

Dinesh-10 hours ago
what a joke. I am a Hindu but I don't mind a bit of beef.



Johnny-14 hours ago
Eat beef in your country which is exported by India. Our beef export has doubled in 3 years and who's prices have dropped by over 40% for you because we don't allow Indians to eat Gau Mata anymore. Can you find any other greater protector of our religion anywhere in the world? Fake in India. Jai Gau Mata Di. All our great policies will take India's GDP at lightening speed backwards.



Bangla-7 hours ago
Another clown in Modi's circus. Well done BJP.



Pipe Kasuko-Location-14 hours ago
Strange comment coming from a minister of a nation that is the worlds 2nd or 3rd largest exporter of Beef and Beef products.



Kirnbir Grewal-15 hours ago
Simply tourist stay away from india , there are many countries which are clean , do not have to worry about rape, running into cows and clowns running the county . Let india take care of its cows



Dennis Khuraijam-coimbatore-15 hours ago
who is he to tell what people can eat ? stick to your tourism portfolio. people can eat whatever they want as long as they can afford it. I live in dubai, pork is sold openly here. why is the Indian govt so fickle minded in this regard ?



Imran-7 hours ago
Hindu are allowed to eat beef , slaughter cow export beef and make leather belt of cow skin



wizard-9 hours ago
I fail to understand how Animal worshippers Consider themselves as modern people. .. Don't they still understand An Animal can't b Our God.... Shame...



Yolanda Roberts-9 hours ago
The ministers comments are silly. But I can''t think of many tourists who would insist on eating beef in India. So the question is also silly.



Ac Mathew-Dubai, United Arab Emira-6 hours ago
That''s like saying, ''Spend all your money in your own country and then come to India'' Does he want to make India like Pakistan, Afghanistan and some other backward countries?



Anonymous-bhaktslayer-15 hours ago
What next is this idiot going to say? Use toilet paper in your country and then come to India???


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