What’s the greatest region in history, the Middle East, China, India, or Europe? Why?
China - World Leader.
This is like saying, which is the most beautiful flower, the rose, the orchid, the tulip or the lotus.
These 4 regions have all had a great, rich and intense history.
And the immense cultural, scientific, artistic, social and religious legacy they have offered and left to our human heritage is magnificent.
In a way, it can be said that we are all a bit Middle Eastern, Chinese, Hindu and European.
Of course, a bit African too. Because that's where "Lucy", "Ardi" and "Irhoud" were born, and it was from this continent where it all began.
Sorry, we can't classify the greatness of the history of these 4 regions.
China - World Leader.
Oh that’s the Middle East without a doubt. (Disclaimer: I am adding Egypt and Greece to the region)
Yes, the region today is not very good. But throughout history, this region was home to some of the greatest civilizations in history. When China was still building stone fortifications, Egypt was building the Great Pyramid of Giza. It was also the most cosmopolitan area, as it served to link the Eastern civilizations with the Western ones.
As a result, a lot of ideas and concepts merged in the Middle East, into a form that easily spread both to Europe and to China. Nearly all major religions came from the Middle East. Most science and mathematics came from the Middle East, from “The Elements” to Al-Jabr.
Yes, the region has declined since the end of the Ottomans. It is a shell of its former self. But that’s barely 100 years out of its 4700 years of advanced civilization.
Oreste Papadopol
Was Europe more advanced than the Middle East or China in the year 1400?
This is a chart of how Europe was in comparison to China in 1400
As you can see, Italy was the most advanced back then. Of course, Italy did not exst as a country and it basically refers to the rich northern Italian states like the Republic of Venice, Genoa, Florence and the Papal States. (I know the Papal States and Florence are in Central Italy but I consider everything above Naples as being Northern Italy) The rest of Western Europe was worse than the Italian states and were just slightly better than China and India.
Between 1100 AD and 1850 (The Victorian Age), there was a slight divergence with Europe (Western Europe of course, duuuuugh!) being just a bit more advanced than the East but after 1850, boy did the Great Divergence start with Britain followed by the other Western countries (including the USA and excluding Spain and Portugal) just skyrocketing in advancement.
Susanna Viljanen
Why did the Industrial Revolution take place in Europe and not in the Middle East or China?
Because China and India lacked the Required Secondary Powers for the industrial revolution.
Those were a) cheap and efficient energy source b) understanding of calculus and higher mathematics c) true Capitalism and d) understanding the connection of philosophy, mathematics, science and technology.
a) 廉价高效的能源
b) 对微积分和高等数学的理解
c) 真正的资 本主义
d) 理解哲学、数学、科学和科技之间的联系。
China would have had a) in form of coal. Yet while China has extensive coal deposits, all the good coal would go to ironmaking - and China never invented coking process. Uncoked coal is awfully pollutive, smokes a lot and fouls flues and other things, and cannot be used in metallurgy or steam engines.
While the Chinese were excellent mathematicians, there never was a Chinese Newton or Leibniz. But had there been, that pre-requisite would have been fulfilled.
True Capitalism was perhaps the closest to emerge in China. The Chinese are excellent tradesmen and economists. But the problem was the too great and extensive bureaucracy, lack of justice state, lack of citizen society and all power being concentrated on the Imperial Court. This prevented the evolution of the true Capitalism and emergence of the bourgeoisie class as the monetary elite.
The pre-requisite d) was perhaps the hardest to attain in China. The Chinese philosophy never really made distinction between philosophy, religion and mysticism, and they never really found the connection of philosophy, mathematics, sciences and engineering.
真正的资 本主义差一点就要在中国萌芽了。中国人是优秀的商人和经济学家,但中国古代封建王朝的机构过于庞大,缺乏正义,缺乏公民社会,所有权力都集中在古代朝廷身上。这妨碍了真正的资 本主义的发展和资 产阶级作为金融精英的出现。
Isaac Ward
Why did it take so long for civilization to start in Europe compared to China and Middle East?
Both China and the Middle East had immense river valleys which collected silt and other river by-product which made surrounding soil incredibly fertile. When farming began it was these locations that allowed for the amount of food output to be enough to support civilization.
And when you think about it, if anyone is going to start farming and thus later on civilization it would be the people in these river valleys. They’d bee the only ones that would see the benefits of spending time and effort cultivating that plant for food since in other parts of the world it would be much harder.
The other big thing was that these rivers were navigable which meant that trade was far easier for any early on civilization.
These massive river systems exsted elsewhere (coincidentally in other places where civilization sprung up naturally). Namely, the Indus river Valley and the Nile.
A final thing to take into account is that back then global temperatures were quite a bit cooler. For example, northern Africa was considered some of the most fertile breadbasket during antiquity. This also meant that Europe was quite cold.
Matthew Kleid
Why did Europe take until the Late Middle Ages to develop civilization on par with China and the greater Middle East?
The migration period quashed Greco Roman culture, urban lifestyle, the humanities, and refined craftsmanship. It took about 800 years for Europe to sort itself out among the new power players of Germanic descent. Still, Europe did not have cities of comparable size to Chinese cities until about 1800.
Jack Starstruck
What is the history of the Middle East?
The Middle East is a vague region, in the past known as the Near East as it was in reference to where it was in comparison to Europe and particularly Western Europe (as sometimes the Balkans felt into the Near East according to some). Terms like Occident and Orient were bandied about as the latter referred to the “Middle East” but eventually became applied to East Asia. In recent years, an interesting geopolitical term called Greater Middle East has come into use as it reflects a wide area with a great deal of common history, from Morocco to Pakistan and from Uzbekistan to Somalia. Turkey and the Caucasus have sometimes been included, though the latter has more often since the Soviet Union been seen as the edge of Europe.
Defining geography, believe it or not, helps with the history of the region. The history can be boiled down a bit. Birth of Western civilization around Mesopotamia, over 7,000 years ago. Egypt and other civilizations abound, rise and fall. Alexander and the Greeks conquer and colonize much of the region along with the various incarnations of the Persia-based empires and then the Romans, Byzantines, and Muslim Arabs create other vast empires that incorporate a lot of the area. Later, migrants include Central Asian Turks, Mongols, notably the Ottomans and Safavids. These segue into the age of European imperialism and later independence of various nation-states.
During this period, the region is often the center of civilization on earth. Sometimes very advanced. It encompasses three continents and is closest to Europe and India outside its immediate environs, though it influences both the eastern parts of Asia and much of sub-Saharan Africa. In modern times, it comes to be associated with oil, revolution, and terrorism. The negative connotations have become preeminent for many outside the region, but there are spots of heavy development.
在此期间,该地区多次成为世界文明的中心。有时还非常发达,这个地区横跨三大洲,最靠近欧洲和印度,影响了亚洲东部和撒哈拉以南非洲的大部分地区。如今它与石油、革命和恐 怖主义联系在一起了。对亚洲以外的许多人来说,对该地区的负面看法更为突出了,但该地区也有一些地方发展得很不错。
If we want to boil down the history to one thing, it’s that it’s a work in progress and in many ways seeking to find a way to reconcile its rather glorious (and in recent years restive) past with modernity as if the latter can’t quite figure out how to fit in. Religion and its importance play a massive role in this and so it remains to be seen where the region will end up.
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