BindaasNeha-New Delhi-22 hours ago
Let the Japanese make it. We don''t want shoddy work from Indian companies who are forced to give sub contracts to dons and goons让日本人来修高铁吧,不要偷工减料的印度公司,他们会把合同交给傻子们来做。
Jyoti Gurung-Bangalore-19 hours ago
Has anyone questioned the route? Why Mumbai to Ahmedabad? Why not Mumbai to New Delhi? Flights to & fro from the these two cities are busiest!没人质疑路线吗?为什么是从孟买到艾哈迈达巴德?而不是孟买到新德里?这两座城市的航线是最繁忙的!
Babu Rajendran Chandran-Chennai-21 hours ago
Japan is in our close friend''s circle.So,as far as Japan is concerned,''Make in Japan'' is as good as ''Make in India.''日本是我们最亲密的伙伴,就日本而言,“日本制造”犹如印度制造。
Drno-15 hours ago
Stud Baker-15 hours ago
Quality has been always a major concern for Japanese. The bullet train has a ZEROa fatality or any accident in its more than 50 years of history.日本一直关注质量问题,在它过去50年历史中,日本新干线从未发生过死亡事故。
G-18 hours ago
PM Modi has a vision for develo India. But Khangress & Modi haters will be always negative.莫迪总理对印度发展是有远见的,国大党和憎恨莫迪的人消极看待。
Mudi-Gujriot-16 hours ago
Nothing is made in India. Feku only gives speeches, most of the projects in the end are developed by foreigners only.没什么是印度制造的,莫迪老仙只会演讲,大多数项目最终由外国人完成。
Lucky Q-Location-16 hours ago
once the train runs, jobs will be generated一旦高铁启动,就会有就业产生。
Rohit Kapoor651 Rohit-18 hours ago
Make In India?
1) Feku is wearing Watch made in Swiss.
2) Using German made cars.
3) Flying on US made Air Planes.
4) Wearing Italian Shoes.
5) Doing Yoga on Chinesa Mattress.
6) Buying Israelis Defence systems.
7) Flying France made Helicopters.印度制造?莫迪戴着瑞士表,开德国车,坐美国飞机,穿意大利鞋子,用垫子做瑜伽,买以色列军事装备,搭乘法国直升机。
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