

Why did Korean people historically prefer Chinese imperialism over Japanese imperialism?





Will Jung

Because ‘Japanese imperialism’ did not ever EST before a century or two in history to have any sustained or significant influence over the Korean peninsula. Questions like this shows the asker does not even possess a basic knowledge or understanding of history before asking what is fundamentally flawed question that is essentially nonsensical





Liu Asum

Because surrendering to China means joining a larger trade network and obtaining economic support, learning new technologies, and only needing to pay a symbolic relationship of sincerity and a small amount of wealth for tribute, you can obtain huge economic benefits and even military assistance. The emperor of China would not interfere too much in Korean politics.

Throughout its 2000-year history, Korea has always believed that it has the same origin as Chinese culture.




Submission to Japan represented complete occupation and domination, complete plunder of wealth, deprivation of language and culture, and continuous oppression and planned massacre of the people. The emperor of Japan would try to destroy the country and its people in order to rule and assimilate the country with his own people for permanent occupation.



Imperial Japanese Navy landing force lands on Korean coast





Frank Hodge

Korean people hated both of them. Why are you asking this? Do you prefer to be ruled by other people?





Max Than

Why did Koreans historically look down on Japan even though Japan had its own brilliant civilization and was considered equal to China?


It basically debunks the claim that Japan was always strong. Instead, Japan was very decentralized while China, Korea, and Vietnam were more centralized. Japan relied on a feudal system while China, Korea, and Vietnam had more direct control over their domains.


However, once Japan did centralized, they became extremely powerful, capable of almost conquering Korea in 1592.

Japan was also less Sinicized than Korea and Vietnam due to:

Being further away from China and causing distance decay




Tokugawa isolation from 1603 to 1868, which tended to remove outside influences. During the period, Japan received minimal contact with the outside world, which they deemed barbarians.

This probably led to a less centralized rule. I won’t really say mountains are the main problem because neighboring Korea had a ton of that but was still more centralized.






James Scroggins

Why did Koreans historically look down on Japan even though Japan had its own brilliant civilization and was considered equal to China?

The sentence should read; Korea looked down on Japan because it was believed to be not as "civilized" as China.






Jihyun Sohn (손지현)

What do Chinese and Koreans think about the Imperial Japan Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere?


Historically, I think the yen block was a pretty good idea that was put in place wrong. Promoting free movement of means of production and free trade would have been a great idea, if it wasn't for the fact it was carried out through oppression and colonisation.

As for now?



Take out the ‘Imperial Japan’ part, replace it with equality, and I actually consider the basics of it a decent idea……if it wasn't for the large differences in economic and social structure of some East Asian countries (cough cough China). I'd also call it the *East Asia Union (EAU), after the European Union (EU).

* In this case, I'll use East Asia to apply to the three Northeast Asian countries as well as the Southeast Asian countries such as the ASEAN.

Maybe between Korea, Japan, Taiwan and the ASEAN countries - the reasons I'd take out China are:




1.The biggest reason is difference in population. Oh God. If we promoted free borders with China, imagine the people that would come, if only to travel and visit. Let's say roughly 10% of each population decides to travel to another EAU country. That would be roughly 5 million in Korea, 10 million in Japan. China? 135 million. hahahaha *wild panicked laughter*. Considering the geographic size differences of China and the rest of us, we'd explode.

2.Economic systems. I have no clue how we'd make it work with the differences between capitalism and co sm (Vietnam would apply in this case as well).

1. 最大的原因在于人口的差异。哦,上帝。如果我们开放和中国的边境,想象一下会有多少人来旅游和参观。假设每个国家大约有10%的人口决定去其他东亚联盟国家旅行。韩国大约是500万,日本是1000万,中国呢?有1.35亿。考虑到中国和我们这几个国家的国土面积差距,我们会爆炸的。

2.经济体系。我不知道我们该如何处理制度之间的不同  (越南也属于这种情况)。

3. Close economic relations would lead to close political and social relations as we see with the EU. The countries could try to use the EAU as leverage to get China to change, and I doubt the PRC would approve.

4.Lack of control over economic policies. I have no idea how China would react if we told them the EAU had to unite in economic policies and they were not allowed to regulate their exchange rates unless we did as well. I’m presuming not very happily. Not at all.

3. 密切的经济关系将导致密切的政治和社会关系,正如欧盟那样。这些国家可能会试图利用东亚联盟让中国做出改变,我不知道中国会不会同意。


Anyways, all those things would take out China out of the EAU. Now, why do I promote free movement of means of production and free trade?


1.It could stimulate Asia's, particularly Japan and Korea's stagnating economy. Opening barriers would mean more talented people from Southeast Asia to have the opportunity to work with us. Why should we complain? It's a perfect way to resolve our decreasing birth rate issue. Not to mention the investment opportunities that would open up - Korea's suffering ship industry would certainly cheer for one.

2.More investment into the develo Southeast Asian countries. Of course, there should be effort to elevate these countries’ economies through protectionism and developmental aid (without ties) to a certain extent before integrating them into the EAU - we wouldn't want a repeat performance of the Greek Debt crisis.

1. 这样做可以刺激亚洲—特别是日本和韩国—的停滞不前的经济。开放壁垒意味着更多来自东南亚的人才有机会与我们一起工作。我们为什么要抱怨?这是解决出生率下降问题的完美方式。更不用提由此带来的投资机会了—陷入困境的韩国航运业肯定会为此欢呼雀跃。


3.We could work together to improve our human ri hts issues. Do you know how much the EU improved socially after the European Court of Human Rights (Okay, maybe this isn't EU related but it was formed because the European nations were able to collaborate politically, which the EAU would promote) was formed? And the European Union Court? It makes me excited just to think how far East Asia could go if we tried.

4.Better efforts towards peace and cooperation. Enough said.



5.Just…the benefits for individual citizens. Oh man. If I could pop over to Japan for Inari, Thailand for Pad Thai or Taiwan for Bao the way Europeans seem to casually cruise through each other's countries, I'd die happy (and obese, but that's another story altogether).

6.Academic collaboration. Imagine how much more we could develop academically if the best universities our countries worked together! Maybe we could clear up our education systems while we're at it as well.



7.Development. Ha, put us Asians together and we'll do our best to put the rest of the world to shame. To be honest, I'm kind of dreaming about what would happen if the entire Asia had free wifi at Korean speeds…*gulps*

8.Entertainment. Crime crackdown. Environment. Diplomatic relations. Stronger East Asian identity. I could go on and on. Maybe some world domination, although we'd make it subtle as possible bwahaha.



Unfortunately, I don't see this happening anytime soon, and I doubt it would happen as happily as I dream.


1.International Politics would prevent the EAU from forming, as China feels encircled. God knows how South Korea's buddy up North would react as well. The US and EU would probably be happy though.

2.Ethnic nationalism and racism.

3.The current bad relations between all of the East Asian countries. The EU had the aftermath of WW2 to unite Europe. East Asia only has the lingering resentment of colonisation and atrocities performed by each country (Yes, Korean soldiers also committed horrific crimes in Vietnam).




4.The issues that come up with multinational companies - especially those of Korea and Japan. It's more likely that these companies would take advantage of the poorer Southeast Asian countries like Cambodia without certain barriers against them in place.

5.Differences in development.

6.And a bunch of other problems I wouldn't be able to anticipate as a mere student.




It's unfortunate, but the EAU will remain just an idealistic dream in my head…for now.





Qi Feng

Why did Koreans historically look down on Japan even though Japan had its own brilliant civilization and was considered equal to China?


Because Japan was only partially civilized in the eyes of ancient Korean.

The most important part of chinese civilization were confucianism and the imperial exam,which was considered as what made the civilized world different from barbarian.

Japan didn't fully honor confuciansm and imperial exam. So it was not as civilized as korea and vietnam.




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