

Do Vietnamese have Chinese blood?





Trần Anh Khôi

The Vietnamese people undeniably possess 30–50% of Chinese blood. At the end of the day, the Vietnamese people originated from China, and that’s that.





No Name

Northern and Southern Chinese are too much different, there is no answer for the question of what is Chinese blood. If you ask about the DNA relation between Vietnamese and Southern Chinese, I would say yes without hesitation.

Vietnamese is similar to Italian, Southern Chinese is French and Northern Chinese is Nordic. In the past, all these groups were mixed at some degree as well as Vietnamese and Chinese.







And not only Vietnamese:)

You can look up in the Internet such word like “Sinosphere” and you will see that Viatnam, Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia, and other South Asian countries bordering with China, as well as Korean peninsula and Japan all are somehow related to China.



Vietnam also celebrates Chinese New Year a.k.a Spring Festival and other festivals originating from China.

If you know Chinese, then you will find that Cnatonese and Vietnamese are similar in some way - the words, intonation and tones.






Swee Chen

I can pick a Vietnamese person, and a Chinese from any Asian country. Many Asian can probably tell the difference.

As to why their appearances, at least superficially, are similar, I’ll leave to those who are more expert than me.



Whether a person has Chinese blood in them or not is probably secondary to their upbringing. The usual nurture vs nature influence. There might be some innate traits that might be significant but most behavioural characteristics, I would argue, are influenced by the environment.





Thắng Phạm Đức

Chinese is not clear and firm concept for a nation then for that concept. Then “Chinese blood” in Vietnamse people is a non-sense idea.

The concept for “Chinese” as a Concept standing for a homogeneous Nation was just created by some people in the early years of 20th Century in the Movements of de-colonism and de-feudalism. Before that, there was no Chinese nation (Han Nation) or China Country… There was courts of God’s Sons in China then Mongolian, Machurian, Sa da (沙陀)… who could win war and achieve Mandate of God then they could control Under Sky Land (天下 - Thiên Hạ).



Even in the time of Northerners domination, people in Vietnam were not Chinese. People under the Courts of God’s Sons were under-sky people (Người trong thiên hạ), not any Chinese were there. In mordern China, Han Chinese Genetics are also not homegenious, Northern Han Chinse have far relation to Southern Han Chinese… Southern Han Chinese have close genetic relations to Vietnamese, Thai, Zhuang, Laotian…rather than close to Northern Han Chinese.


Then Vietnamese people are shared some genetic relation with a part of people in Asia including people in morden China. Then nothing to do with Chinese Blood in Vietnamese people even with Hoa ethnic in Vietnam because their ancestors were not Chinese and Came Vietnam before Chinese nation born.





Harry Jang

Basically, this question is wrong. As China is a multi ethnic country, there is nothing like 'Chinese gene'. It's like asking 'do Mexcans have American gene?'

Maybe the enquirer wanted to ask about Han Chinese gene, but still it's not correct. Hans are more a cultural group than a genetic ethnic group. If you compare genes of people claiming they are Han, you will find there is big diversity. Maybe there was a group of people that shared same gene near present central China about 2500 years ago, but after countless invasions, conquests, and immigrations, it is all mixed. People conquered by Han accepted their culture and after several generations, started calling them Han.



Yes, after centuries of close relationship, there must have been Chinese people who moved to Vietnam and vice versa. Nothing special between neighboring countries.





Samuel Lee

Yes, dna don’t lie. Most northern kinh people of vietnam share almost the same dna as Han chinese of southern China. Kinh people is a cousin race of Han Chinese.







William Tang

You decide. The first emperor of Vietnam was General Zhao Tuo, who the Ch’in Emperor sent to conquer and govern Vietnam. After the fall of the Imperial Ch’in dynasty, Zhao Tuo decided not to return home and made himself the emperor of his fief.





Vivian Chen

I’m just gonna hit you with the straight facts. If you play around with some genetic modelling tools and try to work out what population sources best fit an average Vietnamese profile, I’m just gonna say you can NOT get a decent match for Vietnamese without including some level of Han-related admixture.

Everyone else in the answers is going into how ethnicity is a social construct. Yeah, there is no “Vietnamese gene” and the like, but we can still make very educated guess of the ethnic identities of the populations that moved into Vietnam based on the time of admixture, certain genetic markers they had, historical records, and archaeology. Like, we can know for sure that Vietnamese Kinh people aren’t mixed with Khoisan Bushmen.



This Chinese admixture is not even vague or debatable like some other examples because it happened when the ethnic identities were already somewhat defined and the migration was well-documented in historical sources. There’s a difference between something that happened 4,000 years ago vs 1,000. Kinh people are actually more “northern-shifted” than some southern Chinese ethnic minority groups they are closely related to like the Zhuang, even though the Kinh are geographically more southern. It’s also quite possible the Vietnamese language even has a Middle Chinese substrate in it from the Han population living in Vietnam that was eventually absorbed into the Kinh population.


Vietnamese people have a fairly high level of Neolithic Yellow River ancestry compared to other Southeast Asians, and they even chart on PCA as being “in-between” East Asian and Southeast Asian clusters. The groups that carry the highest proportions of the NYR lineage are Sino-Tiban groups like the Tibans and Han Chinese, and I don’t think there was ever a large migration of Tibans into Vietnam a thousand years ago. Use some common sense, guys.






A DNA test ran by Vietnamese themselves showed Vietnamese are genetically much more related to native people in Thailand and Cambodia than to Han Chinese.





Thiện Nguyễn

Do Chinese have Mogolia blood?

Do Scottish have English blood?

Culture, languages is major condition for determine one person belong to one ethnic particular.







Issa Bankole

Vietnamese is a nationality. All the 53 or 54 ethnics, including the Hoa minority, dwelling the Vietnamese territory are Vietnamese. In China, more or so ethnics bear the Chinese nationality.

Hoa ethnics ancestors came mostly from the southeastern coastal area of current China. Yao and Mien ethnics are present both in China and Vietnam, some Vietnamese Yao and Mien have ancestors coming from hamlets located currently in China and vice-versa.

So yes, some Vietnamese have Chinese blood.







Hoàng Phan

The premise of this question is quite ignorance.

China and Vietnam are civilizations, not a simplified understanding of genetics so there’s no such thing as Chinese or Vietnamese blood.

Both countries are highly multicultural and diverse with one single ethnicity claiming majority (Han for China and Kinh for Vietnam). Intermixng between their majority and minorities have been going on for thousands of years with their distribution vastly changing throughout each country. Their geographical areas today are also completely different from many periods throughout human history. Even some areas in modern day China used to belong to Vietnam’s civilization. Not to mention evolution of background, family tree and identity to avoid political persecution as per tradition.

Bloodlines, purities and racial “classification” belong to Nazi ideologues, not modern day social, political and biological sciences.








Shan Liu

Yes, half the 百越people have blood of soldiers of the Qin dynasty. The Qin dynasty sent soldiers in massive amount to fortify the borders and all the way to sea to prevent invasions and to keep stability, they mixed with local population. Vietnam became a civil state because vrhey spoke a Chinese dialect and used Chinese writing. Before the French invaded and brainwashed the Vietnamese, they didn't question their identity and would happily been accepted into the chinese family.

As a matter if fact, if Vietnamese were chinese at the begng of the founding of modern China, the entire Chinese population could be speaking Cantonese instead of mandarin now. In the de ocratic vote for the official language, Cantonese lost to mandarin by one vote, large numbers of Vietnamese spoke Cantonese.




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