来源:三泰虎论坛 http://www.santaihu.cn/thread-10007-1-1.html

Unchecked prices hold hungry Nepal to ransom
Apr 29, 2015
KATHMANDU: The Nestle packet of powdered milk — fresh milk not available in most of the city — has Rs 212 printed as MRP. But a sticker hurriedly pasted on the pouch declares the price to be Rs 400.
Staggering under the weight of death and destruction wreaked by the earthquake, Nepal's being pushed into a new crisis by hoarders and black marketers. Retailers, wholesalers, tax owners, rickshaw pullers, small hoteliers — everyone's charging a ransom; no one seems to be in a position to rein them in.
正在地震死亡和严重破坏重压下惊愕不已,尼泊尔又被囤积居奇者和黑市买卖人推进了一㘯新的危机。零售商、批发商、出租车车主、三轮车夫、小旅店主- 人人都在要一笔赎金。没人看来处在拢住他们的位置上。
The home ministry's threatened "strong" action against those fleecing, "creating artificial shortage". But on the ground there's no respite. "A tax driver asked me for Rs 5,000 from the airport to Thamel, normally a Rs 800-ride," said businessman Bikram Shrestha.

Vegetable prices have shot up, by 50% even. Meat is expensive in the few places it's available. Nepal's chief secretary Lila Mani Paudel said, "I've issued instructions to check stocks for easy availability of goods and punish those creating problems." State agencies have come together to tackle the issue. Upendra Kanta Aryal, IG Nepal Police, said he'd ordered police to punish wrongdoers. Officials said as there's no shortage of fuel there's no reason for travel to suddenly become so costly with taxs and buses charging astronomical rates.
蔬菜价格甚至猛涨了50%。在很少的那几个有卖的地方,肉很贵。尼泊尔总书记帕马德尔说,“为了方便货物供给並惩治那些制造问题的人,我已下令检查货物库存。” 国家机关已经碰头来处置这个问题。尼泊尔警察总监阿里亚尔说,他已下令警方惩处干坏事的家伙。官员们说,燃料並不缺乏,随着出租车和公共汽车要天价,出行一下子变得如此昂贵,这是沒有理由的。
In the capital, sections continue to suffer. People thronging shops for biscuits, bottled water, noodles and chiwda, return home empty-handed, complained a housewife. Retailers, on their part, said the fault lay with distributors and wholesalers, who weren't releasing adequate amounts of essentials. The big players, in turn, say supply lines had choked.
After the 1934 earthquake, then PM Jung Bahadur Rana had proclaimed anyone caught hoarding would be beheaded. Many now would be happy to have Rana return from the grave.

Dinesh Gupta•32664•Influencer Moderator Wordsmith •goa•
The earthquake shows up humanity at its best and its worst simultaneously.On the one hand,people and governments are pouring in billions of dollars worth of help for the affected people and on the other hand black marketeers are making a killing!
Bhaskar•5285•Influencer Moderator Wordsmith • Dinesh Gupta•
These things happen everywhere in the times of crisis. The solution lies in rebuilding of infrastructure quickly.
Dinesh Gupta
Thank you for your endorsement and for letting me know.The Nepal government will have to put profiteering by unscrupulous exploiters of this mammoth tragedy by a heavy hand.Shoot them if necessary.
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