that are different. I have been to China only once (so im no expert) but I think you have a great and beautiful country filled with mostly really good people. It is not a perfect place because nothing is perfect but I really liked my time there. You should think about traveling a little bit so you can see how the rest of the world is. It is an eye opening experience.


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