Will Vietnam become a developed country in 20 years?
越南能在 20 年内成为发达国家吗?
Predicting whether Vietnam will become a developed country in 20 years involves considering several factors, including economic growth, infrastructure development, education, governance, and social stability. As of 2023, Vietnam has shown significant progress in these areas:
Economic Growth: Vietnam has experienced robust economic growth over the past few decades, with a shift from an agriculture-based economy to a more industrialized and service-oriented one. The country's GDP growth rate has often been among the highest in Southeast Asia.
Foreign Investment: Vietnam has become an attractive destination for foreign direct investment (FDI), particularly in manufacturing and technology. This influx of capital can help spur further economic development.
Infrastructure Development: The Vietnamese government has been investing heavily in infrastructure, including transportation, energy, and urban development, which is crucial for supporting economic growth.
Education and Workforce Development: Improving education and vocational training is essential for develo a skilled workforce that can meet the demands of a modern economy. Vietnam has made strides in education, but challenges remain.
Governance and Institutions: Effective governance and strong institutions are vital for sustainable development. Vietnam's political system and regulatory environment will play a significant role in its future trajectory.
Social Factors: Addressing social inequalities and ensuring that economic growth benefits a broad segment of the population will be important for social stability and cohesion.
While the trajectory is promising, several challenges could impede Vietnam's progress, including environmental issues, economic volatility, and geopolitical tensions. If Vietnam continues to implement effective policies and address these challenges, it has a strong chance of achieving developed country status by 2043. However, it will require sustained effort and adaptation to changing circumstances.
Max Ngố
The current level of development in Vietnam is nothing miraculous, any country in Southeast Asia can achieve it.
All East Asia countries and Singapore, Japan under Meiji became developed nations under smart/good dic ships (or elite-oriented systems). If Vietnam had leaders like Minh Mang, Nguyen Truong To, Phan Chau Trinh, or even Pham Nhat Vuong about 20- 30 years ago instead of, it would be in a better position today at least, as they really wanted to learn from and copy developed countries. They had a vision for it, not just empty talk and visionless, corruption, bureaucracy and without high ethnic self-esteem.
The problem is that Vietnam did not have a true elite class right after the war to lead the country until today.
Vietnam has dic ship but you know the leaders must be smart, strong ( not being afraid to make the change and put the benefits of all country above small group of people.
you cannot expect people to sort waste just by talking about it on television. This is where a smart dic ship should step in by enacting reasonable laws, and if people fail to follow them to create a better society, they should be punished,
same as for urban planning problems. Japan/US etc are de ocratic countries, but they have much stricter laws for building normal houses than Vietnam.
Typical sub urban areas in Vietnam:

Transportation: It looks exactly like urban planning in Vietnam nowadays
Whether Vietnam can become a 'better country' in the next 20 years will depend on how well the government solves these problems. Democracy is only suitable for a country where most of the people have a high LEVEL of education or Dân trí !
Typical sub urban areas in Japan:
Khengsiong Chew
Until very recently, I thought Vietnam had a bright future, and would be the next ‘Asian tiger'. Now I am less sure. The Covid-19 pandemic exposed some of the weaknesses of the country.
In the early days of the pandemic, Vietnam relied on strict lockdown to curb the spread of the virus. The government became complacent, and was slow in securing vaccines for its people. When the Delta variant struck, Vietnam was hit hard.
Procurement of vaccines was the responsibility of the central government. Hanoi, however, blamed the local authorities for failing to control the outbreak, and had replaced the mayor of Ho Chi Minh City.
According to people familiar to the country, medical facilities in Vietnam were inadequate, which explains the high death rate in places like Ho Chi Minh City.
If China and the United States, like the Soviet Union and the United States, Vietnam may get the same kind of double investment as the two, and thus develop. But now China's rivalry with the United States is no longer about comparing investments and seeking Allies.
Vietnam has chosen the wrong route, eating at both ends. China and the US are not fools. While negotiating with the United States to attract investment, Vietnam pretended to contact China to stimulate the United States to give him more benefits. The result is that China sees all this in the eye and does not intend to really invest in Vietnam, the United States also sees everything in the eye, and the benefits to Vietnam are also pressed again and again, and a mere $2 million wants to send Vietnam.
Let's just say Vietnam's bad luck with two stingy overlords, so I'm conservative about Vietnam's future.
Ada Yang
I think so, because Vietnam really has great potential, and Vietnam has a large number of young people, which is the basis for their economic growth.
But there is a very critical question, which is whether Vietnam can handle the relationship with China well, because Vietnam's development cannot be separated from China, and Vietnam's manufacturing industry needs to be based on China, because Vietnam lacks a broad base of heavy industry and chemical industry.
I believe that Vietnam will become the second fast-growing socialist country outside of China.
Co LEN Vietnam!
Mev Shreb
I have my own definition of what makes a country developed however, and it’s generally this.
Able to build it’s own naval ships and army tanks and automobiles.
High literacy rate.
Social security programs, social safety net etc.
An average wage high enough that a person is able to afford a car, house and these things within their working life.
Alive entertainment industry (not reliant entirely on another country for an entertainment industry).
An ethical justice system, moral based laws (for example China only recognised homosexual rape as a crime of rape from 2015 onward, not a good sign, it has a lot of catching up to do).
Not seen as a cheap place for tourists to exploit with their higher currency.
Most tall buildings in cities are from domestic architects and engineers.
If a country fits all of those, in my personal opinion it means it’s developed.
By my definition, this would mean the following countries are the truly developed ones.
Sweden, Germany, Japan, South Korea, Singapore, France, Italy, UK, Canada, Spain.
1. 有能力自行建造海军舰艇、陆军坦克以及汽车。
2. 高识字率。
3. 拥有社会保障项目、社会安全网等。
4. 平均工资足够高,人们在工作生涯中能够买得起汽车、房子等。
5. 有活跃的娱乐产业(并非完全依赖其他国家的娱乐产业)。
6. 有合乎道德规范的司法体系,基于道德制定的法律(比如,中国直到2015年才将同性之间的强奸认定为强奸罪,这可不是个好迹象,还有很多要改进的地方)。
7. 不会被视为因货币汇率较低,就可让外国游客肆意消费的廉价之地。
8. 城市里大多数高楼大厦是由本国建筑师和工程师设计建造的。
Arkaneh Urairat
Between Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam, which country will become a developed country the soonest?
Thailand would rather be the last among the THREE of your choice. We have no delight in such a competition, the feeling is mutual to my countrymen— you may take a poll and prove me wrong.
Are you confused?
Let me give my 2 cents on where I am coming from.
JAPAN is top notch in almost all aspects, the most modern country in Asia, attached with the best in almost everything under the Sun—you name it.
With SINGAPORE trailing at the second spot, the best and the first in numerous fields, I lost count.
What do Japan and Singapore have in common?
Japan was like a prodigal son, the loser of the war who turned the winner in a span of only 70 years where many mighty nation-superpowers in the past walked backward down the cliff.
Singapore was sent to the abyss by their sibling, so to speak, and came off victorious in 50 years thus making many SE Asia countries jaw drop.
From the tale of these two countries, it gives everyone in Thailand mixed feelings—what if, Thailand is rushing to be on top as a developed nation soonest— at what cost?
Looking around today in Tokyo’s subway where everyone minds their own business, mute, and lifeless, and some are in nirvana. May God be with you if you try to settle down as an expat in Japan…
How about living in the garden city of Singapore?
Looking beyond the tree top and glittering facades of a skyscraper, you see the elderly pushing a cart filled with a stack of cardboards, some are cleaning toilets, while others collecting dirty plates and cutleries.
What if, a family man is out of a job for 3 months with limited savings, will he be able to keep the roof over his head? How is he going to cope with a rising cost of living that going in a fast and furious mode?
I can’t imagine if that had happened to me in Singapore.
Let’s come back to Thailand, the Land of Smiles.
THAIS will want to be what we are today, come what may. My compatriots and I find no desire to be a victim of the developed nation.
THAI SMILES and our hospitalities are the hallmark, the feeling that the world is at our feet when we have food on the table for our family and we have jobs that pay the rent …If we lose a job… “There’s fish in the water, rice in the field” we won’t die of hunger.
Let us be the last to be a developed country after Indonesia and Vietnam.
泰国人的微笑和好客是我们的标志,当我们能让家人有饭吃,自己有工作能付房租时,就会有一种掌控世界的感觉……要是我们失业了…… “水里有鱼,田里有稻”,我们不会饿死。
Profile photo for Ngoc Tu
What is the likelihood that Vietnam will become a strong, developed country? If so, in what time frame will this likely happen?
First of all I will say that I'm generally a pessimistic person, and this will be a pessimistic prediction.
Vietnam has been following a very unfortunate trend: in the 3 latest centuries, we were at wars with one or many super powers: in 18th century with China, in the 19th century with France leading to us being colonized, in the 20th century again with France resulted in the country being divided in 2, and later with America leading to the country being exhausted economically and mentally, and another border war with China in 1979.
And that trend was not new but just a continual of centuries of conflict before them: civil war in 17th and 16th centuries, war against Ming dynasty in the 15th century, internal strife and downfall in the 14th century, 3 wars with Mongol in the 13th century, internal strife and political purge again in the 12th century.
And these wars were often lengthy and destructive, leaving us drained of resources to grow fast and stably.
So I reckon that the chance of Vietnam becoming a strong, developed country would depend on our ability to keep the peace, grow fast enough in that peace, to a point where even if we suffer from another war, we can recover.
Until now, we have been at peace for about 40 years (since 1975), or 27 years (since 1988 when we left Cambodia). In these 40 years, we have been growing pretty fast, as the energy that was repressed by rigid central planning was released. But until now, this growth is generally perceived as unsustainable because it relies too much on: natural resources, real estate market boom, and manufacturing job for FDI sectors. In other words, we have managed to build something for ourselves, but they are not strong industries that are reliable and sustainable, globally competitive sources of income.
All together, I believe that if in 20-30 years, some even more pessimistic person may say 5-10 years, we do not undergo a meaningful breakthrough reform to push ourselves into a more sustainable and competitive route of development, be it from the top down or from the ground up, we may find ourselves at a disheartening position of economic mediocrity and bitter conflicts. In other words, we would have missed the decades of peace between 2 conflicts, and we may have to start over again when the next conflict ends to become a developed country.
总的来说,我认为,如果在未来20 - 30年,甚至有些更悲观的人觉得是5-10年内,我们不能进行意义深远的突破性改革,从而走上一条更具可持续性和竞争力的发展道路(无论是自上而下还是自下而上的改革),那么我们可能会陷入令人沮丧的境地:经济平庸,还面临诸多棘手矛盾。也就是说,我们可能会错过两次冲突之间这几十年的和平期,等到下一次冲突结束后,若想成为发达国家,或许又得一切从头开始。
iao Wen
According to some optimistic analysis, Vietnam can achieve per capita GDP of more than 10,000 US dollars in 20 years.
If Vietnam can turn all its geopolitical and economic opportunities into its advantages, I think it may do better than this forecast.
But it is not easy, which requires the Vietnamese government to walk on the cutting edge and stay awake at all times.
As to whether Vietnam can replace Japan and become a real top club player. I think it will take longer and more ambitious plans.
Zayne Chu
Will Vietnam become a developed country before China?
If you want you to appear smart, the most important thing to do is not to try to predict the future.
If a person today went back to the United States in 1982, what would you see?
High double-digit inflation
8 million people out of work
A national debt of over $1 trillion
A steep recession that broke the records of the Great Depression
The mighty Soviet army was unstoppable in Afghanistan
The super-rich Japanese are buying up America
Meanwhile, your U.S. president is an actor?
What would you think? Is America "about to collapse"?
If this person had told Americans at the time that in 10 years the Soviet Union would collapse, Japan would be in an inexorable recession and stagnation, and America would bounce back to the top in just one year under that actor president... This man would probably be committed to a mental institution.
Yes, our world is such a wonderful place. It's amazing that these things do happen.
- 高达两位数的通货膨胀率
- 800万人失业
- 超过1万亿美元的国债
- 一场打破大萧条纪录的严重经济衰退
- 强大的苏联军队在阿富汗势不可挡
- 富得流油的日本人正在大肆收购美国资产
I'm not even using the example of how the Chinese of the time imagined modern China. This is in fact even crazier...
Vietnam did not lack the conditions for economic success. Plenty of labor, good basic education, good government organization, the possibility of building a lot of good ports due to the narrow coastal country, a lot of basic manufacturing and investment transferred from China, the hard work and desire for wealth characteristic of Confucian cultural circles...
And Vietnam is not as big as China. This means that there are not as many conflicts and problems accumulated during Vietnam's rapid growth. At the same time, Vietnam has enough people to cultivate a solid manufacturing base.
We might also want to consider that the US-led group of developed countries might invest more resources in a strategy to suppress China. This would also be beneficial to Vietnam.
The process of becoming a developed country is not linear. The higher the level of economic development, the less room there will be for exploiting opportunities, and the economic growth rate will naturally slow down. China does have a great advantage of scale and potential, but the resistance and difficulties it faces will also rise exponentially. It is far easier for the world market to accommodate a developed country with a 100 million level population than a developed country with more than a billion people.
So, the possibility certainly exsts. I prefer to think that getting the whole of China to the level of a developed country is much more difficult than growing a medium-sized country like Vietnam into a developed country.
We need to understand that economic development is not, and should not be, a "race", it is not a zero-sum game. Each country should do what it can to make life better for its people. A more open economic environment and more consumption are opportunities for every country, not obstacles.
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