

Has China's industrial upgrading succeeded?




Elizabeth Henderson

China was always the world’s greatest industrial power. But back then. Nothing was made in China. Everything was made in places like Japan and Germany. The greatest industrial powers today. Besides China.

Things dont need to be made in China just for China to remain as the world’s greatest industrial power. As long as they are still making goods and services. But not actually exporting any of it. China would still be the greatest. Just based on domestic consumption alone.



Military production alone would continue to keep China as the world’s greatest industrial power.

China’s exports exceed its imports by almost 1 trillion. Thats 1 trillion goods that Chinese people produce. But never get to consume.

If Chinese exports were 4 trillion. And its imports were 4 trillion. Then Chinese would actually be able to enjoy the 4 trillion goods they produce. Because it would pay for the 4 trillion goods that Chinese import to consume.




But thats not whats happening.

So the logical solution. Is to get rid of those 1 trillion and exports. And to convert those factories to military manufacturing.






Peter Ole Kvint

Yes, China's industry has massive overcapacity. China's industries are meant to supply the whole world with goods.

It is superstitious tribesmen who fill up China with factories for religious reasons. In the same way that Buddhists build stupas and Christians build churches, animists build factories so that things can be animated.



It is a sacrifice to build factories so that the production lines in China never become worn out or obsolete.

Although most Chinese are atheists, no one explains to the superstitious tribesmen that the spirits do not exst. And therefore it is not necessary to build factories.






Mike Chiew

All factories have turned to fully automation system under China's modern manufacturing era for another 100 years of up tec revolution. Those can't have to look elsewhere where countries could provide cheaper labour. China is smarter entrepreneurs to stay competitive have to stablise the cost and on time delivery services. In fact, they've overcome the issue years ago.





Halfman Huang

Yes, even exceeding Chinese own expectations, the US has speed up the Chinese industrial upgrading, eliminated the time cost of China's market restructuring.

You know, if you want to sell something that others have already in selling, you had to cost lots of time and profit to build your own market, it’s actually the most difficult part.

Thanks to the US, you saved our time on that. I have found that since 1950, the United States seems to have been always in hel China by this way. They adopted tough policies towards China, but always made China sharper.







Malik Hannan

Yes, China's industrial upgrading has succeeded in many ways. In the past few decades, China has transformed itself from a low-cost manufacturing base to a global leader in innovation and high-tech industries. This success has been driven by a number of factors, including:


Government policies that promote industrial upgrading. The Chinese government has implemented a number of policies to encourage domestic firms to move up the value chain, including tax breaks, subsidies, and preferential loans.

Foreign direct investment (FDI). FDI has played a major role in China's industrial upgrading, as foreign companies have brought with them advanced technologies and management practices.

Domestic demand. As China's economy has grown, so has domestic demand for high-quality products. This has created a market for domestic firms that are able to produce these products.




As a result of these factors, China has made significant progress in industrial upgrading. In particular, China has become a global leader in the following industries:


Electronics. China is the world's largest producer of electronics, including smartphones, computers, and televisions.

Automotive. China is the world's largest producer of automobiles, and it is also a major exporter of cars.

Machinery. China is a major producer of machinery, including industrial robots and machine tools.

New energy. China is a major producer of solar panels, wind turbines, and other renewable energy technologies.





While China's industrial upgrading has been a success, there are still some challenges that need to be addressed. For example, China needs to continue to invest in research and development in order to maintain its technological edge. Additionally, China needs to address the environmental impact of its industrial sector.

Overall, China's industrial upgrading has been a major success. It has helped to lift millions of people out of poverty and has made China a global economic powerhouse. China is now well-positioned to continue its economic growth in the years to come.






Felix Su

Even beyond Deng’s wildest dreams.

China is back after 150 years of looting, pillaging, and murder by the West. At every step, the West broke their agreements with China and used every means possible to screw over China.

And now China is back and is already the strongest economy with a powerful military that can defend China against all comers.




China will only get stronger as time goes on.

China is the only nation with flexble fully robotic factories that can make different models without changing the manufacturing line. And China will continue to advance as China puts most of her money into the civilian economy and continues to go after corrupt politicians and officials.






Kanthaswamy Balasubramaniam

Here is China’s definition of Modernization:

Complete control over Supply Chain

Vertically Integrated Industrial Chains

Integrated Logistics & Ship Systems

Complete Environmental Consciousness in Production and Manufacturing

Independent Capital & Financial Infrastructure







China believes Industrialization is no longer sufficient

South Korea, Japan are highly Industrialized yet neither can survive without the US

China believes in Modernization which means creating an Industrial Infrastructure that is entirely independent of any foreign dependence

China aims to modernize by 2035 by which time China aims for less than 40% energy dependence against 72% today using Renewable and Green Energy for Industries








Samanya Gayanan- GK In Hindi Medium

No, China's industrial transformation is not complete. China has been undergoing a significant industrial transformation for several decades, shifting from an agrarian economy to one dominated by manufacturing and, more recently, services. This transformation has propelled China to become the world's second-largest economy.

However, China still faces challenges as it continues its industrial transformation. Some of the key areas where transformation is ongoing include:



1. Industry upgrading: China is pursuing a shift from low-value manufacturing to higher-value industries such as technology, innovation, and advanced manufacturing. This involves investing in research and development, intellectual property protection, and fostering an environment conducive to innovation.

1. 产业升级:中国正努力从低附加值制造业转向高附加值产业,如技术、创新和先进制造业。这需要投入资金进行科技研发、知识产权保护并营造有利于创新的环境。

2. Environmental sustainability: China faces the challenge of transitioning its economy to a more sustainable and environmentally friendly model. It has been working to address issues related to air pollution, water pollution, and carbon emissions through stricter regulations, increased investment in clean energy, and promoting green technologies.

2. 环境可持续性:中国面临着经济向着更加可持续、更加环保的模式转型的挑战。中国一直致力于通过更严格的法规、增加对清洁能源的投资和推广绿色技术来解决与空气污染、水污染和碳排放有关的问题。

3. Services sector development: China aims to boost its services sector to reduce reliance on manufacturing and exports. This includes expanding industries like finance, healthcare, education, tourism, and entertainment. Fostering the growth of the services sector requires reforms in areas such as deregulation, improving the business environment, and enhancing the quality and efficiency of services.

3. 服务业发展:中国的目标是促进服务业发展,减少对制造业和出口的依赖。这包括扩大金融、医疗、教育、旅游和娱乐等行业。促进服务业发展,需要在放松管制、改善营商环境、提高服务质量和效率等方面进行改革。

4. Regional disparities: China's industrial transformation has not been evenly distributed across its vast territory. Coastal regions, such as Guangdong and Shanghai, have developed more rapidly than inland provinces. The government aims to address regional disparities by implementing targeted policies and promoting investment in less-developed regions.

4. 地区差异:中国的产业转型还没有在幅员辽阔的国土上得到均匀的分布。沿海地区如广东和上海就比内陆省份发展得更快。中国希望通过实施有针对性的政策和促进对欠发达地区的投资来解决地区差距问题。

Overall, while China has made significant progress in its industrial transformation, particularly in terms of manufacturing prowess, there are still ongoing challenges and areas for further development.





Drew M

How effective is Chinese industrial policy?

For about the past 20 years, China has managed to maintain a growth rate of at least 7% per year. That is pretty damn good. Even if the Chinese economy hits a brick wall this year, they will still be much richer than they would without such an effective IP.






Martin Hancock

Have China's manufacturing standards improved in recent years?

China is now class leading in many manufacturing processes especially high volume manufacturing . The caveat is that all goods produced are built to a price structure. The more the customer is prepared to pay the higher the investment in staff training and quality checks with cheaper goods in general being of lower quality but the level of automation also plays a part with larger automated production lines able to produce goods at a much lower cost due to their higher efficiency.






Peter Kaye

Has China finished the industries update?

Nope, industries update, will NEVER be finished, new inventions and innovations will continue forever.



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