核协议让伊朗从全球制裁中解放出来后,伊朗外长贾瓦德扎里夫(Javad Zarif)对印度进行首次访问。莫迪总理向对方传达了印度对与伊朗一道开发察巴哈尔港口的承诺,而该港口将会具有深远好处,不仅是对印度和伊朗人民,而且是对阿富汗乃至整个中亚地区。扎里夫说,伊朗把印度视为战略合作伙伴,无法忘记伊朗困难时期印度对其提供的支持。
外文标题:Can’t forget support India gave us during difficult times, Iran says

NEW DELHI: On his first visit to India after the nuclear agreement freed Iran from global sanctions, Iranian foreign minister Javad Zarif held discussions with the Indian leadership on the ISIS threat, energy investments and development of Chahbahar port.
核协议让伊朗从全球制裁中解放出来后,伊朗外长贾瓦德扎里夫(Javad Zarif)对印度进行首次访问。期间,他与印度领导层就ISIS威胁、能源投资和察巴哈尔港口的开发举行了讨论。
Speaking to journalists later, Zarif said India and Iran are talking about investing in each other's energy sector. He said India is an important player in West Asia and can play a leading role in the region.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi "conveyed India's commitment to work with Iran for development of the Chabahar port that would have far reaching benefit, not only for the people of India and Iran, but also for Afghanistan and the entire Central Asia region," a PMO statement said. Zarif said Iran considered India its "strategic partner and cannot forget the support India extended to Iran during its difficult times", it said.
译文来源:三泰虎 https://www.santaihu.com/2015081501.html
Funny how a tainted women called Sushma Swaraj is representing India. If she has the guts, she should put in public her personal, and her family's bank account transactions for the past 5 years.
搞笑的是一名叫做Sushma Swaraj(注,印度外长)的腐败女子怎么就代表印度了。
sudarshan nindrajog
Afriend in need is a friend indeed india has proved this many times
Srinivasan Ramachandran
Though I criticised Congress many times definitely the credit goes to congress party for this work. As I am an unbiased person I will be neutral in my comments about political parties.
Satyanarayana Gavarasana
Iran recognises India's contribution.
Ravishankar Bhujanga
Let the world power understand that the relation with India is without any selfish motives and ever lasting.
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