

How do you feel about Chinese people who live around you or about your Chinese friends?




Gayathri Sitaraman

Digital Marketer. Fitness Influencer. Funny AF.Author has 355 answers and 5.2M answer views9y

Originally Answered: How do you feel about Chinese people?

Ni Hao!

I work in a software company in India. A good portion of our team resides in China. Hence, I've a few Chinese colleagues whom I interact with on a daily basis.

They're awfully polite and I find that I need to use loads of 'Thank you's and 'Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening's because they do the same.




It's a common impression that Chinese people are extremely hard-working and I couldn't agree more. They're very dedicated and they've never turned in sub-standard work.

I once mentioned to a colleague that I found Mandarin fascinating and that I was trying to learn it. Since then, he has been extremely encouraging and he always takes time to answer my silly doubts about the four different tones.

In short, they are very nice and humble people. ie xe!






Wing Chau

my heart never left.Author has 1K answers and 2M answer viewsUpdated 4y

Originally Answered: How do you feel about Chinese people?

I have been Chinese for over forty years. I deem myself sufficiently experienced with being and interacting with Chinese people. Here are my observations.


1. We are very hard working. Parents spent much of their waking hours working to provide for their families immediate and future needs, almost independent of their earning power. I know doctors working 15 hour days raking in millions and new immigrants working the same hours or longer for $5 per hour.

1. 我们工作非常努力。父母会把醒着的大部分时间都用来工作,满足家庭现下和未来的需要,这跟他们的赚钱能力高低无关。我知道医生每天工作15个小时,赚了数百万美元,而新移民会工作同样或更长的时间,每小时5美元也不嫌少。

2. We are generous with close friends and immediate family members. Not much giving to the needy or the sick. Chinese often believe the needy are lazy and the sick should be cared for by family or the government, or worse faking the illnesses. There are not enough of us willing to look eye to eye with people with disabilities and lend a hel hand or just being non-judgemental. The fact that mental, developmental, and physical disabilities are not contagious is somehow loss to many of us.

2. 我们对好朋友和直系亲属很慷慨。但对穷人和病人不会太大方。中国人普遍认为人穷是因为懒,生病了该由家人或国家照顾,如果装病就更可恶了。有些中国人会看不起残疾人,不太愿意伸出援助之手,甚至还会指指点点。事实上,精神、发育和身体上的残疾并不会传染,这对我们许多人来说都是一种损失。

3. Chinese students are generally very hard-working and often apply themselves fully to academic activities. Extracurricular activities are often taken up with resume dressing in mind or forced upon by parents needing to keep up with the Chens or the Zhangs. Being compassion and helpful are often taught and enforced within a very small social circle.

3. 中国学生通常都非常勤奋,会全身心地投入到学术活动中。他们参加课外活动通常都只是为了简历好看,或是因为家长的攀比心。会教导孩子要有同情心、要乐于助人的家庭不多。

4. Grandparents are incredibly helpful and protective of their grandchildren. The ones lucky enough to live with their grandkids almost always have the pick up and drop off duty. They can easily be spotted as elderly folks carrying kids' backpacks near schools. They are poor examples for their grand kids as they often don't converse with other Chinese they meet especially not the needy.

4.  祖父母对孙子孙女的帮助和呵护让人吃惊。那些有幸和孙辈住在一起的人基本担负起接送孩子的责任。学校附近常常能看到帮孩子背书包的老人。他们是孩子的坏榜样,因为他们很少会跟遇到的其他人(尤其是穷人)聊天。

5. We are very shy with strangers. Many of us hesitate to say hi to strangers often including people in the community that we see sometimes. People don't say hi in Chinese to people they meet.

5. 我们在陌生人面前很害羞。很多人不会主动和陌生人打招呼,甚至同小区的人也如此。

6. Many of us give really weak handshakes and have trouble maintaining eye contact when speaking to others.

6. 我们中有许多人在和别人说话时握手软绵绵,眼神四处飘。

7. Most of us are pretty smart shoppers except when it comes to name brand stuff. We love name brand goods and love buying second quality or last season's name brand stuff in outlet stores while ignoring discounted brands that are still cheaper. Many of us are crazy with health products with zero scientific proof that they work. There are healthy markets for pills making kids taller to herbal cures that beat back the most aggressive cancer with just one six month treatment from a company that was just founded yesterday for $2,995 plus ship and handling. All without medical consultation or prescription, of course.

7. 我们中的大多数人都是精明的购物者,除了购买名牌之外。我们太喜欢名牌了,喜欢在奥特莱斯商店买次品或过季款,折扣品牌的商品就算价格更便宜也无人问津。有很多人疯狂地购买没有科学依据的保健产品。中国的保健品市场有帮孩子长高的药,也有6个月疗程就能治愈严重癌症的草药疗法(这个草药公司可能昨天才刚刚成立,草药售价高达2995美元(含运费和手续费) )。当然了,这些都是没有医嘱和处方的。

8. Many of us are very financial savvy. We know that we should max out our 401K and when to buy puts to hedge risk. Some of us do fall for pyramid schemes and massive pyramid sales schemes.

8. 我们中的很多人都很懂理财。我们知道我们应该最大限度地使用我们的401K,什么时候购买看跌期权来对冲风险。有些人中了传销的圈套。

9. A lot of us like to watch events unfolding. Many of us like to watch an argument and/or a fight involving non lethal means. A large crowd can quickly form around a fist fight. Some cheer, some wager who will win, some watch silently, but all of them disperse quickly when the police shows up. They have time to watch a fight but have no time to stop the fight or give a statement when the authority arrives.

9. 我们很多人都喜欢看热闹。我们很多人都喜欢围观吵架斗殴。只要有人打架,周围很快就会聚集起一大群看热闹的人。有的人起哄,有的人打赌,还有的人静静围观,但只要警察一出现,所有人都会迅速散开。他们有时间围观,没有时间劝架,也没时间跟警察说说情况。

10. Many of us are very polite with people we know and sometimes to foreigners we don't know. we are very nice to our friends and family but can be very rude toward people we don't know in general with exception to foreigners. It is almost like people in these group know foreigners are not used to their general rudeness toward other Chinese and must show their best face when they interact with foreigners. Foreigner is defined as white.

10. 我们中的许多人对认识的人很有礼貌,对不认识的外国人有时也很有礼貌。我们对朋友和家人友善客气,但对不认识的人很无礼,除了外国人。就好像这些人知道外国人会不习惯这种无礼,所以他们在和外国人交往时必须表现出最友善的一面。这里说的外国人特指白人。

11. Some of us have trouble putting ourselves in others' positions when we do something. We like to keep our space clean but have no problem with leaving dog poo on neighbors' lawn. Some of these people have no problem with throwing trash where ever they please. When confronted they claim litter ensure jobs for street cleaning crew.

11. 我们中有些人很难设身处地地为别人着想。我们喜欢把自己家里搞得干干净净,但可能在邻居家草坪上留下狗屎。他们会随地乱扔垃圾。如果别人有意见,他们会说垃圾都归道路清洁工管。

I will update my observations when i think of more. Hopefully we will all continue the good traits and improve upon the not so good ones. I don't claim to be perfect. I admit my shortcomings and I am working on them.




Warren Mundell

Worked at Self-EmploymentUpvoted by

Oukui Pascal, former Teacher of university at China (2000-2006)Author has 406 answers and 1.8M answer views4y


What do most people in your country think about China and Chinese people?

Most people in Canada think China is bad. They won’t admit this, but they follow the US propaganda about China taking our jobs. They are quick to say that China just makes junk. They blame the Chinese for some rising house prices, anything to put Chinese down.

Canadians won’t say anything positive about China, but are quick to repeat a negative, like poor human ri hts, or ghost cities. I never hear anyone say that China has fast computers, or that Chinese people are generally great.

Canadians are not interested in even reading any positive articles about China. Sorry Canadians, but this is true. You are racist.


加拿大人对中国没有一句好话,还总是一遍遍地说中国的坏话,什么没人 权啦,什么鬼城啦。我从来没听人说起过中国有超级计算机或者中国人很棒这样的话。




David Moore

Evolutionary LogotherapistAuthor has 8.3K answers and 75.2M answer views1y


What do you think of Chinese people?

I work in an area of Sydney with a lot of ex-patriates. Most of the ‘Chinese people’ I know are Australian-born and are culturally very similar to me, but I do get to look after some Mainlanders and Hong Kongers who live here for a while.

I just saw one of them this morning, and amongst all the ‘Australia vs China’ crap in the news at the moment, the experience reminded me how lovely the families I know are.

One should never generalise one’s experience of a few people to a whole nation, but the Chinese nationals I get to look after are all very patient, gentle and likeable people. They work with me in English, and I make a bit of an effort to translate medical information to Mandarin where I can. Thankfully there are resources for that.


今天早上我才刚刚见了一位,在一堆“澳大利亚 vs 中国”的垃圾新闻中,今天的经历再次提醒我这些家庭是多么的可爱。


I would hate seeking general medical care outside my language and culture, but these guys go out of their way to make things easy for me, and I can’t say how much I appreciate that.

I always feel that the person who makes the biggest effort to adapt to the other’s culture is the bigger person. I try a little, but they try a lot.

In summary, the Chinese nationals I know have endeared themselves to me, the people here definitely represent the nation in a positive way.






Konstantin Riumin

Russian studentUpvoted by

Ma Tohigh(马向高), lives in China (2001-present) and

Tong Koeng Man, Master Politics & International Relations, KPFUAuthor has 87 answers and 716.3K answer views6y


How do Russian people (both domestic and aboard) think of Chinese people (both domestic and aboard)?

Domestic russian here.

I think Chinese people are numerous (every russian knows there are lots of them, we even have jokes about it), cunning/wise (in “eastern way”) and hard-working. They are also resilient (russians admire this trait), and they managed to pull their country from a hellhole while we plunged our country in it (I know life in China in 1950 was far worse than in Russia in 1990-ies). China has hard-working people and (relatively) wise, even-minded government, and that is great. China’s ideal of harmony is also admirable (compare to the US ideal of world domination). China doesn’t use guns and planes and brute force like Russia or US love to do, but that doesn’t mean it is weak or indecisive.







There is also some sort of “old father” feeling. Modern China is like a mighty and successful son of now-frail Russia (USSR). When China was in poverty and devastation, we helped them with engineers and teachers and machines despite also being devastated (“Russian and Chinese are brothers forever” - USSR slogan from 1949). Chinese were wiser, and they didn’t let their country collapse. China is now powerful, and we Russians see a bit of our legacy in it

我们对中国还有一种“老父亲”的情愫。现代中国就像现在孱弱的俄罗斯(苏联)的一个强壮而成功的儿子。当中国穷困潦倒、萧条荒芜的时候,我们向他们提供了工程师、教师和机器设备,尽管后来也被摧毁了(“俄罗斯和中国永远是兄弟”——这是苏 联从1949年开始的口号)。中国人比我们更聪明,他们没有让自己的国家分崩离析。现在中国十分强大,我们俄罗斯人还可以从中窥见苏 联的一丝影子

And if i were to choose whom i want to see as world leader, i would pick China. Just because millennia-old civilisation is wiser that 300 years old nation of gung-ho adventurers.

(I admit there is a charm in American mentality, but they are too aggressive and power-hungry to rule the world, Chinese are more balanced)





Ashton Lee

Created + executed country level business strategies for enterprises.Author has 236 answers and 1.6M answer viewsUpdated 4y

Originally Answered: How do you feel about Chinese people?

Collectively some of the most resourceful people you will ever meet.

They will change the face of the earth like a dormant giant reawakened. Their effect on the world economy is already well known. Their impact on global society and culture still to come but it is coming.





Chan Roberts

Lived in China (2014–2021)Author has 10.2K answers and 5M answer views5y

I don’t have particularly negative feelings about the Chinese people around me. Sometimes certain cultural traits can be annoying, but you learn to tolerate them. The same is true anywhere.




David Levy

Living and working in China since 1986Upvoted by

Andrew McGreevy, Ph.D. History of China, The Ohio State University (1981) and

Wei Ky, lives in China (1991-present)Author has 291 answers and 1.9M answer viewsUpdated 3y


What is your opinion about China and Chinese people?

Let me tell you a story:

In 1986 I went across China, from Beiing to Urumqi, Turpan, and Kashgar. On the way I stopped off in DaTong, on a mission to find an American guy who had moved there (turns out he had already left China— but that’s not relevant to the story).



On the train I met a young PLA soldier who spoke pretty good English. He was traveling home for the first time in over a year, and hadn’t been in contact with his family all that time. It would have been reasonable had he simply said goodbye to me at the station and went on his way, but instead he took me to his home. His mother cried when she saw her son and rushed out to buy meat, fish and other really expensive things. This was a coal mining family, with one room, and everyone heating and slee on top of the one kang. (An entire row of these houses shared one outhouse— three brick walls, two bricks on the ground for squatting.)

Of course I was too ignorant to be embarrassed about this lavish treatment.



Then after dinner, instead of sitting around reconnecting with his family, he helped me find people back in town who might help me with my mission.

My opinion of China and the Chinese? After over 30 years I’m still here, and still have a warm feeling when I think about that special dinner with the DaTong coal miners.




Anne W Zahra

M.Ed., language teacher (English, French, German, Spanish)Author has 3.9K answers and 8.6M answer views9y

Originally Answered: How do you feel about Chinese people?

I think the Chinese culture overall is complex and fascinating. The people are hardworking, family oriented and they value education, whether they are in the US, China or elsewhere.

I think one of the traits Chinese people and Americans share is a love for business entrepreneurship.



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