

Why do Chinese people say that Korean traditional costumes are actually Chinese? What happened?




Rural Cell

koreans claimed they created chinese words , lol !

what are chinese characters ? what are chinese words? let me explain how koreans steal chinese language by misleading others chinese words are chinese characters.

in the pic you can see what the chinese words are and what the chinese characters are. in the past koreans used chinese words , chinese grammer (chinese grammer is different from korean grammer) and chinese calligrapher with chinese meaning for each word directly. but now they claimed chinese are korean , chinese calligraphy are korean calligraphy and chinese language are korean language by calling chinese words as chinese characters to mislead others they used chinese characters to make a new language. NO, if koreans use chinese characters to make a new language, nobody care about it. but koreans , you just use chinese words and chinese grammer, but you call it korean. koreans even want to steal chinese language. chinese is one of my mother language. koreans, please don’t steal my mother language.




viet claimed chinese culture was created by viet anecstor including chinese words. they steal lots of chinese culture including hanfu, tea culture and so on. they made fake history and claimed chinese culture directly since they bought chinese culture product on chinese shop website.

there are also some japanese claiming chinese words original from jap. I think korea, viet and jap, you three countries should fight firstly to decide who created chinese words.

Let me introduce two rumors made by koreans

last yuan dynasty empress was from korea and she wore a korean style cloth which was original from chinese tang dynasty and korean ancestor just changed the form a little. there is a chinese poem recording that she wore it. then koreans begin to make fake history. the poem just recorded she ever wore it but nothing else. but korean make rumors that it influence all chinese cloth. lol ! firstly , that kind of cloth was original from china even koreans have academic paper to show it was original from chinese tang dynasty and koreans localized it by a little change. second , there is no evidence that it was spread in whole china. according to korean logic , there are lots of historical record in china and korea that korea followed chinese hanfu, so all korean traditional cloth was chinese ??????? china influenced korean cloth system and we chinese can accurate which kind of korean traditional cloth was just chinese hanfu , which one was influeneced by chinese hanfu but with some difference and which one was created by korean themselves. but korean want to steal all chinese ming dynasty hanfu by only one chinese vague poem , lol !






the second rumor which was made by koreans is maMIANquan(skirt name) and maWEIqun(one way to wear skirt). there are totally two different things. mamianquan is pure chinese which was created during song dynasty. maweiqun is a skirt made by horse tail hair. It is a way to wear skirt. people add horse tail hair inside the skirt to make that skirt swelled up. this way to wear skirt was banned during ming dynasty. but koreans begin to make rumor, since every kind of skirt can be added horse tail hair and can be called maweiqun, korean claimed that every kind of chinese traditional skirt was from korea, lol ! koreans are really funny. the way adding horse tail hair was from korea, not the skirt was from korea, but koreans still made the rumor everywhere .

why do koreans make such two rumors. since there are lots of historical records in china and korea that koreans followed chinese cloth system. this made them too low self-esteem ,so they made rumors and fake history to prove they also influence china. koreans exaggerate one chinese poem and the way of adding horse tail hair to claim every ming dynasty hanfu was influenced by korea. on the contrary there are lots of chinese and korean historical records to prove korean traditional cloth was strongly influenced by ming dynasty.

Korea and viet didn’t have chinese guqin culture in history. Now they begin to study chinese guqin and claim guqin is korean culture and viet culture , lol !

韩国人编造的第二个谣言是关于 “马面裙” 和 “马尾裙”。这完全是两种不同的东西。马面裙是纯正的中国服饰,始创于宋朝。马尾裙则是用马尾毛制作的裙子,它指的是一种裙子穿着方式,人们在裙子里添加马尾毛,让裙子膨胀起来。这种穿裙方式在明朝时被禁止。但韩国人开始造谣,因为每种裙子都能添加马尾毛,就宣称每种中国传统裙子都源自韩国,哈哈!韩国人真是可笑。添加马尾毛的这种方式来自韩国,并非裙子本身来自韩国,但韩国人还是到处传播这种谣言。




Rio M

Costumes are part of culture, so does language.

If you visit South Korea, the 5 famous palaces both have Chinese names and only Chinese names, not Korean names, as the 2 pictures.

When ancient French armies invaded England, French words were noble words for England inhabits, and the French words are still widely used in English today. So does many Europe languages affect Africa languages and Latin America languages.

So, question: did Chinese culture affect Korean culture or the opposite? Can a weak culture affect a strong culture?

Truth: Chinese names are still available in Korean ancient architectures, but no any foreign languages names are available in Chinese ancient architectures.







Seho Lee

It is a common practice in many countries to wear clothes from different countries. Between China and Korea, the trade and cultural exchanges were very common.

Particularly in dressing, the cultural exchange are very common among China, Korea and Japan. You can see many Koreans cosplaying Japanese anime characters in kimono in a Chinese-style garden in South Korea. Likewise, in Korea, many people wore the clothes influenced by Chinese one for bureaucratic purposes, while preserving our traditional ones. In China, many people wore the cloth influenced by traditional Korean clothes, while preserving their own traditions.

However, traditional Han Chinese clothing was abandoned in China during Qing dynasty. As they are Manchuria, they prohibit their people from wearing Chinese clothing. Some Chinese clothes continued to be worn in Korean Peninsula. For instance, Zhuge Liang’s hat was common among traditional Korean aristocrats as informal clothing. A Korean diplomat to China visited a Chinese official’s home during Qing Dynasty with Zhuge’s hat, making his Han Chinese servant sobbing.

Nevertheless, Korean and Chinese traditions are different. Many Koreans recognise Chinese influence in our traditions, but Chinese original and Korean adaptations are different. You can see how Chinese clothing and Korean ones are very different. In modern Chinese dramas, many women wears traditional Korean clothing for the men. Many traditions date back to very ancient times, when the contacts were difficult to be achieved.






Ingen YO

If you ask the Japanese how the kimono came about, they will tell you that it was modified from the clothing of the Tang Dynasty in China; if you ask the Koreans, they will tell you that they migrated from Siberia to present-day Korea, awakening Chinese civilization along the way, so East Asian culture is theirs.



Dickson Hou

Although Korean Culture is independent, it is indeed greatly affected by Chinese Culture.

For a long period, from the times of ancient times to Qing Dynasty, the governments of Korea mostly being the vassal state of the Dynasties of China. Koreans adapted Chinese’s Confucionism and traditions.

And most importantly, one of the person in the imperial clan of Shang Dynasty called Jizi went to the regions of Korea and established regime at there after the perish of Shang Dynasty.

Therefore, Chinese claims that Hanbok is originated from Hanfu, suggesting that ancient Koreans adopted it from China.






Lin Ye

Some Chinese are claiming that the Korean Hanbok copied the Chinese clothes, what do the Koreans think of this?

Hanfu is not Hanbok

Based on the quotes from Korean Kings and authoritative historical documents. Korea Hanbok is the one that was influenced by China Hanfu, not the other way around. Claiming Hanfu's characteristics and styles belong to Hanbok only shows your ignorance. Hanbok shares similarities with Hanfu because ancient Korea adopted Chinese costumes and headgears. You can use them, but you don't have the right to distort history or claim these Hanfu features as Korean origin. Hanfu is for everyone, but Hanfu is Chinese





Apple Kam

Between China and South Korea, who’s stealing whose culture?

I don’t mean to send hate to South Korea but some Koreans’ thinking is just getting out of hand…

First of all, China is one of the big 4 longest civilizations in the recorded history with around 5000 years. China is the only one in East Asia. Being such a big nation in history, it is very well known that its cultural influences are spread across neighboring countries, especially Japan, Korean and Vietnam. Why does China still need to ‘steal’ Korean’s culture?

Koreans have been using Chinese as written forms for over 1000 years until 600 years ago. Till now, they are still using Chinese characters to give meaning to each Korean character as Korean character itself doesn’t consist of meaning. I am not sure if their national ID card still shows Chinese nowadays but if not, its tradition is only removed for some time only. Their last name are basically Chinese surnames: Lee, Song, Kim, Choi etc, are all pronounced very similarly to Chinese. Korean has lots of loanwords from Chinese. Apart from written language, Korean architecture is greatly influenced by Han and Tang dynasty. You can still see temples in Chinese style with Chinese words everywhere and some of them are even top tourist spots. Korean was once vassal state of China and needed to send tribute to Chinese emperors every year in exchange of protection. Koreans have been learning Chinese culture all throughout the history, from culinary (paocai→Kimchi, use of chopsticks etc), clothing (Hanfu→Hanbok) to philosophy (Confucianism, Taichi etc) and political and educational system (in government only as ordinary people weren’t allowed or couldn’t afford to study). These culture still remains in modern days.



首先,中国是有记载历史中四大文明古国之一,拥有约5000年历史,且是东亚地区唯一的文明古国。在历史上,中国作为一个大国,其文化影响力辐射到周边国家,尤其是日本、韩国和越南,这是众所周知的。中国为何还需要 “窃取” 韩国文化呢?


Even there are many written records even by Korean scholars claiming they were descendants of Chinese king and called themselves ‘little China’. South Korean flag was designed by a Chinese official and based on Chinese philosophy - Tai Chi. Lunar calendar was invented by Chinese and there are still distinguished festivals following Chinese Lunar calendar. In Chinese, we have Chinese New Year, Dragon Boat Festival and Mid-Autumn Festival. In Korea, they have Lunar New Year, The Gangneung and Chusok. Though the celebration may differ from each other, those Korean festivals are the exact same date as Chinese’s 3 big festivals. If they are celebrating something different, why set it on the same date as Chinese? They all come from Chinese festivals and develop into their own style only.

Honestly, a random Chinese would not feel anything negative and instead feel happy Koreans help spread the culture and develop to its unique ones until South Korean applied some of these to World Heritage and UNSECO. Do all you want but you are denying any Chinese influence and claim they are unique and original which is wrong and shows no respect. Plus the anti China sentiment provoked by South Korean government and media, the arguments become fierce and hostile. They attacked China for having Chinese to wear Korean costumes Hanbok in Winter Olympics but those Chinese are Korean ethnical minority group and have all right to preserve their Korean culture to wear Hanbok. Ultra-nationalist even claim otherwise that Korean’s history is longer than China, infamous Chinese scholars came from Korea, Chinese stole Korean culture etc. I do believe not many Koreans believe in these nonsense but it’s obvious that their government and people have been trying hard to undermine Chinese influence and bringing up herself as a great and respected nation among world powers.

甚至有许多韩国学者的文字记载,称他们是中国帝王的后裔,并自称为 “小中华” 。韩国国旗由一位中国官员设计,其基础是中国哲学 —— 太极。农历是中国人发明的,韩国至今仍有依照中国农历设立的重要节日。在中国,我们有春节、端午节和中秋节。在韩国,他们有农历新年、江陵端午祭和秋夕。尽管庆祝方式可能有所不同,但韩国的这些节日与中国的三大节日日期完全相同。如果它们庆祝的是不同的事物,为何要与中国节日定在同一天呢?它们都源自中国节日,只是发展出了自己的风格。


I somewhat understand why South Korea wants to stand up for herself so much. She experienced a distinctive economic growth and her products and brands like Samsung, LG, beauty products become internationally well known. Plus, the soft power from Kpop, Kdrama and Webtoon have made South Korea a famous country in Asia. This is great! Other people including myself should be happy about it. But the way they want to be ‘unique’ and ‘strong’ is disrespectful and offensive. Let’s speak some fact. Having been a small nation and once a vassal state of a country who failed to defeat Western powers and even lost in humiliation, South Korea didn’t want to associate herself with China and took her step to side with the biggest nation, the U.S. It’s not hard to understand her move. But South Korea probably didn’t expect China to develop into the world’s 2nd largest economy that quick. China was once the biggest power in Asia. Though she suffered and showed the world her weaknesses in 19th century, with the biggest population, vast land and numerous natural resources, China would be back in the line of world’s power one day and she did. With the smart and dedicated government, say all you want, Chinese people got out of poverty gradually and become one of the world’s power in terms of political stance, economy size and military. Its scientific development has also caught up with the U.S and Russia, leading the whole Asia again. Back to the topic, China is the biggest economic partner of South Korea.

我多少能理解为什么韩国如此渴望彰显自身地位。韩国经历了显著的经济增长,其产品和品牌,如三星、LG以及美妆产品在国际上广为人知。此外,韩流音乐、韩剧和网络漫画所带来的软实力,让韩国在亚洲成为知名国家。这很棒!包括我在内的其他人都应该为此感到高兴。但他们追求 “独特性” 和 “强大” 的方式却既不尊重他人又具冒犯性。咱们说点事实。韩国曾是个小国,且一度是一个未能战胜西方列强、甚至屈辱战败之国的附属国,所以韩国不想与中国有所关联,转而投向世界头号大国美国的阵营。这不难理解。但韩国或许没料到中国会如此迅速地发展成为世界第二大经济体。


Given all these, please tell me why China feels the need to steal Korean culture? South Korea is a very small country only. She can’t even handle the affairs with North Korea properly and is happy to be vassal state AGAIN. This time, her master is the U.S.

Speaking about their soft power, are these very unique and originated in Korea? Kpop is heavily based on Western especially black music. Its system followed Jpop and re-developed only. K-drama is modern day product. Webtoon is Korean version of Japanese Manga. Even their nation pride BTS is still called ‘some Chinese boys’. I would give it to South Korean that they learned from others and developed in her own ways and are successful in making them well known or even better. Just like how they incorporated Chinese culture and influence to make nowadays Korea. However, saying Chinese steal their history and culture is a BIG no. Chinese should also show respect and take away our extreme pride and be humble. We are also big consumers of South Korean modern culture and we love it too.


说到韩国的软实力,这些真的很独特且源自韩国吗?韩流音乐在很大程度上借鉴了西方音乐,尤其是黑人音乐,其体系也是效仿日本流行音乐(Jpop)后重新发展而来的。韩剧是现代产物。网络漫画(Webtoon)是日本漫画(Manga)的韩国版。甚至连他们的国家骄傲防弹少年团(BTS),还曾被人称作 “几个中国男孩”。我得承认,韩国人善于向他人学习,并以自己的方式发展,还成功地让这些文化广为人知,甚至做到更好。就像他们融合中国文化及影响,塑造了如今的韩国一样。然而,说中国窃取他们的历史和文化,这绝对是无稽之谈。中国人也应该展现出尊重,放下过度的骄傲,保持谦逊。我们也是韩国现代文化的重要消费者,我们同样喜爱韩国文化。



Why is this topic yet again brought up?

Long story short: During the Beiing Winter Olympics Game in 2022, a woman dressed in a hanbok was seen and when Chinese media was explaining, they couldn’t explained it well and it was then perceived as China claiming their culture which exploded in many Koreans. Then many Koreans (Ultranationalism) decided to argue back and retaliate by saying Han Fu (Chinese traditional attire) is from Korea and used a lame argument that their culture were all destroyed during the cul revolution etc. Then a huge war happened but it died down in less than 6 months.

So, yes, it is dumb. Very dumb. China, South Korea and Vietnam culture war, is so dumb, that I am speechless at looking at dumb arguments by both the ultranationalist of ALL three countries fighting on site like Quora. Why not go to international broadcasting channels and have a debate there, people will definitely have fun laughing at you!




I’ve seen many ultranationalist claiming this and that, and I get tired of listening to such ridiculous stories. If people are saying things like for example “The Tang dynasty influenced many of the countries like Japan and South Korea and therefore it is ours” then strip off your Han tradition and replace it with the Song one, remove Han Fu, remove everything with the word “han”. Or like “No~ Baiyue is the Vietnamese culture and the tribes there are definitely Vietnamese and has no influence from the Chinese hence making it better than the Chinese Han that ruled us” then strip off your lanterns, Ao Dais, red packets, tet and many more and redecorate yourselves as the Bai Yue people then! The tribal people then! And for those Koreans being like “Oh~ Chinese don’t have any culture they destroyed it during the Chinese Revolu and therefore it’s Korean culture, China never influenced us before!” Then take down your language 60% Sino Vocabulary, remove your Han Bok, remove your famous food like JjaJjangMyeon, take off things like Seollal and Chuseok, remove your palaces that were influenced by Chinese archtecture style!

If you cannot even take it with a pinch of salt that China has influenced one country then I don’t know how ultranationalist you can be and you should go and seek a therapist. And if those Chinese cannot take with a pinch of salt that other countries are having their own culture after being influenced by ancient China which then integrated into their (Vietnam and South Korea) culture and you want to claim it back. You should go to a temple and beg god to make you go back in time to prevent such things from happening.

我已经见过太多极端民族主义者各种胡言乱语,听这些荒谬言论都听腻了。要是有人说什么 “唐朝影响了日本和韩国等许多国家,所以这些国家的文化都是我们的”,那干脆摒弃汉族传统,换成宋朝的,扔掉汉服,去掉所有带 “汉” 字的东西好了。又或者有人说 “不~百越文化是越南的,那里的部落肯定是越南的,丝毫没受中国影响,所以比统治过我们的汉族文化还好”,那就扔掉灯笼、奥黛、红包、春节(越南春节Tet)等,把自己重新装扮成百越人,变回部落人算了!还有那些韩国人说 “哦~中国把文化都毁了,所以没什么文化,这些文化其实是韩国的,中国以前从未影响过我们!”,那就去掉韩语里60% 的汉语借词,脱掉韩服,别吃炸酱面这类有名的食物,不过农历新年(Seollal)和秋夕(Chuseok),拆掉那些受中国建筑风格影响的宫殿!



Allan Kay

What happened?

Come on!! Let me ask you this. If we dressed 2 couples, one couple who are Koreans and the other Chinese and dress them with the same costume, do you think you can tell them apart? If you’re from other than that region and say you’re able, you must either been adopted by them since a baby or you’re lying.

Many westerners keep comparing cultures, traditions and costumes as if it is such a big concern of theirs with opinions of their origins. They don’t seem to be able to accept that over time political boundaries dividing the cultures and even ethnicities change and thus either create new ones or unite as one.

With time, assimilation and adoption of new ideas do create differing practices and may later be adopted as a culture. But some old habits dies hard and therefore are retained no matter what you name that region now.

In other words, go dig up history to analyse a situation rather than to pacify some silly insinuations.






此文由 三泰虎 编辑,未经允许不得转载!:首页 > 资讯 » 为什么中国人说韩国传统服饰实际上是中国的
