

Why do so many people like China?





Rohit Kale

Cause it's a civilization unlike the west,it's civilizational history goes back to 1st or 2nd ad

Plus china is not ,the china of 80s ,they are the manufacturing hub of the world,they have developed a lot






Ralph Sanchez

I once participated in a government delegation to Italy for a conference organized by energy industries worldwide. The event was quite diverse, featuring speeches by energy experts on various energy-related topics and panels debating the future of the energy industry. We also engaged in activities where we brainstormed amateur proposals to address energy issues in developed and develo countries.

The most significant portion of the conference was dedicated to exhibitions, where different industries showcased their products and services to potential clients. However, as representatives from Pakistan, we were largely ignored by the American and European executives, who focused on bigger countries like Saudi Arabia, India, China, and Brazil.



During one of our strolls, we encountered the Chinese delegation. As they were engaged in a conversation with an Italian woman from Shell, we politely listened in. To our surprise, the head of the Chinese delegation noticed us and warmly greeted us as "brothers." This unexpected warmth towards our small delegation left a lasting impression, especially considering the attention typically given to larger countries.

These small moments of human connection often go unnoticed when analyzing why many develo countries hold China in high regard. Throughout the conference, I interacted with delegations from Africa, Eastern Europe, and Central Asia, and they all expressed a similar respect and admiration for the Chinese delegation. Regardless of a country's size or importance, the Chinese treated everyone with the same warmth, respect, and equality.



Some analysts and commentators seek empirical evidence and hard data to understand why China is highly regarded by develo nations. While factors such as investments, trade, and cultural affinity play a part, my personal experiences suggest that the Chinese are seen as partners in the struggles faced by develo nations. This sense of camaraderie may stem from the old Co unist ideology that saw China and the USSR partnering with develo nations during the Cold War era.


In my own interactions with Chinese colleagues, both at work and outside of it, I have witnessed this partnership and camaraderie firsthand. They work alongside us, share the same challenges, and choose to live among us, even when security concerns would allow for them to live separately. This shared experience fosters a mutual respect and bond between us and contributes to China's positive image in the develo world.

I have also observed the positive interactions between Chinese delegates and delegations from Egypt, Africa, and the Middle East. The willingness of the Chinese to explore local cultures, show respect, and engage socially creates a favorable impression. Conversely, European delegations often keep their distance for security reasons, reinforcing the positive image of the Chinese.



My visit to China further reinforced this positive view. Government officials and citizens treated us with respect, engaged us in discussions, and shared personal stories. Their hospitality and equal treatment made a lasting impact. These positive experiences, coupled with the image of China as a rising global power, have the potential to influence decision-making and favorability towards China in the future.

To some, my account may seem unrelated or lack empirical data. However, certain intangible aspects, such as respect, equality, partnership, and camaraderie, shape the positive view of China in the develo world. These intangible qualities often hold more weight and influence than data alone.







Of course, people are brainwashed to like China. There is a huge propaganda machine operating there that isn’t seen anywhere else in the world. I'm sure the US doesn't have propaganda and the media there reports truthfully and without any agenda ;)

There can't be anything genuinely good about China, right? Nothing good about its booming economy, nor its 4000 year old culture, nor any single one of the 1.4 billion people who grew up there.






James William

Many people have positive feelings and opinions about China for a variety of reasons. It's important to note that people's perceptions of China can vary widely. Here are some common factors that contribute to the positive views of China:


1.Rich History and Culture: China has a long and diverse history with a rich cultural heritage that includes art, philosophy, literature, and traditional practices like calligraphy, martial arts, and tea ceremonies. Many people admire and appreciate the depth of Chinese culture.

2.Economic Growth: China's rapid economic development in recent decades has been a source of admiration for many. Its growth has lifted millions out of poverty and contributed to the global economy.

1. 丰富的历史和文化:中国有着悠久而多样的历史,拥有丰富的文化遗产,包括艺术、哲学、文学以及书法、武术和茶道等传统习俗。许多人仰慕和欣赏中国文化的渊博。

2. 经济增长:近几十年来,中国经济的告诉发展令许多人倾慕。中国的发展使得数百万人摆脱了贫困,为全球经济做出了巨大贡献。

3.Cuisine: Chinese cuisine is renowned worldwide, and many people enjoy Chinese dishes. The diversity of regional cuisines, such as Sichuan, Cantonese, and Hunan, offers a wide range of flavors and culinary experiences.

4.Cultural Contributions: China has made significant contributions to world culture, including inventions like paper, printing, and gunpowder, as well as philosophical concepts like Confucianism and Taoism.



4. 文化贡献:中国对世界文化做出了重大贡献,包括造纸术、印刷术和火药等发明,以及儒家和道教等哲学思想。

5.Natural Beauty: China's vast and diverse landscape, which includes the Great Wall, the Himalayas, and the Karst Mountains, attracts travelers and nature enthusiasts.

6.Historical Sites: China is home to numerous historical sites and landmarks, such as the Terracotta Army, the Forbidden City, and the Li River, which hold immense historical and cultural significance.

5. 自然风光:中国辽阔而多样的自然景观,包括长城、喜马拉雅山脉和喀斯特山脉,吸引着游客和自然爱好者。

6. 历史遗迹:中国有许多历史遗迹和地标建筑,如兵马俑、紫禁城和漓江,具有深厚的历史和文化意义。

7.Cultural Festivals: Festivals like Chinese New Year, also known as the Spring Festival, and the Mid-Autumn Festival offer vibrant celebrations that draw interest and admiration.

8.Scientific and Technological Advancements: China's achievements in fields like space exploration, high-speed rail, and technology have gained recognition and respect.

7. 文化节日:比如中国新年(也被称为春节)和中秋节等节日,为民众提供了活力四射的庆祝活动,吸引了人们的兴趣。

8. 科技进步:中国在太空探索、高铁、科技等领域取得的成就得到了全世界的认可和尊重。

9.Global Diplomacy: China's role in global diplomacy and international organizations contributes to its reputation as a global player.

10.Hospitality: Many visitors to China find the people warm and welcoming, which can leave a positive impression.

9. 全球外交:中国在全球外交和国际组织中发挥的作用助力中国成为全球参与者。

10. 热情好客:许多来中国的游客都觉得中国人热情好客,给他们留下了积极的印象。

It's important to acknowledge that opinions about China can also be shaped by political, social, and economic factors, and views of China may vary significantly depending on one's perspective and experiences. While many people appreciate aspects of China, it's also a subject of debate and criticism on various fronts, including rights, , and geopolitical issues. Public perceptions of China can be complex and multifaceted.





Wen Gu

Because China's prosperity is the accumulation of capital through openness and trade, while the prosperity of the West is the accumulation of capital through colonization and plundering of other countries. The rise of China depends on trade, so it needs a peaceful environment. The rise of Europe and the United States depends on war. They need to provoke wars among countries to sell weapons.

Most people in this world are sober. They have seen the different attitudes of Europe, America and China towards poor countries. Compared with Europe and the United States instigating disputes and barbaric plundering in various countries, China's peaceful trade is undoubtedly the best option, so more and more Many people like to deal with China.






Mandy Shari

There are many reasons why people may have positive feelings towards China. Some may admire the country's rich history, culture, and traditions, while others may appreciate China's rapid economic growth and modernization over the past few decades. China's contributions to science and technology, such as in the areas of artificial intelligence and renewable energy, have also gained global recognition.

Additionally, China's emphasis on education, family values, and hard work has been praised by some people. Some may also appreciate China's role as a major global power, which has enabled it to exert influence on international affairs.






Pramit Das

Why not? China is the largest economy in the world, had phenomenal growth in the last 30 years, has made strides in science and tech beyond imagination of most countries, their students and scientists are some of the smartest I’ve met.

Does China have problems? Yes, so does every other major country in the world. Doesn’t mean we need to fixate on that alone.






It is the most populated country on the planet, with beguiling and dazzling residents. It is additionally one of the main political and social powers that aided shape our reality. China additionally has a rich and wonderful history, with individuals more focused on learning and imagining.




Steve Kayser

I like Chinese culture very much. I think ancient characters, history, architectural styles, clothing, etc. are all very interesting, as if they can be explored for a lifetime.


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