

Is China really that confident that they can beat the U.S. militarily?



Aania Kumar Aaish

Of course not. Remember they're Pakistan's illegitimate father, and experts in kee their people fooled by their lies. Or at least they think so



on Diplomacy & Warfare

No, but China doesn’t need to beat the United States military, they only have to make their operations so expensive to stop that the United States will give up and not interfere with China. Not nearly the same problem as as defeating the United States military.

The US is the aggressor. China is focused upon homeland defense. So it is actually a matter of whether the US is confident that it can beat China militarily, not the other way around, as in your question.

China will “Feng Pei Dao Dee”—Fight to the Bitter End. Does the US have the resolve? Don’t forget the Korean War. China is a lot better equipped and trained now than then.





on Diplomacy & Warfare

In Chinese view, we already beat the Americans in the 1950s in Korea, when we only had rudimentary weapons.

We deterred the American Navy into full retreat in 2016, forcing the American officers to revolt against Pacific Command and relieve the Japanese America off command.

By 2025, we're confident of total Chinese victory.





Mike Chang
The Chinese are not confident at all. They are very afraid and know that they are not in the same league as the United States.

What they are doing is pushing things to see where the line is. Then they believe that they have made progress and slowly inch up to get away with more nonsense. The current chinese has yet to win a war. The Chinese spend the majority of the day practicing their marching for parades.




Will Redmond

It depends on where any conflict is played out.

If it is in SE Asia, absolutely! They undoubtedly have total sea and air superiority in the Yellow, East and South China Seas. And just to be clear they kicked the shit out of the USA and the West in Korea and Vietnam. Further I suspect that the Chinese could at the very least make the Sea of Japan a naval boneyard for any US expeditionary force launched from Japan.

Fighting China in the SE Asian battlespace is a logistics nightmare for the USA. The only chink of light for the USA is that it may be able to fortify Korea, Taiwan and Japan and use them as unsinkable aircraft carriers to enforce a naval blockade, and being totally honest I think the costs would be so high it would make the US anti war demonstrations of the late 60s and early 70s look like a children's party.

Outside SE Asia the US wins every day of the week and twice on Sundays. But I for one haven’t seen anything that would make me think that China has any plans on projecting military force for anything other than protection of national interests anywhere outside the waters mentioned above. After all why should they? Their ‘belt and road’ intuitives invest and build useful infrastructure (for the locals) wherever they go. Unlike US (and Western) corporations and governments who bribe local politicians police and military to look the other way while they extract everything leaving nothing but desolation in their wake.






Alex Kaehler

Yep. Sitting in China, the view looks pretty good. China was asked by the Russians to go into North Korea to save the Russian installed Kim regime in 1950. It did accomplish that. North Korea still exsts and took over effective ownership of the regime. You remember that country called South Vietnam? Yeah, that doesn't exst anymore. Completely outfitted the NVA as well as committed hundreds of thousands of personnel to maintain the Ho Chi Minh Trail, as well as to fighting directly. China has been taking over islands since the 70s and started building fake islands 10 years ago. The US said don't do that. They did that. Then the US said don't militarize them. They militarized them.




James Lim

Is China really that confident that they can beat the U.S. militarily?

A better question would be are the Americans confident they can win against the Chinese militarily without ending the World with a Nuclear Winter… America losing its economic power… hundreds of thousands of American military personnel coming back in body bags… and whichever political party started this War… never get elected again…

So yeah… could USA… seemingly suffering from ADHD… concentrate enough to get things done… or did they already forget about withdrawing from Iraq and Afghanistan… and Biden with with his “As long as it takes”… reduce to “As long as we can”…

Seeing after 3+years of Russia deep inside Ukraine and yet the collective West… against some non-nuclear power would have done another Gulf War part 1 and 2… or declare a No Fly Zone like in Syria or other parts of middle east… don't dare directly intervene on Ukraine’s side… I guess its one standard for non-nuclear capable, not economical powerful nation… and some other standard when your own neck could be on the line…






Kim Wegenke

They will if things don't change. US is talking about starting wars. They are driving away trade partners. They are going into debt borrowing money from China to build a huge army.

China is making trade deals. They are building roads and ports to help countries trade with them.

Lots of the technology being developed in the world today, started in America. Except America has no interest in develo tech anymore. China is driving tech now. The US stock market just took a hit because of innovations in a Chinese AI system

It's like the US is run by 100 year old generals and China is run by people that have read Art of War and the Foundations trilogy.






John Butterworth

Right at this point in time it couldn't but ten years from now it just might have the upper hand.

Why don't we just sit on our hands do nothing and in ten years we'll find out.

What I've found in life if there's going to be a problem better to tackle it now than later the longer you wait always makes the issue far worse.





Jan Meyer

I think China is confident that they do not need to.

The US is not in great shape economically and politically and China has a very good chance of holding her own on her own turf and in her own home waters.

In terms of the US trying to stop its decline militarily, that is as much “beating” the US as China needs to do:

It is enough for them to not lose.






Richard Kenneth Eng
Originally Answered: Is it true that China is stronger than the US militarily as many people are claiming?

Many Westerners would like to believe that the US military is stronger than China’s. Let them hold onto that delusion.

The US military has been deteriorating for decades. Maintenance, or lack thereof, is the main issue. It looks good only on paper. Just ask Col. Douglas Macgregor and Scott Ritter.

Earlier this year, 60 Minutes had a news story where the US Navy openly admitted that it had a huge maintenance backlog for its ships.

The USA hasn’t won a significant military victory since the Second World War. Nearly all of its wars have been wars of insurgency…against goat herders armed with AK-47s.

This kind of military experience is practically worthless when fighting a war between major superpowers.

Just ask yourself two questions:

Why are USA and NATO losing the war in Ukraine?
Why won’t USA directly engage with Russia over Ukraine?

China’s military is only for national defense, not global power projection.

China is a major nuclear power with more than 400 nuclear weapons and this number is growing rapidly. China has ICBMs, nuclear ballistic submarines, and long-range bombers to deliver these weapons.
China has the world’s largest army (over 2 million).
China has the world’s largest navy (nearly 400 ships), including the most powerful destroyers (Type 055, Type 052D), frigates (Type 054B), and submarines (Type 095, Type 096)).
China can build ships far faster than the USA can.
China has the second largest fleet of aircraft carriers (3) with more to come. A total of 4 “supercarriers” are expected.
China has a vast rocket force, including the dreaded hypersonic missiles. US carrier groups are not safe.
China has some of the most advanced stealth fighters, the J-20 and carrier-based J-35.
China holds the geographic home field advantage, while the US mainland is more than 10,000 km away. China can bring its total military to bear against US forces.

In other words, China is invincible.




















Richard Kenneth Eng

Originally Answered: Can China defeat the USA?

Yes, in defence of its territorial integrity. In the South China Sea, China holds the home field advantage.

China can bring to bear its full navy, which is the largest in the world with over 350 ships. China has the most powerful destroyers (Type 055 and Type 052D). China has the most lethal nuclear attack submarines (Type 093A/B and upcoming Type 095).

China can bring to bear its full complement of anti-ship missiles, including hypersonic.

China can bring to bear its full air force, including the most advanced stealth fighters (J-20 and upcoming J-35).

China can employ its immense manufacturing capacity to endlessly replenish its military supplies during a long, protracted war. Ships, planes, missiles, tanks…you name it, China can vastly outproduce the USA.

China has the world’s largest army with over 2 million active military personnel. They will defend their homeland to the last Chinese.








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