

What do Chinese people think of European utensils (knife and fork)?





Jan Krikke

As others have pointed out, the Chinese had forks and knives a long time ago. When cooking became more “sophisticated”, the cutting of meat and other foods was done in the kitchen. The Chinese may have felt that cutting meat at the diner table was aesthetically not very pleasing.

The Chinese also had spoons. The first magnetic compass used a magnetized spoon.






China - World Leader.

Ha ha, do you know knives and forks were invented by the Chinese, NOT Europeans?






Gilbert K

Nowadays the Europeans,(except for the Germans) do not really have their own utensils anymore.

The Chinese take pity on them, because it must be so messy using your hands all the time to eat. So the Chinese manufacture knives and forks in their factories in China, and export them to Europe.

China is the world’s largest manufacturer and exporter of utensils. Germany is the second largest, but a very distant second (Germany’s utensil exports are about 5 to 6 times less than China).







Fred Chuatiuco

European’s? Google who invented fork and spoon and you get this: The earliest known forks were found in China and date back to the Shang dynasty (1600-1046 BCE). These forks were made of bronze and had two or three prongs. They were used for eating meat and vegetables. The first spoons were also found in China and date back to the same period.

What do they think about them? You could say that through the thousand years of culinary and dining traditions, they found the chopsticks to be the utensil of choice because it’s the most efficient and practical.






Chien-Sheng Tsai

They are European utensils, useful for European food, but not as practical or useful as chopsticks for Chinese food, which is pre-cut before cooking into edible morsels for direct to mouth eating without further manipulation.

When I eat a Western steak, I use knife and fork, since I need to cut an pierce. When I eat Chinese meat, I use chopsticks to carry to my mouth, although I could use a fork, although less efficient.






Michael Ciao

China is the leading producer and exporter of stainless steel tableware and kitchen utensils globally. Over 70% of all utensils in the world are made in China.

Fork and knife were invented in China.






Li Pengii

A great metaphor and proxy for the disparity of Chinese and Westerners.

Chinese can use chopsticks, we can also use knives and forks competently.

Westerners can use knives and forks but initially struggle with chopsticks without learning more.







Alec Cawley


As a Chinese, I think knife and fork are so dangerous, why do Westerners use them?

They are no more dangerous than hundreds of other things in the house. They have arisen in parallel with the way dishes are prepared in the west. We do not chop things up before cooking, but cook them larger and expect the eater to chop them up on his plate.

This is not right or wrong, but it is customary. And I don’t know of many cases of injuries inflicted by knives and forks, though I am sure they must occur. But compared to many other household risks (baths, stairs, trousers). they are negligible.







Aya Shawn

I have talked to many Chinese people about this issue


Summarize their views


1. Knives and forks are primitive tableware that was abandoned by the Chinese.

2. Knives and forks are dangerous and offensive and should not appear on the dining table.

3. The appearance of knives and forks on the dining table is a symbol of barbarians.

4. Using knives and forks represents that a civilization’s way of handling food has not yet completed evolution (diners need to handle it themselves)

5. Using knives and forks makes eating very inefficient, which represents primitiveness and backwardness.

1. 刀叉是被中国人弃用的原始餐具。

2. 刀叉很危险、很无礼,不应该出现在餐桌上。

3. 餐桌上出现刀叉,是野蛮人的象征。

4. 使用刀叉代表着文明处理食物的方式尚未完成进化(食客需要自己切割食物)。

5. 用刀叉吃饭效率很低,是原始落后的表现。

My experience: When traveling to China, you can freely use knives and forks without any problems. In fact, most young Chinese people can skillfully use a knife and fork to cut steak and pizza.

Even if you take out your own knife and fork at a Chinese dinner party, the Chinese will tolerate you completely.

However, if you wish to state in front of Chinese people that knives and forks have some cultural superiority. You will definitely be treated like an idiot.







Jenny Lin


Do you prefer to eat with a spoon or a fork?


Forks are good

Spoons are pretty good too

But in all due seriousness.. I prefer me chopsticks.

Seriously, chopsticks outrule any utensil in my opinion.

Let’s say we have a slice of chocolate cake:

And yes, you can eat it with a spoon and fork and scoop it in your mouth bite by bite.












Why does China still use chopsticks instead of knives and forks since they’ve now become quite an advanced country?


White supremacy.


In any case, China invented the fork as well and later went on to invent chopsticks.





Chris Ebbert


Why do Europeans use a knife and fork to eat pizza?


I concur that this is weird and unnecessarily narrow-minded, so I have decided to eat my pizzas with chopsticks from now on.

I believe it will prove that knife and fork are a better idea.

Joking aside, Europeans are simply less comfortable eating with their hands than most other cultures, except perhaps China. We like our hands clean, and even the leanest of pizzas will usually have some olive oil on it. We wash hands before eating, but don’t expect to have to do it afterwards.




Therefore, some sort of eating implement is required, and for lack of something other than fork and knife, we have to use those.

It does bring up the question, actually, fork and knife are not ideal to eat pizza with. Cutting through a relatively tough, Italian pizza on a nice plate always seems wrong to me.






Ian Lang


Why do Europeans use a knife and fork to eat pizza?


I’m not European. I’m British, which means that I’m technically a European but spiritually as far away from bloody Europe as you can get, despite the fact that Europe is in fact only twenty-two miles from the closest point of my little island, which is perturbing to say the least, but at least the USA is a good few thousand miles off. Sadly, that means Canada is too.


Ranting aside, what was the question again? Oh, pizza, yes.

I’ll let you into a secret. At home, we don’t. We go to Greasy Ollie’s House of Pizza and Kebabs and get our round doughy things and scoff them like Ottoman warriors did. We do the same after about eleven o’ clock on a Friday and Saturday night; either a pizza or kebab goes down well when you’ve spent the last three or four hours getting totally muntered.






Antonius Kamal


Why are Asian countries using chopsticks as eating utensils, but European countries using forks and knives? What is the logic behind these choices?


Not all Asians, just East Asians.

The choice to use chopsticks was Noodle.

East Asians used spoon for eating rice and porridge, but fork wasn't introduced yet. When noodle become common food staple, spreading from China to Japan, Korea and Indochina, it's easier to eat noodle with chopsticks than using spoon. And chopsticks could be used to pick up any food (other than liquid food), so why bother to use other utensils if chopsticks could work well?

Meat were usually cut to small pieces before served, so East Asians didn't need a knife as eating utensil.





The Europeans used fork and knife because their food staple was bread, cheese and butter.

Knife could be used to slice bread, cheese, meat or spread butter on bread. Fork were used to hold the food when it's cut and could be used to scoop non liquid food.

Spaghetti was limited to Italians and they're used to use fork so no need to invent new utensils for spaghetti.




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