

Some people say that the United States is the only superpower in the world. So, does that mean China and India are not superpowers?





Nathan James

This question is 4 years old. Things have changed somewhat…

A superpower is a nation that possesses dominant global influence militarily, economically, technologically, and diplomatically. Neither China nor India presently qualify.



However, China today is not far behind USA. Militarily, China is the second largest behind USA…the largest standing army, the largest navy numerically, capable of building supercarriers, possessing operational hypersonic missiles. China is the second largest military spender, far ahead of third place India.



China is the world’s largest economy by purchasing power parity, and soon the largest by nominal GDP before the end of this decade, according to all economic projections.

BRICS is working to create a global reserve currency alternative to the US Dollar.

China is technologically a peer of USA in many areas, and well ahead in others. China is behind in semiconductors and space exploration but this gap will close in the coming decades.




China is very strong diplomatically. Alliances like BRI, BRICS, RCEP, SCO, etc. give China enormous diplomatic power around the world.

USA is losing soft power. Most of the world have refused to join USA in sanctioning Russia. USA failed to get OPEC to increase oil production. USA failed to create a SE Asian coalition against China. USA repeatedly fails to compete with BRI.



All this is NOT to say that China will become a superpower. China seeks to create a multipolar world order where major powers cooperate to solve global issues such as military conflict, climate change, poverty, disease, human ri hts, and economic development.

China will NEVER have 750 military bases in 80 countries:




China will NEVER spend anywhere close to USA’s annual military budget (currently approaching a trillion dollars).





Rob Lamontagne

A superpower is a major global power that can extend its power across the globe. The United States is a superpower. The Soviet Union was a superpower. China and India are not (yet) superpowers.


China will soon have the ability to be a superpower, if it wants. In fact, it arguably already does. You can see the growing political, economic and even cultural influence of China, particularly in its region but also farther afield from Africa to South America. Until then, it’s a rapidly growing and already dominant regional power (you could call it a regional superpower in East Asia, but that defeats the purpose of calling it a superpower in the first place).


India is vastly poorer than China on a per capita basis, and lacks the political and social infrastructure enjoyed by the Chinese Co unist Party to organise development, so the possibility of becoming a superpower is much further away. That said, it is also a regional power in the Indian Ocean.





Quinten Roald Stärk

The idea of a superpower was created in the 19th century and should have been abandoned 50 years ago because it is a useless concept today.


From the end of the Napoleonic wars to the end of the first World War the British empire was the most powerful country on earth. It started to use the word superpower to separate it from other powers. Its navy, industry and professional military was basically unmatched. Even the second power Germany was afraid of what the British could do. This is why Wilhelm II was hesitant at first to help the Austrians and why many in the military believed that the best victory they could hope for was against the Russians and Serbians. During both world wars Britain was never at risk of invasion, no German was that stupid.




Replace the American flag with a British one and you understand how the world felt towards the empire.

Britain was the absolute top dog with some other nations as second or third grade fellow superpowers.

Besides Britain there was Germany, France, Russia, Austria-Hungary, Italy and the Ottoman empire. Later Japan, the USA and the Soviet Union joined the super friends.




All these countries were relatively self-reliant and were able to use force to get what they wanted. The more force they were able to use the more land they could conquer. And the more land they had the more recourses they had within their territory and the more self-reliant they became. This is how empires operate and keep themselves operating.


The first World War changed the power relations but it did not end the traditional idea of a superpower or empire. The second World War did though. Britain and France were quickly losing its power, Germany, Italy and Japan were out of the game leaving only the US and USSR.

The United States quickly realised that this empire business didn't work. Countries striving to be self-reliant within their empire only leads to war and conquest. Instead the US started using its newfound power to do three things.



It broke down trade barriers and forced nations to open their border for market exploitation.

And finally it started ruling not nations but trade. Its navy would not serve to keep colonies in line but instead to keep trade roads open and free.



The US first tested this in Greece, a conflict that started as a British colonial war but ended as the starting point of the new American grand strategy.

And for a time it worked out perfectly. The US was the only nation with its industry still intact and so could remain self-reliant. At the same time empires were crumbling and nations were happy to sign up to the free trade world as it secured their future. At the same time the word was struggling to stay afloat and united demonstrated by the Sino-Soviet split and the invasion of Hungary by the USSR.




But then the US discovered something. Germans and Japanese make great cars. Indians and Chinese make cheap products. Turkiye and Tailand make cheap clothes. Saudi oil is cheaper than American oil. And so driven by profit margins the US started joining the word they had build. The Americans let go of their self-reliance and found that cheaper products and more profit was worth giving up their super power status.


Today we live in a world were China and the US come into conflic quite often but are at the same time massive trade partners. The idea of the Superpower stopped exsting because the major powers lost their capacity to use force.

The US, China, UK, France and all other “superpowers” can't act as they want without disturbing the world order and so they don't act. The best they can do is invade very weak nations like Iraq or Georgia and even then it often doesn't end well.



A US president can maybe tople the regime of an unstable nation but so can Facebook as was demonstrated during the Arab spring. That same US president can also be baned from social media. Large corporations, trade roads and oil tankers can end a war before it even begins and change a country's foreign policy. Covid showed this better than anything ever could. It disrupted global trade and word descended into chaos.

The age of superpowers is over, and we're better of for it. The only people who haven't realised this are currently sending people to die in a pointless war in Ukraine.

美国总统或许可以推番一个动荡国家的政 权,但正如阿拉伯之春所证明的那样,Facebook也可以做到。而且这位美国总统还会被禁止使用社交媒体。大公司、贸易通道和油轮可以在战争开始之前就令其偃旗息鼓,并改变一个国家的外交政策。新冠疫情就非常好地证明了这一点,疫情扰乱了全球贸易,世界陷入混乱。





Jay Veller

A superpower is defined as a state that can project force and influence globally through military, diplomacy, soft power, etc.

The US is the only MILITARY superpower as they are the only nation capable of deploying or attacking any nation with conventional forces.



China and Russian militaries are nowhere near this level of power projection. China is closest and they are DECADES away from that.

However, China is the 2nd largest economy in the world and working to grow and become more economically influential. They will become an economic superpower very shortly. And being able to wield economic influence is just as potent as military influence in most cases.






Samuel Liu

In the post-World War2 era, the USA has been the preeminent global superpower. From 1990–2008 (then abouts), the USA was the sole global superpower (hegemone).

China since 2008 or then abouts has been a global superpower, since its commerce and investment influences a majority of nations.

India is not a significant global power yet.




此文由 三泰虎 编辑,未经允许不得转载!:首页 > 问答 » 有人说美国是全世界唯一的超级大国,难道中国和印度不是超级大国
