

Why did you become pro-China?




Nathan James

I became pro-China when I saw how Western countries were unfairly demonizing and vilifying China with lies and false accusations.

I became pro-China because I am a big believer in truth.

I became pro-China because I oppose racism and bigotry.




I became pro-China because I want to help prevent disastrous military confrontation between East and West. A war with China would be like no other in history. And China is a major nuclear power.

I became pro-China because I’ve visited China many times over the past 25 years and I love the country, as well as the people.

I became pro-China because China has proven to be so peaceful and benevolent.




China has not fought a single war since 1979. No other major power has been so peaceful for so long.

China is pursuing diplomacy throughout the Middle East rather than bombing the shit out of the region. Recently, she signed a 25-year cooperation deal with Iran.

China is negotiating with the Taliban instead of invading and occupying Afghanistan for 20 years.




China is leading the ASEAN countries in peaceful trade through RCEP, the world’s largest free trade bloc, despite having maritime disputes in the South China Sea.

China is hel Global South countries, as well as some European countries, build their infrastructure through the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).

China is inviting all nations to participate in her space station program, including the United States. Recall that USA banned China from the ISS.




Contrast China with America. There is simply no comparison.





Christophe Eloy

I came to China as anti-China as any average Westerner, with strong opinions about pollution.

Originally, I didn't mean to work in China, but that's where I found my first job. The pay was higher than anywhere else for my skills and experience, so, opportunity led to there. But I meant for it to be temporary. I wanted to get some experience and then to find a better country.



I lived in Equatorial Guinea when I found this job, teaching in a military school. Everyone warned me about going to China because of freedom and stuff, but nobody warned me about Equatorial Guinea. My co-workers in Guinea couldn't believe I would accept going to China. So I really expected at least as bad as Guinea.


But when I arrived in Tianin, I was surprised. I was free. A lot more than in Africa. And most of all, I felt safe. There is no crime, especially violent crime, in China. All the policemen and military men I met were welcoming and helpful! I even dated a few. Yes, in Africa I never dared dating a man, I feared for my life, but in China no problem. They have the best gay bars I've ever seen, huge with several floors with KTV, bright light cafe, lounge, restaurant etc all in one. I felt freer than even in France for that!


The people were really welcoming, really friendly. I didn't know Chinese, they didn't know English, but they were eager to interact. In addition to being free, safe and welcoming, it was also cheap and modern. The infrastructure is amazing but also everything is digital. With a single app like wechat or alipay, you can pay your utility bills online (and monitor your usage in real time), book Cinema tickets, order meals…


The logistics are amazing too. Delivery is usually free, or like 3 rmb, for a really efficient service. If you want things fast, use JD logistics, you get same day delivery of anything you buy online.


I've been here almost 10 years now. I've learnt Chinese, although I'm not fluent yet, and I have progressed regularly in my career. I started at 1000 Euros a month (not much back then but with a flat on campus, it's a lot of purchasing power) and now I'm around 5000 Euros a month with international health-care and 3 months paid vacation. It's still a land of opportunity. The Chinese dream is real. If you are willing and hard working, there is money to be made.


The only downside is that it's very hard to actually immigrate. I wish I could, but the requirements to get a green card are really high… I'm hopeful that in the future, it can become easier, because I really wish to stay in China until the end of my life.

And that's also why I'm mad at the Western media. The way they depict China is unfair. I get called a wumao a lot for just stating facts. Everyone is prejudiced against China and nobody wants to hear the truth. China is ahead of us and moving forward. We have so much to learn from them.



EDIT March 2 2023


First, I didn't expect my answer to get that many views or upvotes. Thanks!

Lately, I'm getting a lot of comments with similar points that I would like to address.



“You are a Westerner, you are privileged, you don't know the life Chinese have"

I am a Westerner, privileged in some regards (the patience of administration and services), second class citizen in others (cannot use certain services, apps or products that require a Chinese ID).



But do you think I've lived 10 years with no interactions with Chinese people? I've taught hundreds of students from all over China and with all economic backgrounds. I've had lots of Chinese co-workers, neighbors and friends. All the boyfriends I've had in China were Chinese and most were from humble origins. I know where they live, how much they make, what their job is like.


“You earn a lot, life would be good anywhere with that salary"

It is good NOW. The first seven years, it wasn't. My parents joined me after 1.5 years so we were three people, one of us with health issues and no health insurance (diabetes and eventually cancer) that I had to pay out of pocket. We were far from rich. Now we earn more, but with my dad's cancer and his recent passing, we have yet to save anything.



“you live in big cities, life is different in the countryside"

Yes, I live in Beiing and I've lived in Tianin. I've also lived in Zhuhai, which isn't considered big.

I've visited friends' hometowns, poorer, small villages with slanted, old homes. I've traveled, seen a lot. I can't claim that I've seen it all, but in 10 years and moving so much, meeting so many people, going to so many places, I think I have enough experience to get a sense.







Comrade Paul Smith

Arriving in China was a bit of a shock for me The country was definitely not co unist, it was more capitalist than most other countries I have visited. That was the first shock.

The immigration officials at the border were a lot more welcoming and helpful than their counterparts in my homeland, Australia; they went to a lot of trouble hel me out with my visa & a bunch of other issues. That was a huge surprise. If you arrive in Australia or the US without a valid visa, you get locked up and deported.

对我来说,抵达中国后我是震惊的,这个国家比我去过的大多数国家都更资 本主义化。这是第一个震撼。


I felt totally safe wherever I went, I did not see drug-addled or panhandling homeless people anywhere. Contrast that to Los Angeles, where I have a second home — the stench of urine & marijuana smoke downtown is pretty confronting. Didn't see that in any CBD in China.

On the whole, most Chinese people I met were very kind and helpful, even though I did not speak Chinese. I couldn't help but feel guilty because people who don't speak English in Australia don't get the sort of welcome I got.



Human rights abuses? I saw none. I met several Muslim Chinese & they did not look oppressed to me. There are plenty of mosques and they are usually full on Fridays.. One Muslim moneychanger told me: “I have no wish to leave China, I'm doing quite nicely here.”

侵犯人 权?我从未发现。我遇到过几位中国MSL,我觉得他们并未受到压迫。中国有很多清真寺,周五通常人满为患。一位MSL换汇商告诉我:“我可不想离开中国,我在这里过得可好了。”

There was freedom of movement. I travelled wherever I wanted. Nobody stopped me


Yes, the chinese keeps tabs on people. But so too do the governments of Australia and the US, places where I have have lived all my life. The only difference is that the chinese is more open about surveillance than other governments. They don't hide it or pretend it doesn't happen.


此文由 三泰虎 编辑,未经允许不得转载!:首页 > 问答 » 你为什么开始亲华了,外国女子在华10年:中国很发达,我交往的男朋友都是中国人
