

How did a country as small and remote as Great Britain manage to conquer all of India?  Was the military difference so palpable?




Payal Sh

The British conquest of India was a complex process that involved a combination of military power, political maneuvering, economic exploitation, and social and cultural factors.

The British East India Company initially established trading posts in India in the early 17th century and gradually expanded its influence through alliances with local rulers, military conquest, and economic control. The British military did have significant advantages in terms of technology, organization, and strategy, which contributed to their ability to assert control over Indian territories.



However, it's important to note that the British also exploited exsting political divisions among Indian rulers, used economic leverage to gain influence, and employed a divide-and-rule strategy to maintain control. Additionally, social and cultural factors, including the introduction of new ideas and technologies, as well as the impact of the Industrial Revolution, played a role in the British conquest of India.

Overall, the British conquest of India was a complex and multifaceted process that involved more than just military superiority.







No, we had active collaboration with those ruling India, which opened up much trade to both India and GB. We had the active support of the vast majority of Indians - regardless of what modern “historians” in India are saying - also supported the Raj. Without that support there is no way we could have held such a large continent with only 100,000 soldiers!





Vijay Simha

In the 16th Century, Britain began to build its empire – spreading the country's rule and power beyond its borders through a process called 'imperialism'. This brought huge changes to societies, industries, cultures and the lives of people all around the world.

The first victims of the British who operated as pirates in the Caribbean were the Portuguese and Spanish galleons who were transporting wealth from the Americas to Europe.



This was soon followed by the very lucrative slave-trade that lasted a full hundred and twenty seven years netting the British huge profits.

Simultaneously advances in navigation enabled the British to sail all around the world as well as peninsular India and establish factories.



The British Navy was by then the most powerful navy in the world and the British Army had a lot of experience fighting wars in Europe and America against the French.

The defeat of Napoleon in Europe further bolstered British power and by a deft combination of applying commerce, technology, trade and military and administrative skills, the British spent the entire nineteenth century establishing their control over large parts of the world from Canada to New Zealand.



The Opium Trade which was forced on China netted the empire huge profits.

The British empire in India was the cash-cow that provided all the money and manpower to help the British colonize large parts of Africa from Egypt to South Africa in the last half of the nineteenth century and win the First and Second World War.. This is something the British will never ever acknowledge!






Allen Edwards

Great Britain had a much larger navy back in the age of exploration as well as a bigger army, also the competition and determination to grab as much land as possible before the French, Spanish, Portugese & Dutch spurred them on to do so. Also India was nothing like it is today, India would have been a land made up of many tribal lands each with different languages and cultures, as many as 447 are still spoken in India today!





Brad Miller

Several problems with your premise.

(1) Britain conquered only about half of India. The rest was still self-governing, under the overlordship of the King/Queen of Great Britain (and Ireland, later).

(2) Before the *raj*, NO power ever ruled more than 2/3 of India at any time.

(3) The technology was dead even. The generalship, morale, and discipline was almost (not completely) all on the side of Britain.


(1) 英国只征服了大约一半的印度领土,其余一半在大不列颠(后来还有爱尔兰)的国王/女王的统治下仍然是自治的。

(2) 在英国统治印度之前,印度土地上从未有过哪个国家能统治超过三分之二的印度。

(3)  印度的科技水平已经落后了 。英国的军事将领、士气和训练几乎都占据上风。




Civils Maestro

There were number of reason for the British success in India like


At the advent of Britishers Indian ruleres were fighting among themselves.

Mughal empire was on the brink of collape because later Mughal rulers were incapable rulers.

Indian rulers didn't have a regular and disciplined army in comparison to Britishers.

Indian's didn't have advanced arms and ammunitions.

Naval power of Indian rulers was only in name.

Britishers had competent Officers and bureucrats who were experienced unlike Indian officers.

Acts of treachery were commited by Indians which benefited Britishers alot.











James Knight

Firstly Britain as a country did not conqueror india, because there was no India to conquer. India at the time was kind of like Europe today, divided into a multitude of different states. The British east india company slowly bought its way to power in what we know as india, Indian rulers were so greedy and cared so little for their people that they happily accepted British money and became agents of the east india company. Soon all of india was under the de-facto control of the east india company, until the 1850s when the British government nationalised the east india company and Brought their territory under the control of the crown. So that’s how india came under the control of the British empire.





Pete Singh

An Indian historian once wrote that the British didn’t really conquer India because modern India didn’t really exst at the time. India was a geographical area with lots small countries like the Punjab, Baluchistan, Bengal, etc. India wasn’t originally conquered militarily for political reasons but commercially for economic reasons by the (British) East India Company.


The Modern India & Pakistan of today are creations of the British. The British effectively created a united India that we see today - with its many different languages, cultures & religions. In the same way the British created the modern day Canada, Malaysia, Zimbabwe, Guyana, etc. It was the Muslims like the Babar’s Mughals that militarily invaded India.





Kevin Coleman

“The British” in this sense means the Honourable East India Company, which went to the East for trade, just like similar concerns in Portugal, France and Holland. The City then called Calcutta was a good place to start; the Company recruited soldiers to defend its “factories” (nothing to do with manufacturing). It developed a disciplined regime of administration and took military actions to enforce its power.


The wars that followed were won largely by the Company because, rightly or wrongly, the troops trusted their captains; their colonels trusted each other, and they also trusted their employers, while their Rulers of Hindustan often and often could not trust their armies or their own civil servants. So a series of small victorious wars such as the Mysore Wars, the Mahratha Wars, the Sikh Wars, displaced the Hindustani Rulers in favour of British control by the Company.


In many cases the defeated Rulers were removed and a close relation installed as Ruler in his place, with a Company Resident in his capital to ensure that he gave due weight to Company “rules”, such as the lawful collection of taxes, legal reforms at least partly in line with British civil practice, abolition of certain social practices such as “suttee”, the suppression of religious excesses. stable currency measures and a whole heap more. For most people in Hindustan, more trade-conscious, more accustomed to compliance with the laws, even if not fully understood like the “new” public-health measures.





Jayper Productions

Well at the time they had a strong army. But if you want to be specific that big sexy navy got a lot of colonies which got more troops and a bigger and sexer navy.





Charles Hiikie

The UK had a trading relationship in the subcontinent for over 100 years before circumstances compelled a change in relationship.

The vast majority of the British soldiers were Indian, the conquest of Indian States always funded by Indian bankers. The military technology was available to both sides.

The advantage of the British system was continuity, rationality, greater distribution of wealth, the rule of law and development.




IE. A Mughal ruler like Aurangzeb had a wealthy empire, but the vast majority of money went to less than 2000 people, with a high tax base, no public developments and irrational war.

At the death of a monarch is a period of chaos as competitors aim for the throne. Failure to find an effective monarch led to sustained, devastating invasions and the rise of irrational warlords in the regions.



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