译文来源:三泰虎 http://www.santaihu.com
外文标题:India's tiger population increases by 30% in past three years; country now has 2,226 tigers

NEW DELHI: Here is a good news for wildlife conservationists and tiger lovers. The population of tigers has increased in India from 1,706 in 2011 to 2,226 in 2014.
The new tiger census, released by Union environment minister Prakash Javadekar, shows that India — which has 70% of the world tiger population — has registered an increase of 30 per cent in country's tiger population in the past three years.
联邦环境部长Prakash Javadekar公布了新的老虎普查。数据显示,拥有世界70%老虎的印度,过去3年老虎数量创下了30%的增长。
"While the tiger population is falling in the world, it is rising in India. It is a great news", said Javadekar.
If one look at the 2008 tiger census figure, the current increase is simply phenomenal. India's tiger population was 1,411 in 2008. Tiger census is carried out after a gap of every three years by the National Tiger Conservation Authority (NTCA) in the country.
译文来源:三泰虎 https://www.santaihu.com/2015012103.html
ravi bhojwani
good indeed. It should catch up with our population.
chitanya chitturi ()
I am glad that we are succeeding in preserving our tigers!
Shrek (US)
This is what happens when you put 1 male and 5 female tigers in one cage.
sunny (Delhi)
Biggest Tiger----- MODI , Wow.
renda ()
Modi Modi
Yo da (India)
good news but such news will also attract idiots..
Jeeva Nathan (India)
Save tigers & Save girls too ;)
保护老虎,也要保护女孩 ;)
Appa Durai (Coimbatore)
Produce more tigers through breeding and leave them in forests
多饲养一些老虎,然后放养森林Disgusted (Bangalore) replies to Appa Durai
They will starve! Only wild tigers acquire hunting skills!它们会饿死的!只有野生老虎才具备捕食技能!
b culas (Tiruchendur India) replies to Appa Durai
We do not have all that much of forest area left anymore!!我们的森林已经不够多了
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