

Why does China try to claim Kim Chi and steal cultural assets from Korea?




June Yu

I believe most Koreans should have read this as a kid:







Translation to English:

Although our country situates in the cornered place next to the sea, with a narrow territory, our customs, our music, our etiquettes, our laws, our code of dress, our writing language, our instruments, fully follow China. The morals and ethics are manifested up in the court, the edification of the masses is implemented down to the bottom. The beauty in the mores has made our society almost equal to China in repute. The Chinese call us the Smaller China.

 — The Initiatory Book For Children, Park Se-moo, 1541







Eunoians in SG

A lot of Chinese are jut triggered when the video showing Li Ziqi making Pao Cai (pickled cabbage) was attacked by the Korean online army who claims Chinese steal Korean culture. This is totally rubbish.

Paocai and Sichuan Spicy Cabbage are not Kimchi

Based on the historical evidence and the origin of napa cabbage (Chinese cabbage), Kimchi is clearly influenced by China




1.Napa cabbage (Chinese Cabbage) 배추 is a type of Chinese cabbage originating near the Beiing region of China


2. Original version of Kimchi is based on radish. Chinese spread napa cabbage to Korea and taught Korean how to ferment napa cabbage-based (Chinese cabbage-based) kimchi

2. 韩国泡菜最早只有泡萝卜。中国人将大白菜传到韩国,并教会韩国人如何发酵大白菜(中国白菜)泡菜。

3.Paocai and Sichuan Spicy Cabbage are registered in UNESCO


4.China has a record of making fermented and pickle napa cabbage at least 3100 years ago. The earliest record of fermented vegetables in Korea is only 1500 years ago


5.Chinese spread fermented vegetable technique to Korea during its three kingdom era. China wasn't the first country that discovered the fermenting technique, but China was the one that taught Korean how to make pickle and fermented vegetable


6. China has been develo napa cabbage (Chinese cabbage) for thousands of years, there are hundreds of different styles or seasonings. Adding chili is something very common

6. 中国种植大白菜已有几千年历史了,有数百种不同的做法和调味料。加辣椒是非常常见的做法。

7. Korea used to be a vassal of China. Chinese taught Korean a lot of things including language, customs, food, and music. Korean history and relics are all recorded in Chinese, Korean cannot read or understand their history today. That is why most Korean mistakenly claimed Chinese culture as their property

7. 韩国曾经是中国的附属国。中国人教会了韩国人很多东西,包括语言、习俗、食物和音乐。韩国的历史和文物都是用中文记录的,现在的韩国人读不懂他们自己的历史。所以大多数韩国人错误地把中国文化当作自己的文化。

8.Saying Sichuan Spicy cabbage is Kimchi is like Americans claiming they invented pizza and chips. You give birth to your parents or your parents give birth to you?

8. 说四川辣白菜是韩国泡菜,就像美国人说他们发明了披萨和薯条一样。到底是你生了你父母,还是你父母生了你?




Ides Jan

It is a pickled vegetable. Every culture in the world has their own pickled vegetable. Every province of China probably has their own pickled vegetable. That standard was only talking about the Sichuan pickled vegetable. The Chinese were talking about Pao Cai which literally means pickled vegetable. And Korea is not the only place with a spicy pickled vegetable tradition. Why are Koreans so worked up over what is essentially a translation issue? Are there so few cultural assets that you need to pick up arms over a pickled vegetable?


And may I politely point out that the South Korean national flag is composed of the Taoist symbols of Taiji and Trigrams? Should the Chinese be shouting cultural burglary here?





Alexx Young

Seriously? China tries to steal from Korea? You should really study Korea history.

Oh by the way, their history was written in Chinese characters.






John Wilson

Kimchi originated in China. But I can't explain why, because South Korea even stole the written description of historical events. I remember a kind-hearted Chinese told Korean history and told Korean netizens all the details such as where it originated and how to make it. Koreans regarded it as their own thing. It was too humiliating. Including Hanfu, they are all from China. Why? Because Korea was a dependency of China in ancient times, it had a deep cultural influence. Even the Korean flag was designed by the Chinese. It's really no shame. The United States has no history, but it doesn't care. Japan recognizes that it comes from China and is willing to transform it. South Koreans are so narrow-minded that they need to steal other countries' cultures and become their own.


Kimchi is a very cheap food in China. It is a kind of pickled food. It was first carried by the Secretary of the Zhou Dynasty. Then it was introduced into Korea by a general in the Tang Dynasty. Because China is rich in material resources and North Korea's geographical location is suitable for pickling, then South Koreans have a tradition of eating kimchi. If we say that Chinese history be a big tree, then North Korea is a fruit on the tree. It belongs to Chinese culture.


It's right that South Korea has a tradition of eating kimchi. It's right that its source is China





Alexander Tan

Kimchi is literally just one form of pickled vegetable, nothing special, other countries all over the world have their own form of pickled vegetable. Pao Cai in China refers to two things: a specific pickled vegetable dish from Sichuan, and a generalization of all pickled vegetable groups. Just because China names a certain food a certain way does not mean they are claiming it as their own (that’s like saying “pickled cucumbers”, or classic pickles, are Chinese), so get over yourselves.


No matter what you may say, China dominated East Asia culturally and economically for much of history, since the Han Dynasty. China for sure learned from Korea, but not nearly as much as Korea learned from China. If you are against the development of society, you would call learning from other civilizations “stealing”. However, if we go off of this “stealing” narrative, there were many more instances of Koreans and other East Asians in general “stealing” from Chinese culture than vice versa, while China “stole” Buddhism from India.


Do you now realize how ludicrous that sounds? Different people learn from each other, some more than others. Why is that a bad thing?





Samson Smolka

Understand your ignorance of history, but not understand why you are so shameless

No any steal at all, just cultural violence by Koreans

Spicy Chinese cabbage and Korean kim chi are two things(Even though it's from China)

Korea has lost a lot of history since it stopped using Chinese characters and Of course I don't think Chinese people care about spicy cabbage, they care more about how to improve








Evan Mao

Did anyone actually read the weblink regarding what the kerfuffle is all about? The ISO standard is for pao cai, the Chinese version of fermented vegetables. There is no need getting everyone’s kimchi in a knot over this. Lots of countries and cultures ferment vegetables. Nobody has a monopoly over the general fermentation process. Each culture has variations of how and what they ferment. Germans have sauerkraut and the French have chouchroute. Do doubt Polish and Russian and other European cultures all have their own variations on the theme and have their own names for different kinds of fermented vegetables. Even pao cai has many regional variations within China. Can’t we all just ferment along?





Jiahe Chen

Social media users in China and South Korea are embroiled in another row, this time over the provenance of kimchi, the fermented cabbage dish that most people recognise as an essential part of the Korean diet.


Not, though, in China, where state media have sparked an online backlash after one of the country’s fermented dishes received certification from the International Organisation for Standardisation [ISO].

ISO status, the Global Times newspaper reported, was an “international standard for the kimchi industry led by China”.

The very mention of the word kimchi triggered angry accusations among South Koreans that China was attempting to claim kimchi as its own, when in fact the award covered only pao cai – a type of pickled vegetable often found in Sichuan cuisine.








Im Yang Gyoon

If kimchi is Chinese, it should have historical grounds.

Kimchi contains red pepper.

According to Korean records, it was a custom to mix red peppers powder with alcohol in the mid-1400s.

In Korea, we used red pepper because we knew that the capsaicin ingredient of red pepper did not spoil the food.





The record that Korea used red peppers for food is recorded in a book made in the early 15th century.

Chinese historical records of red peppers do not appear until the 17th century.

It was also used in China 200 to 300 years after starting to eat red pepper in Korea.

By the way, in China, red pepper is not used as much as in Korea.

In Korea, in addition to red pepper powder, we made and ate red pepper paste in the same way as jam, and used it for food.



在韩国开始食用红辣椒的200 ~ 300年后,中国才开始食用红辣椒。



Then the answer comes out which country kimchi is from.


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