外文标题:India's permanent UNSC seat unacceptable, Nawaz Sharif tells Barack Obama

ISLAMABAD: India's permanent membership in the reformed UN Security Council is unacceptable to Pakistan as it has not complied with UN resolutions on Kashmir, Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has told US President Barack Obama.
The US president called Sharif on Thursday night and both leaders discussed issues of mutual interest and those related to regional stability and peace for over half-an-hour, officials here said.
During their conversation, Sharif expressed reservations about US support for India's bid to secure a permanent UN Security Council seat.
Sharif told Obama that India cannot become a UNSC permanent member due to its non-compliance of all the resolutions passed by the UN on Kashmir and has "not fulfilled the commitment to give the right of self-determination to people of Kashmir," officials said.
"India does not deserve to be a permanent member of the UN," Sharif was quoted as saying.
During his unprecedented second India visit last month, President Obama had reaffirmed his support for a reformed UN Security Council with India as a permanent member.
译文来源:三泰虎 https://www.santaihu.com/2015021702.html
X (Duniyan)
Mr.Sharif, not only Kashmir, Pakistan and Bangladesh are also parts of India, which she gladly gave away as a peaceful gesture,. However, you ungrateful folks are never satisfied, you cry and moan like a little kid. What did you do with East Pakistan, lost it due to your greed, if you talk too much India will assimilate Pakistan back into India and throw ungrateful people like you.
kbio tech (Dharti)
As the second most populated country in the world, India should have a permanent seat. Nawaj Sharif should not equate Pakistan with India.
cliffordfernandes (Location)
Failed state PM telling world leaders what to do. Let him first govern his country properly first and then advise about others. Terrorists from all over the world are trained in his country. For a start he can stop that.
lovesocal lovesocal ()
Does anyone even care what Pakistan thinks?
Sehra Yadav Yadav (Calgary, Canada)
I hope India gets the seat as they truly deserve it.
Muralli (Location)
do nawaz expects the world to respect the sentiments of rogue state ?contain ISIS and Jehadis in your land Nawaz...
vijay rao (Canada)
Pakistan always say they want to be Friends with India...and at the same time they never leave a chance to go Anti India....!!
Jahangir Chauhan (Cochin)
India does not need UNSC seat there is more better things to go after then UNSC seat.
Amarendra Ray (Delhi)
Mr PM Sharif first set your own house in order and then pose your nose in India's affairs. UN resolution on Kashmir is dead like a DODO.
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