

In China, is there constant electricity supply for 24 hours throughout the year?





Shane Rooney

I turned to my Chinese friend and asked. This is the conversation.

Me: When was the last time you lost electricity

Her: Lost electricity? I don’t understand.

Me: When was the last time that the government stop supplying electricity.

Her: When?

Me: yes.







Her: The last time they need to fix something. They cut the electricity. Fix it.

Me: When was that?

Her: It is getting less and less. The last time it happened was when something burnt.

Me: Burnt? …

Her: [looks up on phone] short circuit. But this is very rare. Did you forget to pay the electricity? forget to pay for your light at home so now the lights don’t turn on.






Me: No. Nothing like that.

Her: Then why you ask.

Me: No reason.

Her: I think the last time was in 2005. do you know why? Too many people turn on their Air-Con and there is not enough electrcity. So the government build more power plants. Do you know __________. It is very famous.

Me: (doesn’t reply. too busy ty up this answer)






Her: Three gorges hydro electric…

Me: Three gorges dam. In English it is just called “three gorges dam”

Not only do they have electricity supply 24 hours a day, but the last time my friend remembers there being a blackout WAS IN 2005. That is impressive.








In big cities like Beiing, yes, there is a constant electricity supply on a 24*7*365 basis. There could be planned switch off at midnight several times each year, but the power outage lasts for less than 5 minutes in total.

In small cities or countries, like my hometown (a very small city with only a hundred thousand population), there could be one or two electricity outages a year. Each time it could last for several hours.



But when I was a kid (in 2000–2010), the electricity shortage is much more common. In every summer, there would cut the electricity supply for residents many times. At that time, we need to prepare many candles at home for the power loss that could occur at any time. For many times, we even lost power at class, and we just continued to read books with candles.





Yu An

I just want to tell you, come here and see by yourself.

As a Chinese, I find this is a little bit insulting. When I'm watching some American tv shows, I often find images and lines about China but with bias. Always imply China is poor, dirty, bad, govern, not free balabala…

This is China in America tv shows. When I see this, I just wanna say are you kidding me

these are from tv shows called Resurrection







This is the real China, as followed




So, don't let the media misleading you. Come and see the truth.





Daniel Zhou

Hmm…it depends on who is answering this question.

In China, there are two categories of electricity supply: civil electricity and industrial electricity. The pricing are different as well.



Civil electricity supply always has higher priority. In summer, more than half of China ‘s population live in the temperature above 38 Celsius (or 100 Fahrenheit) for 2 – 4 weeks. Cooling systems consume large volume of electricity and this demand is meet first. During this period there is not enough power for manufacture. Government has to cut the electricity to manufacture for a couple of hours per day, or supply in night time. Therefore for a residential he/she very likely agrees the electricity supply is constant 24/7 but for a factory worker, he/she may has to work at night in summer time.


Thanks for Frank Wang’s comment:

Frank Wang: As of 2015, every single village with population of over 20, is covered within the state power grid.

In terms of electricity generation, China surpassed US in 2011. In 2015, China generated 5810.6 TWh, or 24.1% of the world. Followed by US 4303.0 TWh, 17.9% and India 1304.8 TWh, 5.4% respectively.

感谢Frank Wang的评论:

Frank Wang:截至2015年,所有人口超过20人的村庄都已接入国家电网。



However, China’s population is about 3.5 times of US so the elec gen per ca pita is merely 40% of US. That is not enough for a “world factory”. By the end of 2017 Q1, China is building 20 nuclear power units and 76 hydro power stations are planning.





Ravi Mittal


I lived in China for 5 years and only instance when we had power cut was for 15min during a hurricane/typhoon.

I have travelled extensively within China. Been to tier4/5 cities and to some villages, interacted with migrant workers and no one seems to remember last time there was a power cut.

That is just amazing.








Sthitapragnya Deshpande

Yes - there is.

I too was curious about this when I started to live in China ("is this 24 hour supply only a feature of large cities and the coastal belt or it is all through the country?"), so I found a simple solution.



I asked my students.

My students come from across China - and at least half of them come from rural China. A quarter of them have spent their childhood hel their parents in small farms, in tiny remote villages. They are from nearly all provinces of China - from Inner Mongolia to Sichuan, injiang, to Yunnan, and of course, from villages in the provinces of the coastal belt.


我的学生来自中国各地,至少有一半来自中国农村,其中有四分之一学生的童年是在偏远的小村庄里帮父母干活。他们几乎来自中国所有的省份——从内蒙古到四川、新 疆到云南,当然,也有来自沿海省份的农村。

Not a single one of them had electricity issues at least for the past 5 years.

Some looked at me incredulously when I asked this question (a bit like asking a city person from India, "Do you get such good food in hotels all through the year?").



I did not tell them that in India, "load shedding" was a common phrase used all through my childhood - power cuts continue to be the norm in cities and having power for just a few hours daily is the norm in villages and towns. Even today, it is only a handful of Indian cities that have 24 hours electricity. And "laltain" (lantern) is a common word understood in all towns and is even used in cities!





Eduardo G P Fox

I've been in China since one year now. So good timing to answer this. I live in Guangzhou which is a big city, in a university campus. I don't think there was any general blackout this year here, but I've been without electricity locally a few (about 6) times. I think in all cases they're fixng the power grid either in the building or in the campus. The problem is, those were on short prior notice and in Chinese, meaning I was caught by surprise every time. Nothing serious though. I hear in many campi they turn off the power after 23h to force students to sleep; not the case here.





Kael Tomato

Every time I see this kind of silly questions appearing in my e-mail, I am wondering why these foreigners are so willing to show how brainwashed they are by some kind of conspiracy theories, or how oblivious and ignorant they are. Frankly, I feel that your understanding of China is far from enough, and many of you guys see China as it was decades ago. What you don’t know is that this country has been develo at a speed much faster than your countries for decades.


As a Chinese I just tell you that, if you are really interested in China, then go to China and see, and then come back to your country and delete your silly questions. If you are not willing to visit China, then stop asking silly questions about China.

If you think my tone is too rough, imagine that some foreigners ask such question in quora : “In (your country), is there constant electricity supply for 24 hours throughout the year?”. Instead, the question you’ve asked is rather offensive to us.



As a Chinese, I may have to consider unfollowing the topic “China” on quora, in order to stay in a good mood after I check my e-mail every morning.

My English is limited and I probably did not express my idea quite clear. If improper grammar, please forgive me.






David Field

LOL, seriously, I failed to understand this question at first, like someone is asking, “in US, is there enough air for everyone to breath ? ”

I thought it was my broken English preventing me from understanding this, while it turns out to be your ignorance about China.

Don't take it personally, I was kidding.





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