

Serial, Parts Unknown, United Kingdom, 8 hours ago

If it wasn't a chemical attack what was it, a localised asthma outbreak? If it was a chemical attack but wasn't Assad then who was it?



Rick Spleen, Dublin, Ireland, 9 hours ago

If National Service returns to The United Kingdom, watch immigration become emigration overnight. .



cpdurham2, Durham, United Kingdom, 1 hour ago

National Service would be the best thing to happen to this country.



Modern Way, New Delhi, India, 10 hours ago

When war happens, only the bomb makers thrive... Sad but true..



von Rooties, Vancouver, United States, 13 hours ago

If they must, The US, Great Britain and France will have to protect the world. Don't expect the German sycophants to help as they are too busy appeasing Russia, Syria, and Iran.



ethicalgrower, Mission, Canada, 7 hours ago

Yes we do need some one to protect the world from the US Britain and France



onlytruthtold, Ulaanbaatar, United Kingdom, 13 hours ago

So you believe what you see and trust what you read. Tells me something. That you are gullible



Paul, Escaped from Birmingabad, United Kingdom, 3 hours ago

I don't believe or trust what you are saying...oh wait..



gardenrose50, Palo Alto, United States, 16 hours ago

The United States does not care about humanity. It is trying to destroy it. The US turned Iraq into hell on earth and now wants to march the rest of us into WW3. We turned Iraq into a bloodbath, full of orphans. Millions were left homeless and millions dead. Now America has turned Syria into a geopolitical battlefield. It is criminal, if not insane, to advocate starting a war that will almost certainly ignite the entire middle East, bring in Russia and Iran, and start a nuclear confrontation.¿



Momoo, Basel, Switzerland, 18 hours ago

how many Bombs does it take to make a peace in this World



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