

Why is India the largest engineer producing country?





Arshad Ahmed

India has the lowest cost of producing an engineer. With the rise in demand of software engineers the gender gap is also closing in. By becoming an engineer the scope of earning in richer countries is high. At one time, about 5–6 decades ago, only medical doctors had opportunity to work in rich countries like UK. USA etc but now opportunities for engineers especially the software engineers has tremendously increased.





Gourav Singh

The reason is simple!

The high level of competition automatically ensured high-quality engineers flooding out to ensure India caught up with the world with respect to establishing an industrial framework for the future. People would repeatedly tell their children- study engineering, get a job and help build India.




I must study politics and war that my sons may have the liberty to study mathematics and philosophy. My sons ought to study mathematics and philosophy, geography, natural history, naval architecture, navigation, commerce, and agriculture, in order to give their children a right to study painting, poetry, music, architecture, statuary, tapestry, and porcelain.

-- John Adams, founding father of America



The allure of Engineering is not just in India but in many other develo countries, including China.

We are building an enormous number of new roads and buildings, which require civil engineers.

We are building a lot of factories and upgrading exsting ones, which require industrial/mechanical engineers.

We are creating our computing infrastructure for automating most processes that require computer engineers.





But when they now that there not many quality engineers? Why do they still building colleges for engineering?


The same reason why we build arts, commerce and science colleges. In all these streams, only the top 2-5% get a quality education. The problem is not in engineering, but the quality problem is there in all streams.

What can be done to improve the quality of the remaining 95-98 % of students?

这和我们建设艺术、商业和科学学院的原因是一样的。在所有这些流中,只有前2% -5%的人能接受到优质教育。问题的根源不在于工程学,而在于教学质量。

怎样才能提高剩下的95- 98%的学生的素质呢?

One possible option, which can be implemented quickly IMO is the faculty in other Engineering colleges can follow and provide students with NPTEL/MIT video lectures and courses than teaching themselves in the classroom.





Tejwant Navalkar

There are various factors that can be attributed to the fact that India produces a large number of Engineers:


Traditionally, Indian middle class and lower class largely believe that getting good education for their children is an asset which guarantees a reasonable secure future. Engineering happens to be one such stream.

In India children continue to stay with their parents upto their marriage or sometimes even after marriage. This implies that expensive education is sponsored by the parents. Children do not have to work and earn to learn.



Most of the families in India provide stable environment for children to pursue stress free higher education, especially in difficult streams like engineering and medicine.

Parents take active interest in the students education and project work, especially at the primary and secondary school level.



Unlike the US or the Western world, students who are good in maths and science are not looked at as “nerds” or strange and not mocked for their academic inclinations.

Inspite of all its shortcomings, the Indian Primary and Secondary education is of a high level, with students being exposed to large amount of varied topics and take up to maths and science quite easily. The tuition and extra classes that most attend in school reinforces the basic essentials. No wonder that an average Indian outscores the locals either in the US or Europe at the masters level.



English is taught very early in school and therefore the students at the graduation level do not find shifting to this new language easily.

Lastly the sheer numbers of our population ensures that large numbers of engineers are produced each year.



Many people believe that though large number of engineers are available, they are not employable. I would like to point out here that the Industry today as with all of us, want a quick fix solution for everything. They want an Engineer to work like a plug and play device. We must note that engineering is a vast field and multiple disciplines within engineering and to add to this newer innovations are happening daily. The 4 year Engineering course is to be considered as an orientation to basic fundamentals. Industry must invest time in honing the basic skills of raw engineers.





Arunkumar Balwantrao Patki

As a nation, India has been always leading in imparting education to its citizens, including engineering branch.


The latest trend by CBSE in introducing Artificial Intelligence in the school curriculum for 8th, 9th and 10th standards classes (with Python) is another step. Thus, ALL MOST ALL high school students who pass out the Matriculation exam in June 2022 will have enough background and familiarity with AI (emphasis of syllabus is on NLP, Computer Vision, Neural Networks).

So your query “Why” is a part of culture.






Himanshu Bharti

Thanks for A2A.


We all are very well aware of the fact that India is producing thousands of engineers every year but are these engineers really the “engineers”? Do they all possess some great skills? Are they all able to be employed? NO. I must say that almost 70–80% of them are the “engineers by degree” only. India is failing to produce any engineering marvel because of the following reasons:


Overhyped engineering culture

Myths in society about engineering

Highly interested in placement packages instead of gaining something

Poor pattern of education system in the colleges

Less interest in researches

Most importantly, huge interest in becoming a slave in a reputed organization/company










Ankit Raturi

Indians aspire of getting the highest paid job i.e. job of an engineer. Pursuing engineering in fact has become a mass culture in the country

Everyone focuses on getting a job, most of the people do not think about providing jobs i.e. through entrepreneurship.



The students are forced into Engineering and Medicals, by the parents due to the social pressure developed around of getting best jobs through best education, even without having the knowledge of their area of interest. Everyone can't become an engineer or doctor.


Earlier, if anybody wanted a bachelor's degree he used to pursue arts or a general science degree. Today the trend has changed. Engineering degree today has become like a general degree in India like degree of Arts (B.A.) or Science degree (B.sc.) used to be earlier. Today if anybody just needs a bachelor's degree he pursues engineering not for the sake of engineering and solving problems but just for the sake of acquiring a bachelor's degree.


Such students are engineer on paper but turn out to be photographer, dancer, actor, singer, teacher, banker, administrator and what not. Only a few of them pursue career in engineering ahead. So today India doesn't produces a large numbers of Engineers but in fact it produces a large of engineering degree holders who are basically a generalist and not an engineer.





Sarsij Nayanam

Short Answer: Two Factors - A) Everyone’s parents knew about only two professions in this whole world under the sun - Doctor & Engineer. And since Government of India refused to increase the number of Medical Colleges, the only option left for them was - Engineering for their Kids. B) They heard a lot of stories of those ‘imaginary’ brother or uncle or neighbor who got an exceptional job after finishing his engineering, and that ‘imaginary’ person is possibly working in USA right now.


Longer Answer: There can be no bigger bankruptcy of an Educational System which allowed the intake of 10 Lakh students in its engineering colleges without even thinking once about what would these 10 Lakh students do in a country like India where there are jobs not even for 1 Lakh engineering graduates every year.


This whole Engineering degree factories have come up in the wake of the IT boom witnessed by India in late 1990s. And hence the next few generations have been forced to face the brunt of the mis-calculation done by their parents.


The situation won’t improve until AICTE forces the un-necessary colleges to shut-down engineering courses or reduce seats by 70–80% in each and every branch. The students coming out are absolutely UNEMPLOYABLE (this is the most saddening truth of almost 90% engineering colleges in this country).


So, while you want to know why there are so many Engineering pass-outs in this country, the best answer can be given only by your parents or elders who used to tell you that - Engineering Kar Lo, Bahut Scope Hai …. !



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