外文标题:Pak opposes India’s permanent UNSC membership

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan on Thursday reiterated its opposition to India's permanent UN Security Council (UNSC) membership saying New Delhi remains "in violation of its resolutions on Jammu & Kashmir and Kashmiri right to self-determination''.
"How does a country with such record qualify to become a permanent member of the UNSC?" asked foreign office spokeswoman Tasneem Aslam.
“一个拥有如此记录的国家怎么会有资格担任安理会常任理事国?”外交部女发言人Tasneem Aslam问道。
She said a reformed UNSC should reflect interests of the wider UN members. "Pakistan, as a part of the Uniting for Consensus group, has always advocated an effective and feasible reform of the Security Council based on consensus among the UN members," she said.
Aslam's comments came days after US President Barack Obama supported India's permanent UNSC membership during his visit to New Delhi.
The spokeswoman reiterated Islamabad's concerns over US-India nuclear agreement, saying it will destabilize strategic balance between the two nuclear-armed neighbours.
译文来源:三泰虎 https://www.santaihu.com/2015020305.html
Manish Bhatt (New Delhi, India)
The way violence is going on in Pakistan, it may well be that before the end of the decade there may be no Pakistan. An about to fail state asks UN not to give permanent membership to a highly successful de ocratic state, albeit its flaws.
Manmohan Sharma ()
Nothing surprise; Pakistan is now in full pressure after Modi become PM. I dont think Pakistan need to worry from any country. Their enemies are inside pakistan only. Looks they live and dies for Kashmir. They need to concentrate basic need of human being to make it lively place.
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