

iou, brooklyn, United States, 21 hours ago

well of course the CIA is planning to kill Duterte isn't that what they do kill people



fteu, Broken Britain, United Kingdom, 22 hours ago

I think they should apply his zero tolerance policy in and around London



Wayne Hisler, Albuquerque NM, United States, 22 hours ago

I'm a huge fan of President Duterte & his war on dope dealing hippies. Let me say that again in "long haired language" for all you hippies: Hey man...like...I dig this Duterte dude & I hope us square Americans adopt the Duterte law...meaning good square citizens can start blasting all you long haired gnarly punks on the street when we think your numb on that crap you sniff or smoke or shoot up. Can you dig that?



Capo, Stockport, 21 hours ago

All it means is that you can kill anybody so as long as you put a cardboard sign next to or on them saying drug dealer and/or plant a few easy to obtain drugs on them.



John Smith, London, United Kingdom, 21 hours ago

"In Russia we execute drug dealers" -- In the UK we don't touch them, because they've got hum an ri ghts. We only arrest pensioners for defending their families.



john, glasgow, United Kingdom, 22 hours ago

A man protecting his people, with a zero tolerance approach to drug trafficking and dealing.



Capt Dan, jupiter FL, United States, 22 hours ago

Doesn't mind telling it like it is, which is refreshing. Doing the job that he was elected to do and his people are happy with him.



ElmoFreen, Fort Lauderdale, United States, 22 hours ago

Which administration turned down the request? Obama? Trump-Tillerson? Trump-Pompeo? CIA-Deepstate?



Waidmann, Detroit, United States, 22 hours ago

Duterte asked the Obama administration and were turned down.



Notasillybilly, Davao City, Philippines, 22 hours ago

Very old news, since then US and Australia also provided support, with the fight against Maute



XJR13, Chesterfield, United Kingdom, 22 hours ago

They'll be the top names in the list, but it'll be a long, long, long list


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