

Would you rather be rich in a poor country, or poor in a rich country?





Eva Terry

A few months ago an Uber driver drove me home from the airport. He was an African immigrant in his 50s.

He told me that he used to own a mine. But his “friend” in the government betrayed him by stealing his mine.

He immigrated to the US and his whole family live here now. His sons are developers for local tech companies. My guess is that they live very comfortable lives. They are not rich.

My Grandpa Don used to say, “poor folks have poor ways.”





Poor countries are poor for non-financial reasons.

Things like corruption, war, dic ship, and poverty-inducing cultural norms cause poverty.

The rule of law is one of the greatest accomplishments of mankind. Many countries still don’t respect it.

I would rather be a poor person in a rich country - any day of the week.

You could be a rich person in a poor country one minute, then the government comes along and takes all of your stuff.






Venezuela, anyone?

American and European expats love to live in poor countries in Latin America and Asia because, by comparison, they can live a wealthy lifestyle.

But at the first sign of trouble they can leave the country and go back to their rich country of origin. So in my opinion that doesn’t count.

I would love to go spend some time in Mexco, Brazil, Thailand, and other places like that. But there is no way that I would move my wife and kids there permanently.





Having rights, decent schools, a community with common values, and not worrying about getting mugged are way too important to me.

Poor people in rich countries can change their station in life.

Rich people in foreign countries can have everything taken away by the government at the drop of the hat. That’s why they tend to invest much of their wealth abroad, so that it’s somewhere where their government can’t touch it.







Laurie Caldwell

This question would be better if it were, “Would you rather be rich in the POOREST country or poor in the RICHEST country?”

Simply any “poor” country could be, say, Mexco, and living as a rich person there is quite pleasant. You can have a nice car, get cable TV, eat at fine restaurants, shop in malls — and average people won’t begrudge you much for it.



But if you’re talking extremely poor countries, like Yemen, the Congo or Haiti, your life may be in danger and basic amenities like getting decent Internet and TV and clean water and roads that are well paved may be hard to come by. And it’s really disheartening looking at extreme poverty whenever you venture out. You’d probably need armed guards, have private tutors for your kids and worry about juntas. Women wouldn’t have basic rights, and there wouldn’t be much of an arts scene. There’d be few like-minded people to talk to.


But being poor in a rich country is fine — you can go to free museums, have a smart phone, get 200 TV channels, libraries, relative safety, etc. You may not have a Rolls Royce, but you can pick up some junker car and drive the same highways as the rich and famous.

So, ultimately — depends. I’d rather be rich in Mexco than poor in the USA or Western Europe, but I wouldn’t want to live in certain countries because, even if wealthy, I’d have to give up some basic rights and freedoms.






Colleen Robinson

This isn’t much of a fair question any more.

There once was a time when “to have access to it all” you basically needed to live in the US or one of its near friends (Canada or Australia followed to a lesser degree by Western Europe). But that long since ended by the end of the 90s. Today, in a number of niche fields (software development, acting, certain sports), all paths still lead to the US. Outside of a few things, you can get whatever you want in a “poor” country.




Because you never defined poor. Mexco is rich by global standards. Mexco is poor by American. I could move to Mexco and get a 10x increase in my spending power. If my husband gets a digital job, that’s exactly what we’re gonna do for a year. So, the answer seems clear, depending on your attachments and if you have the ability to go, being a rich person in a poor country really works out.






Angelito Aseneta Jr.

If say at the end of the day wealth is a matter of perspective and strategy on how to save more than what you earn; live in a place where you dont feel as if you wanna escape from it, that is real wealth.

Most people ive met coming from the wealthiest nations in the world have financial horror stories which wouldve had been easily prevented if they chose to improve their perspective and goals in life.



A few example is an expat migrating to a third world country to escape their ever increasing student and creditcard debt from their homeland, working overseas to live the retired life early, while expecting their entitlement for the government to write off their collective debt. Escape is never a good thing.


Most Filipino family rely on a single breadwinner to go abroad to earn money for the whole family expecting this poor fellow to takecare of all if not the major expenses of the kin at home while the rest live the best of their lives, expecting for them to be able to go there as well, only to find out that the breadwinner have been accumulating debt to finance the expenses way back home and the $15/hr minimum salary (as of 2023) cant even put a decent roof over their head when they get there, all because they spend exactly if not more than what they earn.


Some of the best stories ive heard are from the jews and chinese families who have helped one another to jointly work together building their own industry in their homeland from wherever they were born instilling their dignified culture before sending their children abroad for education and the expansion of family business.





Hannah Madden

Rich in a poor country.

The rich always have the best of everything, no matter where they are.

What they can’t buy locally, they can import.







Sana Pal

I don't think it matters if the country is poor or not. As long as you are rich, you're definitely privileged unlike many others. Imagine being able to afford a high quality education, a good house and healthcare and still having some money to spend!





Anjali Parihar

Without a doubt, a rich in a poor country.

So, let's say you happen to live in one of these countries:




and you happen to drive this:



or counting these money, in maybe Nigerian currency



Would you mind that?


Even if you are from some backward and poor country in Asia and Africa but you have money, you can CHOOSE to go to some big fancy school in US, UK. You will have a say, a power in wherever you are. Wealth attracts people, so don’t tell me it doesn’t matter. People generally at unconscious level judge someone based on their looks, attire and dressing. That’s the way society operates. Remember the recent incident wherein a scammer pretended to be a wealthy member of Arab royal family and stayed for a long number of days in some fancy hotel in Delhi showing off his car. Imagine some not so fancy person going there and enjoying luxuries without paying first. Would the staff had allowed that?


In India, people are crazy about civil services despite knowing they can be thrown in any city/village of any district of any state. So, a person born, brought up and educated in Delhi/Mumbai may find himself/herself in some town of Jharkhand or Manipur. But he/she will be treated in a way as if they own the place. And people go for that government job, to be an elite person there, to be rich in poor.


Now, coming to being poor in rich countries - man, there is nothing in sexy in being poor.

you can’t afford food;


Home, or education; most probably you will die soon, obviously lifestyle affects life expectancy and don’t even get me started on emergencies like covid, wars where differences get if anything, exaggerated.





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