

I am Korean. I want an honest answer. When seen by white people, do typical Chinese, Japanese, and Korean people look very unattractive?




Ada Maya

I’m not white but I do wanna answer this. Im a Latina/American who has been living in South Korea for some time now plus I also am from an area in the United States where the Asian population is incredibly high. Therefore seeing many faces of Asia, I would love to share my opinion about this.

Back in the United States, asian men typically intimidated me because they only ever date other Asians. I never felt like I could maintain attraction to a man if I knew I wasn’t gonna be his preferred race. Therefore I wasn’t ever interested or found them attractive. The asian American women where I grew up are so beautiful and high maintenance and I find them so mesmerizing to where, their beauty is very different to that of South Korean women.



Before coming to South Korea, I was under the impression that I was gonna be an ugly fat girl walking on the street. (Size 8–10, darker skinned, Amerindian features) I was told the society is so heavy on beauty standards and plastic surgery on us women :/ however to my surprise I felt like the all Asian women here are very… eh. All look the same. It may be my subconscious mind warped into western beauty standards which is why I find Asian women in the US way more beautiful than the Asian women here in SK. Who follow eastern beauty standards.


YET the Korean men!!! I have never fallen in love looking at so many boys here. They are so well organized and have high standards on their appearance that I am wowed at any man I see. I have enjoyed my dating experience because the men here are just so handsome. Compared to the Asian men in the US, they are Asian American and so there is not the same standard forced onto them as much as eastern Asian men.

Overall, there is ugly, cute, and drop dead gorgeous in any culture. Beauty will always remain the eye of the beholder.







Beauty standards and perceptions of attractiveness vary widely across cultures and individuals. What one person finds attractive, another may not. There isn't a universal standard of beauty that applies to everyone, and attractiveness is subjective and influenced by various factors including cultural backgrounds, personal preferences, and societal influences.


It's essential to recognize that people's perceptions of beauty differ significantly, and what might be considered attractive in one culture may not be the same in another. While there might be stereotypes or generalizations, it's crucial to avoid assuming that a particular group of people looks unattractive to others based on their ethnicity or race. Beauty is diverse, and appreciation for different appearances is subjective and personal.





S. Trotter

NO! Very much the opposite. Asians are sexy. That is very generalized. Of course there are Asian people that are not attractive just as there are white, Hispanic, black, et cetera people that are attractive and other that are not. In general though, my opinion is that Asians are very attractive.





Mme Ruus

It depends on how a person has been raised: open-minded or racist. An open-minded person can see beauty in most or all people. A racist or close-minded person likes only what they have been taught/forced to like. Fortunately, with global media, I believe/hope that younger people are more open-minded and accepting of people unlike themselves. When I started school as a child, I remember thinking Asian children were super cute. I’d had a sheltered childhood and had never see Asian children before. (This was a long time ago!) My answer is like most others’ here: There are gorgeous and not so gorgeous people in every country. However, physical appearance is only one aspect of a person.





Penny Brooks

I am a white woman and find Korean men very attractive. In general look at all the good looking kpop idols and actors.





Dimitrios Michmizos

Just like in any other race, there are plain looking, good looking and gorgeous people in every race, including Chinese, Japanese and Korean.

Because face symmetry and grace are universal qualities...

…beauty is objective and hardwired in our genes…

…and only an indoctrinated fool would fail to recognize this.








Miss Personality

No… there are attractive and unattractive people in each background. My cousin even married a Japanese woman. Attractiveness is based on more than just physical characteristics you do not have much control over.






There’s attractive and unattractive people in all nationalities. I’m an American but a mixture of many different nationalities. Since Covid, I started watching more Cdramas, Kdramas and Jdramas and realize some of the actors are very nice looking. I also have a Korean male friend that is quite attractive. However, I don’t find everyone attractive obviously and even in the dramas, not everyone is attractive to me… Most people find beauty in all nationalities





Doğukan Karakaya

eating cats and dogs is morally wrong according to Westerners. If we see them eating a dog or a cat, we can kill them.

They look like little children in appearance. Their men have ridiculous hairstyles and colouring. They look like women.






Melodie Van Camp

No. At least from my perspective there are attractive and unattractive people of all races/colors. Many times it is the difference in their appearance to my own that I find intriguing. Other than my height (5′10) there is little about myself that sets me apart from any other Caucasian woman. I have straight, light brown hair. My eyes might be a little interesting as they can change colors significantly. Normally grey, they can change to blue or a very bright green. My features otherwise are unremarkable. I am plain. I can disappear in a crowd. I am not boring but some might describe the way I look as vanilla. I don't think an Asian man has ever found me attractive. Mostly because of my height I think.


I find beauty in the difference. Part of it is a curiosity about something that is unfamiliar. Textured hair to me is beautiful. Curly or kinky.Smooth dark skin, or the porcelain white that some people have. Beautiful.

I married a white man because I happened to meet one that was intelligent and had the same sense of humor. We had enough in common for it to be comfortable. I think sometimes we seek out the thing that is familiar because there is an ease to it . The way you were raised, customs and traditions.






andy Howell

I am Caucasian, and I very much appreciate the beauty of Asian people. It makes me sad to see so many young Asians changing their features, especially their eyelids. The epicanthic fold is mostly unique to Asian eyes, and their appearance is exotic and beautiful in my opinion. Asian round eyes with monolids appear to express a deep view of the person’s heart. When that eye is opened artificially, it becomes more of an innocent stare, which is not bad, but clearly no longer unique and simply somewhat common.


Eyes are naturally beautiful and are designed to fit the face of a person’s heritage. Asians have beautiful features, but like any other people, self-appreciation can be lost to become something perceived as more attractive. Look to the beautiful and memorable persons in Asian history. They loved their cultural style and reveled in it.

What I would remind young Asians is that aging Caucasian eyes become folded in their elder years, and that is unattractive to them, so they too will often want eye alterations. You will always look younger than your Caucasian peers, so find the value in that as well.



Maintain beautiful skin, appreciate the thick and deep-colored hair you were blessed with, and know you are beautiful in your unique appearance. Know that many Caucasians especially envy your hair and often lithe body shape, even the fragility we might perceive in certain Asian peoples as very attractive in women. We know you are strong and blessed to be fit both physically and mentally, and many Asians, especially Japanese, excel overall in American universities. I worked 30 years for a university so that fact is known to me. Intellect and education lift your beauty in a world where unique accomplishments are valued as well as envied and may never be equaled.


此文由 三泰虎 编辑,未经允许不得转载!:首页 > 资讯 » 我是韩国人,在白人眼中,日本人和韩国人看起来很不吸引人吗
