

He is the first highly skilled migrant to have been refused under Section 322 (5) to have his case heard in the high court. It will be heard in June alongside that of a Pakistani man.


Since 2011 he has been working on a tier 1 visa as an airside unit manager at Heathrow airport and running a catering business but he lost his job after his ILR was rejected. “If the HC find in my favour then it will set a new precedent for all future and pending ILR applications,” he said. The group of highly skilled migrants has raised £40,000 towards his legal fees.


“I have got used to my daily life here, plus I have not worked for two years. No one is going to give me a job back in India,” he added.


London NGO Migrants’ Rights Network plans to intervene in the high court case as a third party to demonstrate the level of public interest and that there are many other similar cases, protest organiser Aditi Bhardwaj, 32, from Delhi, said.

32岁的抗议组织者Aditi Bhardwaj来自德里,他表示,伦敦非政府组织移民权利网络计划以第三方的身份介入高等法院案件。

On the way to the protest, Bangaladeshi Kawsar Murad’s phone did not stop ringing with agencies offering her mental health care work. But she cannot accept as she too is not allowed to work. Last year, after a 15-month wait, her application for an ILR was refused. Her passport remains at the home office. The 36-year-old arrived from Dhaka in 2003 on a student visa and switched to tier 1 in 2011.

游行时,来自孟加拉国的 Kawsar Murad电话一直响个不停,中介表示介绍精神卫生保健工作。但她不能接受这一工作,因为她也不被允许工作。去年,经过15个月的等待后,她的永久居留权申请被拒绝了。她的护照被内政部收走了。这名36岁的女子于2003年获得学生签证从达卡来到这里,并于2011年获得了Tier 1 工作签证。

“I am using my savings to pay rent and for barristers,” said Murad, who got married in the UK in January but it ended up being a “minimalist” wedding which even her own mother could not attend as she could not provide the invitation letter.

Murad 说道:“我的积蓄都用来付房租和律师费。”她今年1月在英国结婚了,但婚礼极其简单,连她妈妈都没出席,因为她发不了邀请函。

“When Britain plays Pakistan, I support Britain,” said Pakistani businessman Ihsan Uddin, 39, from Islamabad, who has also had his ILR refused. His 11-year-old son has cerebral palsy. “He will get discriminated against in Pakistan.” Without his passport, he too cannot work. “People from Pakistan are sending me money to live off whilst I fight my case,” he said.


A home office spokesman said the tier 1 (general) category had been closed in 2011 as it was “heavily abused”. He said a “significant number of tier 1 applicants have reported different figures to the HMRC and the home office in order to alter their tax liabilities or meet the requirements of the immigration rules (or both). Where there has been clear evidence that applicants have deliberately given false information, the courts have upheld our refusal decisions”.

内政部发言人表示,因被“严重滥用”,Tier 1类别的签证已于2011年关停。他说:“有相当数量的Tier 1申请人向税务和内政部申报不同的数据,以更改缴税金额或符合移民规定的要求(或两者兼而有之)。有明确证据表明申请人故意提供虚假信息,法院支持我们的拒签决定。


Anonymous Anonymous-bangalore-13 hours ago

First you hide your income to avoid taxes which is as good as stealing then you protest against it when the authority tries to take action ... meanwhile you are not even a citizen of the country.





Anonymous-12 hours ago

Bascially the indians situation is equal to dalits in UK



Jai Bajrang Bali


Jai bajrang bali-India-11 hours ago

Don''t send them back to India. We have enough tax chors here already
Better send them to prisons for tax evasion




5 Go Bajaar


Go-12 hours ago

Actually these idiots are not highly skilled. They got lucky to get a work visa and lived their life without any hard work. They wont even clear interviews in India. They deserve to be slaves!



Ponga Pandit


Ponga Pandit-11 hours ago

This Sajid Javid will keep all the Pakistanis and deport Indians..... LOL





Rohan-india-12 hours ago

Pakistanis are made Mayors and Ministers in UK and Indians are being deported ?





Pgdel-New Delhi-12 hours ago

Many many Indians coming back to Homeland now... more than ever. I work in a company in Noida and nearly all of my peers have either studies abroad or worked abroad for long term or both... Even I had stayed outside for several years but now happy to be back.



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