

What would have happened in India if it hadn't been partitioned in 1947?





Kent Knight

This might be a controversial answer, but here is what the alternative history would have been like:


Political issues:


The Indian National Congress would have been the strongest party post-British Raj because it played a central role in the independence movement. This party would have won most of the elections for a couple of decades.

There would have been an All India Muslim league, which would have been the second largest national party. It would have been very successful in areas like Bengal, Hyderabad, all the states of Pakistan, Kashmir, etc.



There is a good possibility that the BJP would have emerged at a later stage, but would have been a weaker party. It is because with the presence of the Muslim League, both INC and BJP would have been perceived as Hindu parties.

Imagine all the regional parties that would have come up. There would have been one each for Sinhalese, Gorkhas, Balochis, Pashtuns, Bhutanese, Bengalis, Tamils, Telugus, etc.



South Asian Union - a failed state?


All this means that the very notion of de ocracy wouldn't have made any sense at all. This hypothetical country would have got caught in the coalition politics and would have lost its way.

The main reason why Indian de ocracy works is because regional parties are limited only to a couple of states and every state (except Tamil Nadu) has a national party in the ruling or the opposition.



Also, the Muslim voters in India are very evenly spread out in all constituencies, along the length and the breadth of the country which rules out the possibility of a national party that caters to Muslims in specific (like the All India Muslim League). This helped the Indian Muslims join the mainstream politics through Indian national congress, etc. and lead to their active participation in the Indian de ocracy. Now, in the hypothetical SAU this would not have been possible and on the contrary.


You should also consider that most of India's neighbors are extremely unstable and permanently stuck in crises. Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, Myanmar were all politically unstable since they became independent.


Personal opinions:


We would have still been able to build a strong, successful liberal, de ocracy- but that is my personal opinion. The Sinhalese part of Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bhutan, United Bengal would have made excellent states in the new Indian republic because all of them have a strong unique linguistic basis to be independent states in India.





Meghan Holland

We could've visited Haṛappa and Mohenjodaro. They could've visited Delhi and Agra. We could've sailed in Indus they in Brahmaputra.

India would've been larger from east to west (from Baluchistan to Tripura) than north to south (Kashmir to kanyakumari).

No wagha border ceremonies. No 16 December celebrations (1971 Indo Pak war).




No movies like Border, no books like Train to Pakistan, no shayaris like Muhajirnama (by Munawwar Rana; a great peice and should be read).

No mumbai and similar attacks.

No need of Border security force, coast guards.

Maybe no nuclear power in Indian subcontinent.

We would've grieved more for Peshawar school attacks and they for naxal attacks.









Amit K Arora

India would not have been a stable country. The alternative to partition was ‘grou of provinces’ on communal lines. innah wanted that within a Muslim group of provinces, and a Hindu group of provinces within a united India, innah wanted 4 tiers of government - lowest level being local bodies (Municipal Councils/Corporations and Panchayats), a government at the level of every province/state, goverment at the level of group of Muslim majority provinces and the group of Hindu majority provinces, and at the top a weak federal/central government with very few powers (only external defence, foreign affairs, currency and communications) and totally dependent on Muslim group and Hindu group of provinces for funding with no tax levying powers of its own. Basically, innah was asking for a bigger Pakistan within a weak India.


The question of Princely States. Congress and Muslim League had different ideologies on princely states. Muslim League favoured autonomy to Princely states. This could have balkanised India.





Apogee the Mleccha

Positive side:-


There won't be any Kashmir issue, as we know it.


No Bangladesh Genocide either



India is the biggest country in terms of population, putting China behind. (Not sure whether that can be considered a positive, but a large population can lead to a certain advantage).


Probably has the largest armed forces in the world.

More importantly, there won't be any Taliban, Cold War would have looked different in the late 80s, since U.S. and Pakistan won't be allies. As, in real life, the U.S. took the help of Pakistan to do something about the Soviet presence in Afghanistan, for which Pakistan used its ISI to do stuff like arming and training the Mujahideen rebels. In the early 90s, some of those rebels eventually formed the Taliban that we know today.



There won’t be any Al-Qaeda too, since they also trace their origins from these Mujahideen folks, Osama Bin Laden himself was a Mujahideen rebel, despite being an Arab.


Then probably there won't be any 9/11.

That also means no War on Terror (at least it won’t be the same as we know it).

No ISIS - since they also trace their origins from those Mujahideen fighters, as their founder, Zarqawi was also an Arab Mujahideen, before allying himself with Al-Qaeda, and later becoming the founder of what eventually becomes the Islamic State/Daesh.

No other terror attacks in India like the 1992 Bombay blasts and 26/11.





No violence against innocent Kashmiri folks by Indian Army

No Balochistan issue (probably).

Indians who we know had left Pakistan side before partition, would have remained in their hometown and villages. So, no largest population exchange in history - that never happened in this timeline.




There won't be any Khalistan issue, since Sikhs are minorities in Punjab, hence is no place for Sikh extremism to thrive. Or at least it would look different than what it actually turned out to be.

Lahore is still the capital of Punjab. Probably there isn’t any need for Chandigarh.

No Islamabad too.

All the money spent on war and defense could be spent for other relevant purposes.

不会发生卡利斯坦问题,因为锡克教徒在旁遮普邦是少 数民族,因此锡克教极端主义没有发展的空间,至少会跟现在不一样。




Negative side:-


This is tough to guess, as it depends on various factors.

My favourite books like Midnight's Children by Salman Rushdie, which is based on partition and further Indian Pakistan struggles won't exst.

Movies like Border, Gadar, Bhajaragi Bhaijaan or countless other movies on Partition or India-Pakistan conflict also won't be a thing.



像《边境》、《边关风暴》、《Bhajaragi Bhaijaan》等无数反映分治和印巴冲突的电影也不会上映了。

Not sure about India’s role in Cold War in this timeline.

There will be communal riots, time and again, that still happen in both India and Pakistan today. But can't predict the extent of it. Hope both central and state governments in this timeline would have taken necessary actions to prevent religious extremism.

If they are incompetent enough there will be some large-scale conflicts, that would probably culminate in a civil war.




The descendants of Partition refugees who were born after partition wouldn’t even exst, since partition itself never happened, so their parents never met, this also includes several prominent people in India and Pakistan, that we know today (or somehow even in this timeline circumstances had to lead to their meeting).


Many Maharajas at the time hoped to remain autonomous if independence ever happened, they were pretty close with Congress, ho for that future. But then WW2 happened - after that British simply wanted to leave India. Then Partition happened - Indian leaders can’t risk another partition, so automatically, they assumed had to bid goodbye to these princely states, as these autonomous entities would be a threat to a united India, on top of that, Nehru and many other Congress leaders weren’t a huge fan of those Maharajas, I wonder what excuse they would have, in this timeline, to make these rajas give up their kingdom, it’s pretty confusing to even imagine, or I’m just overthinking it.


The Chinese threat is still inevitable in this timeline, I’m not sure how this undivided India is going to handle this.

Indo-China War of 1962 and the eventual dispute of Aksai Chin would also be inevitable.



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