

If the military budget of the USA and India is reversed, will it make India a superpower?




Ameet Singh

Studied at Fergusson College, PuneAuthor has 889 answers and 492.2K answer viewsSat


understand what a superpower means.

a superpower is one that can project military power across international borders, anywhere in the world.

towards that objective, the USA has 835 bases all over the world.

India is nowhere close. Just budgets aren’t enough.

Japan & China have plenty of money. Both aren’t superpowers.










Aravind Varier

Teacher (2011–present)Author has 2.9K answers and 32.1M answer viewsFri

QUESTION : If the military budget of the USA and India is reversed, will it make India a superpower?

ANSWER : A country is called as superpower when citizens of that country enjoy

1) Affordable quality education

2) Affordable quality Health care

3) Social security for senior citizens

4) Access to Nutritious food

5) Access to Clean drinking water

6) Dignity of labour (very important)

7) Ease of learning a New Skill

8) Access to Clean Air

9) Free and Fair market economy

10) Courts Adjudicating cases swiftly and fairly.












Having nuclear warheads and intercontinental ballistic missiles doesn't make you a superpower when 50% of your citizens are incapable of accessing the facilities mentioned in the aforesaid 10 points.

It is useless to preach Patriotism to a person who is impoverished because he or she can sell that Patriotism for a meal.





Randeep Wadehra

Novelist, Blogger, News Analyst, and Vlogger @ YouTubeAuthor has 548 answers and 21.6K answer viewsFri

Certainly not. India doesn't have the comparable military-industrial complex, scientists, inventors and innovators. More important, our educational and institutional sophistication leaves much to be desired. Work culture and ethics will need huge upgrades. Budgets alone won't do the trick.





Software Engineer (2016–present)Fri

Not possible As we know that the USA uses its own Weapons whereas India buy from other countries . Yes, we can invest more in research ( If the budget is more than 500 billion dollars). But we can’t make planes like F-22 or S-35. So investing more money is not a good idea .




Truth About Russia

Answered by

Богдан Нагорняк


The term itself implies that you must also be strong politically and economically. And ideally, you need to be a hegemon in your region, which is quite difficult to do when China is nearby.




Srinatha Hebbale Ramaiah

Former Group director at Aeronautical Development Agency (ADA) (1986–2000)Author has 984 answers and 739.8K answer viewsFri

Most probably no, namely that the mere exchange of the military budgets between India and the USA will not automatically make India a superpower. We are dependent on Russian military hardware for most of our requirements of arms. If we just have the money but not the technology for manufacturing arms on a Massive scale, we see that we wouldn't have achieved the answer to the question posed.




S. Stark

Author has 2K answers and 6.5M answer viewsFri

No. It’ll still require several decades.

US can manufacture its military hardware, not to mention it has soft power over the world. With that amount of money, India can start investing in military R&D, but it’ll require decades.





Ram Gopal Pareek

Worked at Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited, Haridwar (1972–2008)Author has 2.8K answers and 270.2K answer viewsFri

No. Military budget itself is not enough for making a super power. Dedicated nationalist leadership is a necessary condition. Thanks





Lives in India (1990–present)Author has 240 answers and 3.7M answer views5y


Is India emerging as a military superpower?

Top 4 Millitary powers:










But there is huge reason India can’t be considered a true super power as of yet and China and Russia are given that stage. The Difference between other three and India is that all three have a Robust completely Indigenous Arms Industrial complex backed by massive R&D infrastructure and Budget. While India has a puny R&D infrastructure and Budget and hence Industry doesn’t grow much.


“Make in India” are Starved by poor budgets, are not properly funded or not given enthusiasm to comeup to get some real IP. Without Indigenous R&D and Industry India is far from Superpower!




Annaamalai Mohan

Student writer Author has 163 answers and 399.4K answer views5y


When will India be a superpower?

The day when everyone have three meals a day


The day when every farmer goes to sleep thanking God with a divine smile on his face.


The day when women are viewed with respect.


The day when a girl can walk home at midnight,fearless


The day when everyone has good clothes and an abode to live in.


The day when Medical field is not just business.


The day when justice is delivered, on time.


The day when we are ruled by a leader,not a mere politician.




Jay Arron

Lives in East CoastAuthor has 88 answers and 119.1K answer views2y


Would the United States remain a world superpower if we lowered our military spending to $300B? How about less?

Yes…$300 bn is still a very big budget.

We would probably move to an all submarine navy, and replace a lot of maned aircraft with UAVs and cruise missiles. Expensive weapons that would not be useful in a war with China, like tanks, would also get cut.



A 6 division Army, 2 MEF Marine Corp,120 ship Navy, and 2,000 aiaircraft Airfoce sounds about right for $300 bn.

That is still a really powerful military. It is more than enough to control the Western Hemisphere and credibly guarantee the security of NATO and Asian allies.

Put another way, $300 bn lets you do the following things




Maintain a credible nuclear deterent / nuclear umbrella

Resupply allies facing naval blockades by sea

Deny an enemy access to commercial ship through a blockade or submarine warfare

Maintain air superiority over the territory of an ally

Carry out precision strikes on enemy targets with long range missiles

If the US can do these five things, a US ally should be able to hold off a country like China or Russia indefinitely. For the 21st century, that is probably as good as it gets for a super power.









Ray Comeau

Decades working in analyzing risk and plotting strategyAuthor has 6.4K answers and 8.3M answer views4y


How long will it take for India to become as big of a superpower as the US, at the back of its population, military and economy?

How long will it take India to become a superpower?

It will take as long as it takes India to :

Reduce poverty in India until it becomes a minor issue.








Once these issues have been resolved in India it can look forward to full filling its potential.




Shankar Rao

Studied at SES & SN Murthy PolytechnicAuthor has 110 answers and 11.1K answer views2y

Why is the USA a superpower and not India?

Because of allies USA have and we don’t have. EUROPE, Japan, UK, Australia, Canada, Saudi Arabia, Qatar are their allies. Secondly they have 2000 universities and their education policies are always advanced. Their immigration laws attract intelligent people from all over the world, which has contributed to their growth both in science and also in other areas.




Tarun Madan

Works at The University of Texas at AustinAuthor has 215 answers and 737.2K answer views9y

Would India be the best replacement as the next superpower of the World?



1) Unlike US/China/Russia/Europe, we have rampant corruption at all levels of governance. A good 'superpower' has to be clean.

2) Unlike US/China/Russia/Europe, we are casteist (many won't marry outside their caste) and sexst (female foeticide, limited education opportunities to females). A good superpower cannot have such widespread social issues and primitive ideology.

1) 跟美国、中国、俄罗斯和欧洲不同,我们印度的各级ZF严重腐 败。而优秀的“超级大国”必须清正廉洁。

2) 跟美国、中国、俄罗斯和欧洲不同,印度还有种姓制和性别歧视。超级大国不可能还存在各种社会问题和落后的意识形态。

3) Unlike US and China, we do not have a very stable economy. A superpower should have a diverse and functional economy not entirely based on one sector.

4) Unlike US/China/Russia/Europe, we have a quarter of our population living under extreme poverty. A superpower has to first move its citizens out of poverty and hunger before anything else.

5) Unlike US/China/Russia/Europe, we fail to provide basic facilities to the majority of our citizens (24h and 100% electricity, clean water and food). Again, a superpower has to first ensure that its citizens have a decent standard of living.

3) 跟美国和中国不同,我们的经济不够稳定。超级大国应该拥有完善成熟的经济。

4) 跟美国、中国、俄罗斯和欧洲不同,我们还有四分之一的人口仍然生活在极端贫困之下。超级大国首先必须让国民摆脱贫困和饥饿。

5) 跟美国、中国、俄罗斯和欧洲不同,我们还没能为大多数公民提供基本设施(24小时稳定电力供应、干净的水和食物)。超级大国必须先让公民拥有体面的生活。



Rohit Banerjee

9 years of part time defence analysis.Author has 254 answers and 2M answer views5y


Is India a military superpower?

Not yet,

The only Superpower is US right now, but India is definitely closing the gap over the years.

There are several things needed to be a Superpower.

1.Among them is having a strong indigenous Defence industry, which India is working on right now. India has developed several world class equipment like Jets, Helicopters, Tanks, Warships, Submarines and what not. To name some -




1. 打造强大的本土国防工业,印度现在正为此而努力。印度已经研发出了一些世界顶级的装备,比如喷气式飞机、直升机、坦克、军舰、潜艇等等。

The next challenge will be to improve manufacturing capabilities to mass produce these technology both for itself and for exports.


2. Another important criteria is -Expand your military, without compromising Quality. In other words, both modernize and expand at the same time.

Lets take example of the Navy for this. The Indian Navy plans to add several advanced warships like 2 Aircraft Carriers, atleast 17 Destroyer/Frigates and 24 Submarines over the next 15 years, but retiring only 1 exsting Carrier and 7 of the oldest exsting Destroyer/Frigates.

2. 第二点,扩大军队规模并保证军队实力。换句话说,现代化和规模化同时满足。


This way the Navy is not only modernizing, but also growing at tremendous speed, while making sure most of its Warship fleet are relatively modern.


3. Overseas Military bases - To be a Superpower, India needs atleast a few large overseas bases. India already has a few - Farkhor Airbase in Tajikistan , Army bases in Nepal and Bhutan, Naval Posts at Seychelles, Madagascar, Maldives, Mauritius ….Berthing rights at Oman and Vietnam to name some. The next stage should be to expand these exsting bases by improving its infrastructure and stationing more personnel and equipment.


4. Defence Budget/Strong Economy - US has a Defence budget of 600 Bil$. India in comparison has a Purchasing Power Parity(PPP) Defence Budget of around 200 Bil$.

So as India’s GDP grows, India defence budget will automatically grow to support a much more powerful Military, racing to be a Superpower.

4. 国防预算/强劲的经济——美国有6000亿美元的国防预算。相比之下,印度的购买力平价国防预算约为2000亿美元。



Akshay Singan

Why doesn't India deserve to be a superpower?

Will we be a super power, i believe that is inevitable, even with all the sabotage that is done internally and externally. India never sees others with a malafide intention. Even sworn enemies are forgiven when they apologize (in private) and we move on. IF we are a superpower it ll only be soft power and through good will and love for all human kind and not by flexng muscles or being a conquering marauder or bully. India is more of a let us all win together nation, not the i ll win at any cost. We play to our strengths, there are multiple weaknesses, when people over the world ridicule us it is taken in a stride and we work on correcting the fault. A unique people that have allowed their own persecution and fought it only on the strength of moral superiority and the conviction for self rule. India has many faults that may decelerate its path to being a global power, but those faults make it colorful and lively. We deserve to be a super power, but a new kind of super power, that ll make the world a better place for all things living and non living.


此文由 三泰虎 编辑,未经允许不得转载!:首页 > 问答 » 如果美国和印度的军事预算互换,印度会因此成为超级大国吗
